

On the CPC’s Understanding and Practice of Socialist Accumulation and Consumption

【作者】 阳琼

【导师】 钟德涛;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中共党史, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 社会主义积累与消费的比例关系是国民经济中的重要比例关系;正确处理积累与消费关系对国民经济建设有着重要意义。1953~1957年,中国共产党开始对积累与消费比例关系进行了初步探索,形成了许多正确认识并在经济建设实践中正确处理了这一比例关系。本文从中国共产党的角度出发,对一五时期中共关于社会主义积累与消费的认识进行系统的梳理,并考察这一阶段积累与消费比例关系的处理情况,在此基础上试图对这一阶段中共关于社会主义积累与消费的认识与实践做出客观的评价。文章主要内容包括:第一、二章分别研究马列主义经典作家关于社会主义积累与消费比例关系的理论和苏联在处理这一问题中的经验与教训,对中国共产党对积累与消费问题的认识与实践从理论与实践两方面进行溯源。第三章主要系统地梳理中国共产党在一五时期对于社会主义积累与消费的认识。主要内容包括:中共认识到了社会主义积累与消费之间的辩证统一关系,提出必须兼顾二者;从生产决定消费出发,提出在发展的基础上逐步改善人民的生活;在对二者关系做出正确分析之后,中共又对如何处理积累与消费关系提出了许多可行的措施;提出要正确处理农、轻、重的关系以及合作社内部积累与消费比例关系。第四章主要是在上一章中共对于积累与消费的认识基础上,从基本建设、农、轻、重关系及人民生活三部分对一五时期中积累与消费关系的处理情况进行考察。第五章从前文的研究基础上,对中共关于社会主义积累与消费的比例关系的认识与实践进行评价。

【Abstract】 The ratio between socialist accumulation and consumption is one of the key ratios for the whole distribution in national economy. Therefore, to properly deal with the relationship between accumulation and consumption is of great significance for developing national economy. During 1953~1957, Chinese Communist Party explored their relationship and fonned some correct understanding, thus managed to deal with the relationship between them in the practice of developing economy. This dissertation, by adopting CPC’s stance, reviews systematically the understanding of socialist accumulation and consumption during the First Five-Year Plan, and probes into how CPC dealt with their relationship. Based on this ground, the author attempts to provide objective evaluation on the CPC’s understanding and practice of socialist accumulation and consumption.The outline of this dissertation is as follows:The first two chapters respectively investigate into the theories on socialist accumulation and consumption by Maxist classics authors and the experience of how Soviet Union dealt with this issue. Besides, these two chapters review both the theory and practice of CPC’s understanding and practice of socialist accumulation and consumption.Chapter 3 systematically summarizes CPC’s understanding and practice of socialist accumulation and consumption during the First Five-Year Plan. It mainly includes that CPC has realized the dialectical and united relationship between accumulation, and consumption and that CPC points out that we should improve people’s life based on the assumption that production determines consumption. After correctly having analyzed their relationship, CPC puts forward many feasible strategies as to how to deal with the relationship between accumulation and consumption. It is also pointed out that the relationship among agriculture, light industry and heavy industry and the relationship between accumulation and consumption inside the cooperatives should be handled properly.Chapter 4 devoles into the study about how CPC dealt with the relationship between accumulation and consumption during First Five-Year Plan based on the relationship among fundamental construction, agriculture, light industry and heavy industry and the three parts of people’s lives.The last chapter evaluates CPC’s understanding and practice of the ratio between socialist accumulation and consumption.

  • 【分类号】F124.7
  • 【下载频次】49