

Initial Study of Motality and Life-history Strategy of Wild Tanichthys Albonubes Population Based on Otolith Technology

【作者】 赵天

【导师】 林小涛;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 水生生物学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 种群生态学主要研究种群的数量、分布以及种群与其栖息地环境中的非生物因素和其他生物种群(如捕食者与猎物)之间的相互关系。了解一个濒危物种的种群生态学特征有利于阐明其社会行为、生活史进化甚至濒危机制。因此,对受威胁的濒危物种的种群生态学研究已成为当今生态学及保护生物学领域的重要研究方向之一,其研究成果对进一步发展生态学理论及指导濒危物种保护实践均具有重要意义。唐鱼(Tanichthys albonubes)是我国Ⅱ级重点保护水生野生动物,小型濒危鲤科鱼类,主要分布在华南丘陵地区森林Ⅰ级溪流及其附近的农田、沼泽等生境。当前对其种群生态学的系统研究资料较为缺乏。在鱼类种群生态学中,种群数量动态是其研究的核心,而种群死亡特征和迁移又直接影响种群数量的变动,迁移更是种群应对灭绝压力的重要手段。本论文利用耳石技术对唐鱼自然种群死亡率开展了初步研究,并探讨了荧光物质茜素络合物用于唐鱼自然种群迁移研究的可行性,主要结果如下:1.用三种方法初步估算了唐鱼自然种群早期死亡率。在2010年8月对广州从化银林地区两条有唐鱼栖息的溪流进行了调查,用样本日龄分布法估算其早期自然死亡率为0.033和0.036,用单位面积捕捞量变动(CPUE)法估算自然死亡率所得值分别为0.024和0.025;在2010年11月—12月用围网原位实验法估算其中一条溪流唐鱼早期自然死亡率为0.028。2.编制了唐鱼自然种群静态生命表。根据唐鱼种群的日龄组成绘制出唐鱼自然种群的存活曲线,证实唐鱼仔稚鱼存活率高,发现达到生理寿命前个体存活率也较高而老年个体存活率低的特点,其存活曲线更接近Ⅰ型即凸型特征。一方面,唐鱼仔稚鱼的存活率较高,符合K-选择的特征,但其发育快、性成熟早、成体体型小等特点又符合r-选择的特征。这表明唐鱼生活史策略不符合典型的r/K选择。3.唐鱼耳石荧光标记的条件参数和标记效果。通过唐鱼耳石荧光标记实验,证明荧光物质茜素络合物可以较好的标记唐鱼耳石,标记后对唐鱼的生命活动无明显影响,标记环检测方便,持续时间长,是研究唐鱼野外种群生态学较好的标记材料。综合考虑死亡率和标记效果,在水温28—30℃,浸泡时间24h时,唐鱼仔、稚鱼最适的茜素络合物溶液浸泡浓度为80mg/L,成鱼最适浸泡浓度为150mg/L。

【Abstract】 Population ecology is the research which focuses on the quantity and distribution of a population and the mutual relationships between it and the abiltic factors in its habitats, as well as other populations. To understand the ecological characteristics of endangered populations is beneficial to the research of social behaviors, life-history evolution and even the endangering mechanism of the endangered species. Therefore, the population research of endangered species has become one of the frontier fields in the area of today’s ecology and conservation biology research. The achievements will be of great significance for future development of ecology theory and the protection of endangered species.Tanichthys albonubes, a kind of small cyprinidae fish, is one of the levelⅡprotection aquatic wild animals in China. It mainly inhabits in headwater streams and the conjoined drainages of rice fields and marshes in small hill regions of south China. Currently, the research data of Tanichthys albonubes population ecology is relatively insufficient. In the research of fish population ecology, the alteration of population quantity is the key point, and it is affected by mortality and migration. Noticeably, migration is an important way for populations to response to extinct pressure. This paper conducted pilot study of the natural mortality of Tanichthys albonubes by means of otoliths technology and discussed the feasibility of doing the migration research of natural Tanichthys albonubes metapopulations with Alizarin complexone. The main research achievements are as follows:1. Estimation of the early mortality of Tanichthys albonubes population with three methods. The investigations which were carried out for two streams in Yinlin area, Conghua, Guangzhou illustrated that Tanichthys albonubes population has lower early mortality, compared with other fish species,. The natural mortalities are 0.033 and 0.036 with day-age distribution method, while they are 0.024 and 0.025 with CPUE method. For one of the two streams, the mortality is 0.028 in fence in-suit test.2. Establishment of the static life table of Tanichthys albonubes population. The survival curve is in type 1 range, suggesting that larvae of Tanichthys albonubes showed higher survival rate, while older individuals showed higher mortality. The high survival rate of larvae matches to K-Selection characteristic, however, the characters of fast growth, early sexual maturity and small body type of adults match to r-Selection. This phenomenon proved that the life-history strategy of Tanichthys albonubes is not the typical r/K selection.3. Test of the parameter and effect of alizarin complexone as marking material. Experiment results showed that alizarin complexone can mark Tanichthys albonubes otoliths very well, and will not affect the Tanichthys albonubes’s vitalmovement. Moreover, the marks could exist a long time and could be detected conveniently. Considering mortality and marking effects, the best concentration of alizarin complexone is 80mg/L for larvae and 150mg/L for adults, under 28-30℃water and 24-hour soaking period.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 11期