

The Research of Sewage Online Montor System Based on ARM and GPRS

【作者】 王群

【导师】 潘峥嵘;

【作者基本信息】 兰州理工大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着现代社会的快速发展,伴随着的是水污染问题越来越严重,已经成为人类生存的主要障碍。因此水污染的防治已成为全世界关注的焦点问题。借鉴于国外水资源污染监测的经验,我国在水污染的监测方面也取得了很快的发展,但是由于技术手段的落后性,水质在线监测系统一直没有广泛应用。本课题所研究的基于ARM与GPRS的水质在线监测系统对比于原始的人工监测手段或低处理能力的监测系统来说取得了很大的进步,对正确评价污水的实时状况,研究污染物的类型、污染程度方面具有重要的意义。无线通信技术的不断发展与成熟,使得无线通信网络在工业数据传输中的应用也日益多起来。中国移动推出的GPRS无线通信技术与其他无线通信技术相比具有实时在线、按流量计费、快捷登陆等优点,使得它在中小用户以低成本方式在短时间内组建自己的跨区域性数据网络具有较大优势。另外,基于32位ARM处理器的嵌入式系统技术在当前一个热点技术,目前的32位ARM具有体积小、功耗低、主频高、外设多等特点,因此,也越来越广泛的被应用于工业控制、无线通信、网络应用、消费类电子、成像和安全等领域。本课题将ARM与GPRS技术应用到污水水质在线监测系统中,将整个系统设计分为三个部分:子监测站、监测中心以及通信网络。鉴于系统的庞大性,本文只完成子监测站与通信网络的设计。子监测站主要实现水质的某些指标与流量的数据采集,将采集的数据进行高速处理、存储并传送至监测中心并且可以接受监测中心的指令,同时能够设定一些系统功能,并通过lcd进行显示。监测中心负责实时显示,发送指令给子监测站,同时对水质数据进行查询、保存和打印等功能。GPRS通信网络实现子监测站与监测中心的数据传输,其主要通信方式是以TCP/IP协议基础上的建立面向连接的通信,这样可以很好的保证数据信息传输的正确性和安全性。污水处理在线监测中由于某些水质指标不能够通过硬件进行在线监测,只能通过实验室化验的方法测出,这样会造成反馈时间的严重滞后,有可能导致严重的后果,因此本系统通过建立模糊神经网络软测量模型进行仿真实验,用软件监测来取代硬件监测,并通过建模仿真验证了可行性。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of modern society,more and more serious water pollution problem has become a major obstacle to human survival. Therefore,prevention of water pollution has become the focus of worldwide concern. Drawing on foreign experience in water pollution monitoring system,monitoring of water pollution in China has also developed very rapidly,but the backwardness of techniques,water quality online monitoring system has not been widely used. Based on ARM and GPRS online monitoring system is made great progress in real time on the correct evaluation of water status than the original manual monitoring instruments or monitoring systems with low processing power, the type of pollutant ,the degree of pollution has an important significance.The development and mature of wireless communications technology make that more and more industries begin take wireless communication system as data transmission.The GPRS service released by CMCC has many advantages than any other,for example,it can provide real-time online,charging by data flow and fast landing and So on,which make it owna greater advantage in small and medium-sized customers who build their own inter.Regional data networks in a short period of time with a low cost.In addition.the embedded system based 32 bit ARM processor is a hot technology,it has a small size,low power consumption,higher frequency and So many peripherals,So it is being widely used in the fields of industrial control,wireless communication,network applications,consumptive electronic products,image processing,security,etc.The water quality online monitoring system is divided into three parts: sub-station, monitoring center and communications network. In view of the huge system, this article only completed the sub-stations and communication networks’s research and design.Sub-stations major to collect some water quality and flow data,especially use of camera images of sewage collection,the high-speed data acquisition processing,storage and transmitted to the monitoring center and monitoring center can accept the instruction,set up some system functions,and through lcd display. Monitoring Center is responsible for real-time display and send commands to the sub-stations, and water quality data query,save and print functions. GPRS communication network transmit datas between sub-stations and monitoring center, the main means of communication is based on TCP/IP protocol,based on connection-oriented socket communication,so that data can be very good to ensure the accuracy and security of information transmission.Online monitoring of waste water quality objectives can not be due to some hardware-line monitoring,laboratory testing methods may detect them but it would seriously delay the feedback of time,may lead some serious consequences,so the Soft-measuring Technique through establishing the fuzzy neural network Soft-measuring Technique model simulation,can replace hardware monitoring.
