

The Self of No-self

【作者】 刘丹

【导师】 高瑞泉;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国哲学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 虽然身体观研究在当代西方学界日渐流行成为一大显学,对中国亦影响甚大,但有学者认为,相较于西方的意识哲学,中国传统哲学的自身特性即在于其根深蒂固的身体性。对于当前社会对自我问题的困惑,相较于认识自我,成为自我更具有其实在意义,笔者认为,自我的成为和实现离不开身体的体显和践行,自我也在身体获得自己的界限,是有限的自身。故身体问题是解决自我问题的关键。而《老子》作为道家经典,以深刻的见地表达了对身体的推崇,故本文从老子的贵身思想谈起,致力于探究自我的特质和实践意义。而在老子那里,自我与无我是分不开的两个关键词,老子的大部分文本都是以无我论的辩证形式来论证其对自我的看法。故论文的第一部分集中对老子的贵身思想进行全面的论述:通过对道和身体间的关系强调身体的重要性,并通过形一心(神)一气三元结构来论证其身体思想的具体内涵,强调身心合一,一气流行;第二部分承袭上章内容通过对老子贵身哲学思想意义的具体阐述,对自我问题的解决做出解答,并用三章来分别论述自我、无我与身体间的联系,并最终指向有道之世的到来。简而言之,老子的贵身思想集中表明了“人”在其世界中应该占有的位置和行进的方向。道化生万物,混混然存在于天地间,身体,作为道的承载和体显的场所,作为人之为人的立足点,是自我立之根本。老子贵身,试图通过自我与无我的辩证统一来强调对自性的持守和保护,以自身为重,知晓自身的界限和位置。那么,在老子看来,自我的迷失的原因即在于“以身轻天下”,一味向外追逐,不仅遗忘了自身,最终也就陷入了泥潭,无法自拔。但并不意味着自我应该卷缩在自身的蛋壳里与世隔绝,相反,老子以否定的形式希望人积极在世界中去寻找自己适当的位置,出而知返,在不断向外追寻的过程中亦要不断的回归自身,只有这样才能真正解决自我的困惑,打开生命向上的方式,在人生中找到意义的支点。而同时一物之为一物,亦要保持他者的他性,让其自然而然,只有这样,万物各安其位,有道之世才能到来。

【Abstract】 Although, the thought of body has gradually become a prominent one in the contemporary western philosophy, which strongly influences China at the same time, some scholars think, compared to the western conscious philosophy, the characteristic itself of the traditional Chinese philosophy lies in its deep-rooted nature of body. For the confusion of the inner self problems in the current society, compared with understanding of oneself, becoming oneself has the meaning more substantial. And the realization of self cannot do without the manifestation and the practice of body, meanwhile, self gains its boundary in the body with limitation. Therefore, the problem of body is the key to solving the problems of self.<Laozi> as the Taoist classic, expresses its esteem to the body with deep insight, so this thesis concentrates on exploring the characteristics of self as the body and its practical significance. So my thesis is divided into two parts:first part focus on the demonstration of Laozi’s thought of body; second part uses three chapters to analyze the relation between body and self, no-self by the interpretation of the significance of his body thought, and directs the realization of the world full of Tao.In brief, the Tao transmutes all things, body also comes from it. Body, as the existence and practice of Tao, as the standpoint of human being, is the root of the standing of self. Therefore, Laozi praises highly the body, emphasizes the holding and the protection of the nature of self by the dialectical unity of self and no-self, he think that one should take self seriously and know its own limit and position. In Laozi’s opinion, why the self is lost lies in " treating body with a reckless attitude", one pursues for the outside blindly and stubbornly, the result is not only one forgets oneself but also he gets bogged down in the quagmire and can’t extricate himself finally. But this doesn’t mean "isolated with the world", instead, he, through the negative way, hopes that one should be active to find his own position in the world, return to himself constantly in the process of pursuing the outside. Only in this way can we truly solve the problem of self-confusion, open the way upward of life and find the fulcrum of meaning in the life. And one thing for which it is, the holding and the protection of the nature of itself is also quiet important, making it to be itself, only in this way can realize the world full of Tao.

【关键词】 身体形-心-气自我无我
【Key words】 bodyshape-mind-qiselfno-selfTao
  • 【分类号】B223.1
  • 【下载频次】212