

On Foreign Professional Standards of PE Teachers

【作者】 宋雪琳

【导师】 黄爱峰;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 教师专业标准是高等教育培养师资的立足点,是教师专业发展的基本准则。在全世界强调教师教育专业化的背景下,许多国家先后制定了自己的教师专业标准。为顺应教师教育改革的趋势,适应体育课程改革以来我国高等院校对体育教育专业人才培养的需求,本文通过对国外体育教师专业标准的研究和分析,深入阐述了国外体育教师专业标准的实施与颁布情况,以期能够为我国体育教师专业标准的制定和体育教师教育的良性发展提供参考依据。本文主要研究内容为体育教师专业标准,从分析国内外体育教师专业标准的相关文献入手,介绍国内外有关体育教师专业标准的相关制度,以及各国为改善其教师队伍质量所做出的重要举措。以美国为主要参照,对国外教师专业标准的历史演变进行整理,详细介绍了美国NASPE颁布的体育教师专业标准。同时,通过对美国、日本体育教师专业标准和其他国家教师专业标准特点的分析,总结了国外体育教师专业标准的基本特征。在分析国外体育教师专业标准的基础上,本文结合我国体育教师专业化的现状,认为国外体育教师专业标准的实施与颁布对我国体育教师教育标准的制定有如下启示:改革课程体系和实习模式,提高体育教师的培养规格;完善体育教师教育制度,制定连贯的体育教师专业标准;构建体育教师知识体系和技能结构,提高体育教师专业化水平;建立完善的教师教育体系,实现体育教师职前和职后的一体化。

【Abstract】 Teachers’professional standard is the foothold of higher education to train teachers and it is also the basic norm for teacher’s professional development. Many countries developed their own teachers’professional standards on the background that teacher education specialization is emphasized all over the world. To conform with the trend of teacher education reforms and to meet the needs for professional physical education talents of colleges and universities of China since the physical curriculum reforms, this thesis elaborates the status of carrying out the professional standards for P. E. teachers overseas by analyzing the professional standards for P. E. teachers in America and other countries, hoping to provide some references for the formulation and development of P. E. teacher education in our country.The thesis mainly focuses on the professional standards for P. E. teachers. The author studied the related documents of professional standards for P. E. teachers at home and abroad, introduced the systems of professional standards for P. E. teachers in China and other countries and finally centered on the professional standards for P. E. teachers in America. In this paper, the author studied the professional standards for P. E. teachers in America and other countries’, mainly taking the America as the references, and then elaborated the professional standards for P. E. teachers which were issued by American NASPE. Simultaneously, by analyzing the characteristics of professional standards for P. E. teachers in America and Japan and in other countries, the traits of external professional standards for P. E. teachers emerge.On the basis of the analysis of the professional standards for P. E. teachers abroad, this thesis, according to the present status of specialization of P. E. teachers in our country, holds that the implementation and promulgation of external professional standards for P. E. teachers have the following inspirations for the formulation of education standards for P. E. teachers in China:1. Reforming the curriculum systems and improving the norms for educating the P. E. teachers;2. Perfectting a set of education rules for P. E. Teachers and Formulating coherent PE teachers’professional standards;3. Setting up a framework of P. E. teachers’knowledge system and skills and improving the specialization standards of P. E. teachers;4. Building perfected education system for teachers and achieving the integration of P. E. teachers’states before and after taking the job.

  • 【分类号】G807.0
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】800