

The Research on Automatic CNC Control System of U-steel Roll Bending Equipment

【作者】 朱正泽

【导师】 王希靖;

【作者基本信息】 兰州理工大学 , 材料加工工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 为了克服现阶段U型钢拱形可缩性支架生产主要以人工模压成型或半自动辊压成型为主,存在加工效率低、工人劳动强度大、生产安全性差、制作精度低等缺点。本文提出研发全自动数控U型钢辊弯成型设备控制系统具有重要的意义。本课题首先基于弹塑性理论完成对U型钢的弯曲回弹的试验。通过对型材辊弯成形的基本原理及辊弯成形中的弹性回复的研究,分析实验数据规律并与理论相结合,利用板料压弯过程所建立的回弹半径一般表达式换算推导出25U型钢放边弯曲回弹公式,并推到出其加工曲率半径在1000-2500mm范围内回弹半径的修正公式。分析在辊弯过程中的回弹因素影响和质量缺陷,为解决数控辊弯成型中的回弹问题奠定了理论基础。本课题设计的全自动数控U型钢辊压成型设备控制系统是集现代数控技术,电液比例控制技术,PLC控制技术、自动控制与检测技术等多种现代技术于一体,并与辊弯成型技术深度结合的机电一体化产品。利用Mat lab/Simul ink软件对控制动态系统进行建模、仿真和分析,及时进行必要的校正,可以实现系统的高效开发。利用CAD制图技术设计出机械装配总图,根据设计尺寸生产设备零部件,然后进行整体装配,调试及控制参数整定,从而设计符合生产需要的全自动数控U型钢辊弯成型机。

【Abstract】 In order to overcome the low processing efficiency , the workerslabor-intensive, production safety is poor ,making precision low defectsat the U type steel retractable arch support production of the main moldedby hand or semi-automatic roll forming the main in this stage. the proposedabout Design and Implementation of the automatic electro-hydraulicproportional NC U steel roll bending machine is of great significance in Theissue.At the first , the subject of the first based on elastic-plastictheory ,Completion of the U-steel bending test rebound. Profiles throughthe basic principles of Roll Forming and research Roll Forming of theelastic recovery. Derived U type steel arch radius of curvature of processingin the 1000-2500mm expression within the rebound radius. CNC RollForming to address the issue in the spring to lay a theoretical foundation.The project design the CNC automatic electro-hydraulic proportionalSystem of U steel roll forming machine set a modern CNC technology,electro-hydraulic proportional Control Technology , PLC controltechnology, automatic control and detection technology and other moderntechnology in one. The mechatronic products combined with the depth ofRoll Forming Technology. Using Matlab / Simulink software to modeldynamic systems of control, Simulation and analysis, Any necessaryamendments, In order to achieve efficient development of the system.According to roll forming machine works, Using Solidworks Software todesign electro-hydraulic proportional to the automatic CNC roll bendingmachine U steel Initially. And the virtual assembly. Reference to the virtualassembly drawing, Use of CAD technology to design mechanical assemblydrawing general plan. According to the design size of the productionequipment components, then the whole assembly. design and production ofCNC automatic electro-hydraulic proportional roll bending machine U steelof needed.
