

The Research of the Grand Mediation Mechanism within Its Interaction of Morality and Law

【作者】 钱祥升

【导师】 杨春福;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 法律, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 调解制度作为我国渊源已久的纠纷解决机制,对于解决社会矛盾发挥着重要作用。目前我国社会处于转型期,亦是矛盾凸显期,面对传统道德约束力的下降和新型法治观念尚未完全建立的情景,集司法、行政、道德等于一体的大调解机制的提出无疑为这种困境的解决提供了一条新道路,对于转型时期的中国社会而言具有重要且现实的社会和政治意义。相较于传统调解制度的酌情、依理和参法,当代的大调解制度则更注重对依法调解的提倡。在法治国家的话语下,依法调解虽然势所必然,却也面临着诸多阻滞。本文通过对当前的大调解运行机制的考察,总结出调解制度运行中的理论和实践中遭遇问题,其中发现德法互动当是解决此困境的一种良方:法治背景下,以大调解的形式推动和谐社会的构建,应当注重新型法律的道德化,并在德法互动中实现大调解制度的积极作用。

【Abstract】 Being a dispute settlement mechanism which is honored by the time, mediation system play an important role in resolving social conflicts.At present our society is in transition period which is also a prominent contradiction.We are facing the situation of the constraint of traditional morality is declining meanwhile a new binding rule of law is not fully established yet. There is no doubt that the proposal of the grand mediation mechanism being a set of justice, administration and morality provide a new solution for this dilemma and means a lot socially and politically for the the Chinese society at transition period.In the context of the rule of law, although mediating by the law is inevitable, yet it also faces many block. Reviewing the current big mediation mechanism, this article summarizes the encountered problems in the theory and practice of mediation system operation, finds the interaction of moral and law to solve this dilemma is a kind of good method:under the background in the rule of law, the construction of harmonious society with big mediation form should be pay attention to new legal dehua and realize the positive role of mediation system in the interaction of moral and law.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 11期
  • 【分类号】D926
  • 【下载频次】127