

An Optimal Design and the Development of the Experimental Platform of Water Supply and Drainage Based on a Evaluation Method of Fuzzy Mathematics

【作者】 兰少飞

【导师】 李绍勇; 王瑛;

【作者基本信息】 兰州理工大学 , 市政工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 给水排水系统是现代建筑的重要组成部分,为了满足现代建筑多样化的实用功能要求,其配套的给水排水工程衍生出了许多新系统,各系统的管道、设备布置日趋复杂化,为直观、完整地展示现代给排水系统的各系统的组成,我们研制了给排水自动控制实验平台。该实验平台采用模糊数学的模糊综合评判理论分别对实验平台给水系统供水方式、排水系统排水方式和消火栓灭火系统给水方式进行优化选择。得出结论:给排水实验平台生活给水系统采用变频泵直接加压分区并联的供水方式供水效果最佳;排水系统采用专用通气立管(设伸顶通气管)的排水系统,其技术指标、经济指标和社会环境指标较为优越;当假设实验平台建筑类型为规范中规定的一类建筑时,其消火栓灭火系统采用消防给水泵并联分区的给水系统;当假设实验平台为规范中规定的二类建筑时,其消火栓灭火系统应采用变频调速泵供水方式的消火栓系统。本文采用支管特性系数法对实验平台自动喷水灭火系统进行了优化设计,并通过对实验平台管道中的压强测试,将实际测得的管道压强值与经理论计算得出理论压强散点图的拟合曲线进行比对,得出结论:实验平台自动喷水灭火系统管道设计与理论计算结果基本符合。经过对实验平台生活给水系统、消火栓灭火系统和自动喷水灭火系统按所述测试方法的进行测试,该实验平台能够测定给排水各系统的设定点的压力、流速和管流量等参数,在该平台上能进行变频供水试验,各系统管道连接试验,排水系统中横立管的水、气流动规律试验,消火栓系统、自动喷水灭火系统和水喷雾系统灭火实验等基础实验,能够作为给排水工程实验室主要教学实验设备和建筑给排水工程系统管网设计计算是否合理的验证性工具。

【Abstract】 A water supply and drainage system is one of the important components of a modern building. In order to satisfy the diverse requirements of practical function for the modern building, a lot of new systems are derived from the corresponding engineering of water supply and drainage, and the layout of pipes and equipments in each system becomes increasingly complex. An experimental platform is developed to fully and intuitively display the components of each system in the engineering of water supply and drainage.The fuzzy comprehensive evaluation theory of fuzzy mathematics is adopted to optimize the running methods for the water supply system, the drainage system, and the fire hydrant system in the experimental platform, respectively, which leads to the following results: the best effect for the water supply system is obtained by the parallel connection way of directly pressurized by a variable frequency pump and zoning; the technique,economy and social environment indexes are more excellent since the special venting pipes are used in the drainage system; when the type of the building in the experimental platform is assumed to be the first and second class construction in the national building code, respectively, the corresponding fire hydrant system adopts the water supply system of the parallel connection of fire pumps and zoning and the water supply one of the variable frequency pumps.The characteristic coefficient method of branch pipes is used to optimize the design of the automatic sprinkler system in this paper. By testing the pressures of the pipes in the experimental platform and comparing the measured values of the pipe pressures with the calculated ones of the fitting curve in the theoretical pressure scatter plot, the results can be obtained, indicating that the design of the automatic sprinkler system in the experimental platform is consistent with the results of theoretical calculation.According to the testing methods above, the systems of water supply, fire hydrant, and automatic sprinkler are tested, respectively. The results show that the experimental platform can measure the parameters of set point’s pressures, flow rates and pipe flows of each system in the engineering of water supply and drainage. The basic tests and experiments of the variable frequency water supply, the pipe’s connection of each system, the variable laws of water, air-flow in the horizontal tube and vertical tube of the drainage system, fire hydrant system, automatic sprinkler system, and water spray system fire-extinguishing can be carried out on the experimental platform. The experimental platform can be used as both the main teaching laboratory equipment of the water supply and drainage engineering laboratory and the tool to verify the design and calculation on pipe networks of the water supply and drainage system in the building.
