
从历史有效性看两位译者汉译Uncle Tom’s Cabin

A Comparative Study on Two Chinese Versions of Uncle Tom’s Cabin from the Perspective of Effective History

【作者】 王之杰

【导师】 李亚丹;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文拟从伽达默尔的哲学阐释学角度对林纾和张培均两位译者所译的两版《黑奴吁天录》进行描述性文本分析,以历史的有效性作为理论依据,从历史有效性的时间延异维度观察意义在空间差异中的流变,考察清末民初和新中国改革开放初期译本文学样式的变化与意义的传达及其历史性原因,同时论证复译的必要性,认可不同历史阶段的各个译者对翻译文学发展和创作,乃至于人文的启蒙所作的卓越贡献。阐释学滥觞于古希腊,在其发展演变的历史长河中,阐释学与文学的解读逐渐密不可分。文学在审美和感染力层面所蕴含的抽象意义总是不断地被理解为各种与原意义相似又相异的新意义。在哲学阐释学中,伽达默尔将这一现象认定为认知主体间视域的融合。视域的融合从根本上带有时间的属性,因而历史的有效性是视域融合、意义演变的核心规律。《黑奴吁天录》以政治小说的面貌第一次出现于半殖民地半封建社会的中国,由林纾与人合译。随后一直未有全译本问世。在新中国第二次翻译高潮中再又同时出现了两个全译本。张培均的译本与林译同名,因异化成分较多,长期以来被翻译文学史忽略,但从该译本的篇幅、注释和序言等各个方面看,张培均的译本亦应得到翻译研究者同等的关注。本文发现,历史有效性能够作为一般性的哲学基础,解释在林译和张译两个版本的对比中呈现出的差异,尤其是两位译者通过各自独特的文艺思想和政治主张在诗学方面作了怎样的翻译选择,继而对体裁、叙事方式、人物对话等等所作的诠释,都可藉由历史的有效性得到合理圆满的解释。通过对翻译活动的产物,即译本的研究,本文旨在使两位译者对翻译文学和中国文学所作的贡献得到更为直接、深刻的认识,并于文学再创造上获得充分认可,从而提升译者在本国文学中的地位。

【Abstract】 This dissertation intends to make a descriptive textual analysis of the Chinese translations of Uncle Tom’s Cabin rendered by Lin Shu in 1900s and Zhang Peijun in 1980s respectively. Based on the theoretical concept of effective history, changes of meaning will be observed in terms of temporal deferral, with its focus upon differences between the two versions plus the reasons behind in history, so that the necessity of re-translations can be defended and the efforts of the translators at different historical periods will be thus recognized for their each contribution to literary creation and development as well as the enlightenment on humanity in the society of the time.Hermeneutics emerged from the philosophical discussions in ancient Greek. Along its evolvement in the long history, it has been gradually associated with the interpretation of literature. As the abstract meaning awakening readers’echo on the layer of esthetics can be interpreted as one that is both similar to and different from the original meaning, Gadamer defines the phenomenon in his hermeneutics as fusion of subjects’horizons. The fusion of horizons is essentially a question of time. Therefore, the concept of effective history comes into being as the core in fusions of horizons and meaning changes. Uncle Tom’s Cabin was firstly translated into Chinese by Lin Shu and his cooperator as a political novel in the semi-feudal and semi-colonial society of China. After that, there had been no complete versions any more until the second thriving period of literary translation in CHN came forward. As one of the two versions published in the same year, Zhang Peijun’s version, which shares the same title with Lin Shu’s version, has been neglected by most of the researchers, only because it fails to cater for the public taste with a bunch of foreignization strategies. However, aspects like the number of words, the annotations and the translator’s attitude reflected in the preface have implied preliminarily that it deserves much more attention in translation studies.The thesis has discovered that effective history can be relied on as a general philosophical basis for the hermeneutical interpretation of differences presented in the comparison of the two versions. The choice they made in the translations with their own poetical and political beliefs, together with their selections of genre and narrative mode, handling of characters’dialogues, figures of speech etc., can be sufficiently explained by effective history. Consequently, from this study of the translations, what the two translators have done for the translated literature and Chinese literature as a whole will be revealed in a more direct and insightful sense and their efforts made for literary recreation will be recognized; hence the enhancement of the translators’ status in Chinese literary history.

  • 【分类号】H059;I046
  • 【下载频次】94