

Research on the Regulatory Role of Farming System on Agricultural Water Demand

【作者】 梁明

【导师】 喻光明;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 农业生产的发展与耕作制度的演变密不可分,耕作制度作为人类主观协调生产与自然的重要手段,历来都被用来解决农业生产中遇到的各种限制性的因素。当前我国农业发展面临着增产和节水的双重压力,因此在耕作制度内部挖掘节水潜力已经成为当前我国耕作制度改革的重要内容。耕作制度具有鲜明的区域性特征,传统上人们常常按照熟制划分耕作制度并加以研究。而从水资源与耕作制度的耦合关系方面来对耕作制度进行研究的相关报道并不多见。一个地区历史上形成的耕作制度,是与其所处的资源条件、农业生产力条件、经济和社会因素紧密相关的,特别是受到当地的水热条件的制约。另一方面,耕作制度的发展和变化,小到田间尺度的间种套作、留茬覆盖,大到区域尺度的作物布局、种植结构调整等等,都会反过来影响当地的农业需水量。因此可以将耕作制度和农业需水量看作一个整体,作为一个开放系统看待。对于耕作制度和农业需水量的研究,在国内外都比较多,但是多是从耕作制度或者从农业需水量的一个侧面进行的相关研究。这些研究对于耕作制度或农业需水本身具有重要的参考价值,但是不便于从整体上对耕作制度与农业需水量之间的关系进行把握。因此从整体上研究耕作制度与农业需水量之间的关系,就成为了本文的切入点。本文研究了不同的耕作制度对于农业需水量的影响机制,并且着重从区域尺度特征较为明显的种植制度上,分析了不同的种植制度与区域水资源特征的耦合关系。依托GIS作为手段,分别从时间维,空间维等不同的维度研究了作物不同生长阶段的种植制度与水资源的耦合性以及这种耦合性在空间上的分布格局。本研究从全国的和区域的两个尺度分别进行了实证研究,从栅格尺度和行政单元尺度进行了耦合性分析,并以此为依据来指导耕作制度的调整。最后,基于区域的水资源特征通过线性规划对区域的种植结构进行了优化调整,并分析了优化后的节水状况。

【Abstract】 The development of agriculture is inseparable with the evolving of farming system. Farming systems as a coordinated production and nature of human subjectivity important means, and has traditionally been used to solve a variety of agricultural production in the face of restrictive factors. The current development of China’s agriculture is facing the dual pressures of yield and water saving. Water is the major restrictive factor for crop production. So how to improve our farming system to adapt the demand of the development of agriculture is vital for us. And water saving potential in the farming systems within the mining reform is currently an important part of our farming system.Farming systems have distinct regional characteristics, and are traditionally be classified according to cropping system. Farming systems are often studied, but the match between water resource and farming system is seldom researched. The formation in history of a regional history of farming systems is developed by adjusting to the basic resources, to the local economic, to the productivity of farming and the development of local society, especially by the local water and heat conditions. In another way, the development of farming systems and changes from the small-scale in field like inter-species intercropping and stubble covering to the large-scale in region like crop layout, planting structure adjustment, etc., also influence the local agricultural water demand from the farming land scale to the region scale. So it is very meaningful to discuss the match between farming system and region water resources.The research on farming system and the demand of water for agriculture is very popular in and out abroad. But many of these researches are argue about only one aspect of farming system or the demand of water for agriculture. These studies for the farming systems and agricultural water demand have important reference value in itself, but are not enough to understand the relationship between the whole farming systems and agricultural water demand. So to talk about that issue on the whole view is the entry point for this article. This paper discusses the relationship between farming system and the demand of water for agriculture as a whole.This paper studies the mechanism of the different farming systems for agricultural water requirement and analysis the coupling relationship between different cropping systems and regional water resources by focus on the planting system which has obvious regional characteristics. Firstly, this paper discusses the impact of every aspect of farming system to the demand of water for agriculture. Then the coupling relationship between the planting system and the amount of water resources in a region is discussed, because the planting system is more regionally. On this study GIS is used to evaluate the coupling relationship of the planting system and the amount of water resources, and evaluate the coupling relationship from the deferent times for a crop’s life. Then the relationship on region scale is also evaluated by using GIS. This research chooses the whole country and one province as instance to discuss. The coupling relationship on grid scale and region scale are all discussed. The evaluating is used to conduct how to improve the pattern and ratio of crops in a region. At last, linear planning method is used to optimizing the plant system of one province, and analysis of the optimized water-saving conditions.
