

On the Authority and Limits of Network Communication Regulation

【作者】 葛世凯

【导师】 彭涛;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 新闻学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 网络这一颠覆传统传播理念的媒介,已经深刻嵌入人们日常生活的惯例中。网络的开放性、自由性、匿名性、交互性等媒介特质在展示巨大优势、给人们带来极大便捷和实惠的同时,由于网络技术理性与网络价值理性两种属性的内在矛盾的不平衡性发展,也带了网民社会隔离、网络成瘾、网络虚假信息泛滥、媚俗之风盛行、网络隐私侵权、网络信息安全隐患等网络积弊。中国网络失范主要表现为以下几个方面:1、网络法律失范;2、网络伦理失范;3、网络价值失范;4、国际网络信息秩序失范。笔者分析网民的媒介参与心理,结合网络传播的实践经验,从谷歌退出大陆市场事件看待我国的网络安全形势,吸取有关学者关于网络把关的相关理论精华,试图提出网络传播把关人的合力模式,并以此为基础对网络进行把关。网络传播的把关人是指在网络传播系统之中,对传受者发布的新闻、信息、资讯、广告、娱乐等进行中继和过滤,并对传受者的思想和网络行为、媒介素养进行约束和塑造的人、组织或技术、制度、公德、体制、法律法规以及相关政策。网络传播的把关人可分为两大类:“有形的手”和“无形的手”。“有形的手”涵盖了网站采编人员、网民记者、意见领袖(网络推手)、网络个人、坛主(或称楼主)、政府及其职能部门等其他参与网络传播以及网络活动的人和组织。“无形的手”包括网络传播所有制形式、网络传播技术、网络传播的相关法律法规以及政府政策、网络伦理道德、网络传播秩序、网络文化认同、网络媒介素养、群体或组织属性与利益等方面。网络传播把关人遵循网络运行规律履行把关职责,需要恪守系统性原则、发展性原则、多元性原则、人本与自由原则、拿来主义原则。构建国际视野下的互联网络传播把关体系与国家网络信息安全体系,需要重点做好以下几点:1、构建中国特色的网络民族文化认同体系及网络道德认同体系;2、加快形成一整套完善的网络法律法规体系;3、发挥政府总调度室的功效;4、将网络传播系统的把关权集中于网站上面;5、着力研发融入价值理性的网络科技;6、保持网民网络媒介素养教育的常态化;7、加快构建民主法治、公平正义、诚信友爱、充满活力、安定有序的社会主义和谐社会。只有综合网络多种把关要素,只有逐步提高“有形的手”和“无形的手”的“把关”能力,才可以建构一种伦理和科技、信息和道义的互动平衡和协调发展的良性机制。

【Abstract】 Internet, which overturned the traditional concept of communication, has been deeply-rooted in our daily-life. While the openness, freedom, anonymity and interactivity of the Internet bring great convenience and benefits to our life on the one hand, the intrinsic contradiction between Internet’s two properties:Internet as a tool and Internet as a business, has triggered some perennial problems on the other. De-socialization, addiction, the deluge of fabricated news, tabloidization, the violation of Internet privacy and the potential safety hazard of network information have arisen from the abuse of Internet.In China, the violation of norms on the Internet are listed as follow, the violation of laws, the violation of ethics, the overestimation of Internet’s values and the safety hazard of state secrets.This paper has analyzed netizens’participation psychology and drawn implications on the current situation of China’s network safety from Google’s withdrawal from mainland China. Combining some established theories in this field and the practices of network transmission, the paper attempts to advance a coordinate model for network regulators, which can be applied in future network regulation.Network regulators can be defined as the personnel, the institutions, the technology, the system, the ethics, the laws and policies that govern the selection and mediation of network information in forms of news, data, advertisements, etc., as well as constrain and form the thinking, behavior and habits of internet users. Internet regulators can be classified into two types:"the visible hand" and "the invisible hand". "The visible hand" includes web page designers, journalists, representatives of netizens, BBS moderators, as well as other government institutions and officials that engage in the network communication. "The invisible hand" includes intangible factors that are related to network communication, such as, the ownership, the technology, rules and policies, ethics, order, system, the cultural identity, the interests, the habits and so on.To fulfill their responsibilities, network regulators should act under the principles of systematization, sustainability, diversity, putting human first, freedom and selective takism. In order to establish a regulation system for network communication and a protective system for network information at international level, several measures should be taken. One, an Internet system with Chinese characteristics for national cultural identity and netizens’identification should be set up. Two, steps of establishing an effective legislative system executive system that controls network communications should be quickened. Three, the general regulative power of the Central government should be put into full play. Four, attention and management should be focused on the design of website. Five, technology that instills rational use of the Internet into netizens should be further developed. Six, consistent efforts should be devoted to the cultivation of netizens’ethical quality. Seven, accelerate the construction of a harmonious socialist society, a democratic society under the rule of law, a society based on equity and justice, an honest and caring society, a society full of vigor and a stable and orderly society.The coordination of the various factors and the improvement of the efficiency of "the visible hand" and "the invisible hand" in network regulation is the only way to an appropriate network system in which social ethics and technology can develop in a harmonious state.
