

Research on Career Planning Education of Lanzhou University

【作者】 董廷云

【导师】 管会生;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 高等教育学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 我国高等教育从精英化教育向大众化教育转变的过程中,高校毕业生就业已成为社会普遍关注的话题,也成为国家实施民生工程的首要任务。大学生就业难已成为一个让国家和教育界以及学生所在家庭和个人都面临的问题,如何做好大学生就业指导成为摆在我们面前的难题。分析原因,我们不难发现就业难有扩招以及社会经济发展方式转变、高等教育体制与社会衔接方面存在差距等因素,同时,作为学生,在生涯规划方面的欠缺也是重要的因素之一。本文从职业生涯教育的起源和发展、职业生涯教育的主要理论入手,阐述了我国当前职业生涯教育的现状和存在的不足。首先,在教育的理念上,职业生涯教育没有全面普及;在教育过程中,只注重大学生毕业前的就业指导,而对于大学生低年级期间的生涯规划教育较少:在指导内容上,理论性的内容过多,对于学生的生涯规划指导的具体操作较少;在授课师资方面,以兼职思想政治工作者为主,缺少专业的教育指导人员。以兰州大学在近年来的实践过程为例,提出了促进大学生职业生涯教育的有效对策和改进建议。在授课内容当中增加互动环节,不是教会学生规划的具体内容,而是引导学生思考为什么规划和如何规划;将低年级学生的生涯教育与毕业生的就业指导结合,真正做到教育全程化;教材本土化研究以及理论与实践相结合的教学模式;加强师资培训,以专兼职结合的方式,培养一批理论功底扎实,指导能力强的专业师资;设立专门的教研组织,以保证更好地开展教学任务,评估课程效果;教学与学科研究相结合,以研究促进教学,以教学中的问题变为课题予以研究。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, the higher education of our country has developed from elite to popularization. At the same time, the problems about graduate employment have become the hot topic which is question of common concern. This is also the primary task for livelihood projects of China. Students’ difficulties in job-hunting has become a difficult problem for the country, academic circles, the family and the personnel, and how to finish the vocational counsel for college students is a hard nut for us. Through analyzing the courses, it is easy to find that students’ difficulties in job hunting is related to enrollment increasing, the change of the economy-increase-mode, the difference between higher education system and society, simultaneously, the shortcoming in individual occupation career planning is also the important factor.The thesis starts from the origin, development and main theories of professional career education, analyzes the current situation and disadvantages of our country’s, including that professional career education guidance hasn’t been popular in theory. During the education we pay attention to the career guidance for college graduates rather than whole-course education. In content of guidance, we teach too much theory rather than concrete operations for students’career planning guidance. In the teacher team, we are lack of the professional teachers and make mental workers as guidance teacher predominantly.Take Lanzhou University as an example. The university proposes some effective countermeasures and improvement advices for college students’career education during their practical process. It includes that they add the interactive segment, teaching the student to think that why they should plan and how to plan rather than the concrete contents. They combine the career education of lower grade students with career guidance of graduates in order to finish the full-time education. They have a research on teaching material’s indigenization and make theory and practice together. They concentrate on faculty training in the way of full-time and part-time in order to cultivate some good grounding teachers in theory and guide ability. They set up the professional teaching and research organization in sure to guarantee that they could start the teaching task and evaluate the curriculum effect. They combine the teaching with subject research, make research promote the teaching and take the problems of the teaching as the task to research.

【关键词】 大学生职业生涯教育研究
【Key words】 college studentscareerlifetime educationresearch
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 11期