

【作者】 党娇

【导师】 赵振斌;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 在当今开放性市场环境条件下,旅游目的地发展已由初期产品的竞争逐渐演化为旅游地形象之间的竞争。合理恰当的旅游形象设计和传播可以给旅游者以鲜明、有冲击力的旅游地感知,增强旅游地特色和旅游吸引力,使旅游地在激烈的竞争中保持领先。然而,实证研究发现,媒体中传播的旅游地形象往往存在分裂现象。由于目的地国家和客源地国家营销理念的不同,不同旅游产业部门及旅游管理部门之间关注的重点各异,加之旅游形象塑造和传播缺乏应有的整合机制,导致通过多种渠道传播的旅游地形象出现不一致,即分裂状态。这种分裂状态至少产生了以下两方面的不良结果:首先,导致了营销工作的效率降低和营销资源浪费;其次给目标市场游客提供了混乱的旅游形象构成,直接影响潜在游客的出游决策。互联网技术的发展和普及,使网络成为游客出游决策的重要信息来源,同时也成为旅游目的地营销的重要渠道。网络的大信息量、传播快捷和多媒体形式也使其成为旅游地形象传播和塑造的重要媒介。对互联网中传播的旅游地形象进行研究,认识形象传播中出现的问题,寻找针对性的对策,无疑对旅游地形象建设有重要的理论和实践意义。文章开头部分,笔者通过研究互联网的发展、中国互联网的发展、中国旅游互联网的发展以及西安市旅游发展现状,指出互联网这一工具在发展旅游业中起到了突出的作用。利用互联网研究旅游形象,无疑是一种新的可探索的方法。在相关研究综述方面,笔者通过大量收集、阅读、整理和分析国内外关于旅游形象、旅游目的地形象、城市旅游形象、旅游形象感知、以及利用互联网对旅游形象研究的相关资料,从旅游学的角度解读网络游记,探讨旅游地形象,以此为旅游地的宣传和营销提供可供参考的资料,对旅游地形象建设有重要的理论和实践意义。在研究方法阶段,笔者讨论了内容分析法、对应分析法、AntConc软件分析法以及ROST英语词频统计软件分析法。首先简单介绍了这四种方法,其次在研究步骤阶段进行了样本选取和网站文本内容获取,并对文本内容做了预处理,再对其进行相应的分析。在研究结果阶段,首先列出了样本分类的内容分析结果。从结果可见,最终提取的用于构建西安旅游目的地形象的高频特征词主要包括名词、动词和形容词,名词主要集中在旅游吸引物方面,动词主要反映旅游活动,形容词主要表现为游客对旅游地形象的感知。综合所有网站文本内容使用频率最高的50个特征词,互联网传播的西安旅游目的地形象归纳为以下几个主题:历史文化、城市地位、宗教文化、旅游体验、社区生活、旅游服务、自然景观、休闲娱乐等。从词频分析表和景区排名前十的表中都可以看出,各类旅游网站对西安的人文景观宣传较多,但是对自然景观和休闲景观宣传较少。从对应分析的结果可以得出,各类网站构建并传播的西安旅游目的地形象出现分裂现象。在对西安市的旅游形象整合对策方面,首先提出了要更加形象化地宣传历史文化,并注重优质服务形象的树立以及要注重宗教文化在旅游形象塑造中的作用、注重独特的生活方式,和东方特色社区文化的宣传。本研究的创新点:本文在文献分析法、对应分析法等常用的分析方法的基础之上,又创新性地运用了内容分析法、AntConc和ROST软件分析法。首次用内容分析的方法量化研究西安市网络旅游形象传播和塑造问题,摒弃了以往对旅游形象研究中出现弊端的问题,力求研究结果的科学性与可靠性,研究结果有利于指导西安市入境旅游的深度开发。

【Abstract】 In today’s open market environment conditions, the development of tourism destination has evolved into the initial products between a competition and tourist image. The reasonable and appropriate design and dissemination of tourism image can be distinctive,and can enhance the attractiveness of tourists and travel features, it can also make travel destination stay ahead in the fierce competition.However,through the empirical study,we have found that the media transmission of destination image is splitting.As the difference of marketing concept between destination countries and generation countries,different tourism industries and management departments have focused on different parts,building and dissemination of tourism image are lack of intergration mechanisms,all of these lead to inconsistent phenomenon when spreading image through multiple channels.This divided phenomenon has produced at least the following two negative results:firstly,leading to the reduced efficiency of marketing work and the waste of marketing resource;sencodly,supplying the chaos of tourism image to the target market,which has directly impacted on travel decisions of potential tourists.With the development and spreading of the Internet technology,network has become the important information source when having travel decisions,but also become an significant channels when having travel marketing.The large amout of information,fast spreading and multimedia forms of networking have become important medium of the transmission and shaping about destination image. Studying the transmission of network about the destination image,knowing the problems of image spreading,looking for targeted measures,all of these have important theoretical and practical significance about the construction of destination image.At the beginning of the article,through studying the development of Internet、China’s Internet、China’s tourism Internet and the tourism development about Xi’an city,the author has pointed out that Internet has played a prominent role in the development of tourism industry. Studying tourism image by the means of Internet is undoubtedly a new and can be explored method. When doing the summary of research, the author has collected lots of information about tourism image、the destination tourism image、the image of urban tourism、tourism image perception、and the relevant information of using Internet about studying image.Also, the author has pointed out that it has important theoretical and practical significance about the construction of travel image though studying travel notes from the perspective of tourism science and discussing travel image.In the stage of the research method,the author has discussed the content analysis、correspondence analysis、AntConc software and ROST English word frequency analysis.Firstly,the author has briefly introduced these four methods.Secondly,when doing the procedure stage,the author has selected the sites and the content texts,made a pre-text and a corresponding analysis.In the study phase of research results,the author has listed the results of content analysis.From the results,we can see that the hige-frequency characteristics of words are including nouns,verbs and adjectives.The nouns are mainly in terms of tourist attractions,the verbs are mainly reflected the tourist activities,the adjectives are mainly manifested the image perception.Consolidating the 50 most frequently features of words of all websites,the author has pointed out that the Xi’an tourism destination image of websites can be summarized as the following topics:historical and cultural、urban status、religion and culture、tourism experiences、community life、tourism services、natural landscape、recreation and so on.From the table of word frequency analysis and the first top ten scenic spots,it can be seen that the publicity about the cultural landscape of Xi’an is much more,but the publicity about the natural and leisure landscape is less.From the the results of the corresponding analysis,it can be seen that Xi’an tourism destination image which is constructed and disseminated by all kinds of websites is splited.About the integration of measures about Xi’an tourism image,the author has pointed out that it should be made more vividly to promote history and culture; focusing on establishing the quality service and pay attention to religious and culture;laying emphasis on the unique way of life and the oriental culture of the community advocacy.The innovation of this study is:Based on the document analysis、correspondence analysis and other commonly methods, this paper also innovatively use content analysis、AntConc and ROST software analysis.Firstly use the method of content analysis to research the transmission and modelling about Xi’an tourism image,getting rid of the past abuses of the problems of tourism image about tourism image.For the purpuse of scientific and reliability resulsts,the consequence is beneficial to the depth of the development of the immigration tourism about Xi’an.

【关键词】 互联网旅游形象内容分析法西安市
【Key words】 websitestourism imagecontent analysisXi’an city
  • 【分类号】F592.7;F49
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】734
  • 攻读期成果