

Clinical Observation on Treating Acne and the Quality of Life with Acupuncture and Injection

【作者】 谢光霞

【导师】 丁慧;

【作者基本信息】 广州中医药大学 , 针灸推拿学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 痤疮是一种反复发作的毛囊皮脂腺的炎性疾病,多见于青少年及中年人,以面部、胸部、背部的对称性的粉刺、丘疹、脓包、结节、囊肿及瘢痕为特征。中医学认为本病的病因有风热外袭、肺经郁热、胃肠积热、毒热互结、血瘀痰结、血热偏盛、冲任失调、阴虚不足等。研究目的观察针刺加穴注丹参注射液治疗痤疮的临床疗效及对其对生活质量的影响。通过治疗前后痤疮量表及生活质量量表的变化,来探讨针刺加穴位注射的治疗痤疮的机理及对生活质量的影响。研究方法从广州中医药大学第一附属医院针灸门诊选取60例根据证型分型为湿热蕴结证痤疮的患者,随机分为治疗组、对照组,各30例患者。治疗组为针刺加穴注组,主穴:阳白、颧髎、合谷、曲池、大椎、内庭;配穴:湿热蕴结配足三里、三阴交、阴陵泉。穴位注射丹参注射液4ml,穴位为肝俞、肺俞、脾俞、肾俞。对照组单纯针刺组,主穴:阳白、颧髎、合谷、曲池、大椎、内庭;配穴:湿热蕴结配足三里、三阴交、阴陵泉;背部穴位为肝俞、肺俞、脾俞、肾俞。隔日治疗1次,1个月为1疗程,连续治疗2个疗程。疗程结束后观察其面部皮损改善情况、病情轻重分级情况及生活质量得分变化情况。建立数据库,采用SPSS13.0进行统计分析。研究结果治疗过程中,因各种原因流失患者3例。经过治疗,两组患者总体治疗效果,总有效率为治疗组93.1%,对照组67.9%。经统计学处理后,治疗组疗效优于对照组(P<0.05),两组患者生活质量改善情况,治疗组优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。研究结论在寻常型痤疮的针灸治疗上,无论从总的疗效还是在病情轻重的改善方面,单纯针灸与穴注的均有稳定的疗效,而在生活质量的改善的及痤疮复发率上治疗效果优于单纯的针灸治疗。针灸配合穴注的治疗方法对于痤疮的治疗有一定的指导意义,在临床应得到联合使用,以提高临床疗效,并能显著降低复发率。

【Abstract】 Acne is a recurrent inflammatory diseases of the hair follicles of sebaceous glands, found in youth and middle-aged, to symmetry of the face, chest, back,’Comedo, papule, pustule, nodules and cysts and scar to feature。Chinese medicine believes that this diseasecauses there is wind-heat, assaulting, stagnated heat of pulmonary and gastrointestinal tract accumulated heat, toxic hot cross knot knot, blood stasis and phlegm, blood heat sheng, flushes any disorders, inadequate due to Yin deficiency.Observation on acupuncture and acupoint-injection of therapeutic effects of danshen injection in treating acne and its effect on the quality of life. Through the treatment of acne before and after changes in the scale and quality of life scale, to explore the mechanism of acupuncture and acupoint injection in treating acne and its influence on the quality of life.From the first affiliated hospital of Guangzhou University of traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture clinic selected60cases based on syndrome classification for damp-heat Be latent Syndrome in patients with acne, randomly divided into treatment, and control groups,30patients. Treatment of group acupuncture and acupoint-injection of group, the main point:GB14, SI18, LI4, DU14, ST44; points:accumulated damp-heat ST36, SP6, and SP9.Acupoint-injection of Salvia miltiorrhiza injection 4ml, acupoint for BL18, BL13, BL20, BL23. Simple group of acupuncture and moxibustion in control group, the main point:GB14, SI18, LI4, DU14, ST44; points:accumulated damp-heat ST36, SP6, SP9, BL18, BL13, BL20, BL23. Every other day treatmentltimes, lmonth time tolcourse, continuous treatment of 2 courses. Observation of the facial skin lesions improved situation after the end of the course, condition and quality of life scores change severity rating. Establishing a database, useSPSS13. Ofor statistical analysis.In the course of treatment, for various reasons in patients with loss of 3. After treatment, treatment effect on two groups of patients overall, total effective rate for the group 93.1%, the control group 67.9%. Statistical treatment, treatment effects better than control groups (P<0.05), two groups of patients’quality of life to improve the situation, the treatment group than the control group and statistically significant difference (P<0.05)On the acupuncture and moxibustion for treatment of Acne Vulgaris, whether from the overall effect or in disease severity in improvement, pure moxibustion and therapeutic effect of acupoint-injection for stable, and in improving the quality of life and acne treatment better than on the relapse rate of acupuncture and moxibustion treatment of simple. Method for acne must be treated by acupuncture combined with acupoint injection of guidance, should jointly in clinical use, to improve the clinical curative effect and can significantly lower relapse rate.

  • 【分类号】R246
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