

Unified Management of Grass-root Offices Dispatched by Discipline Inspection Department: Study on the Case of Bao’an, Shenzhen

【作者】 何连连

【导师】 陈志广;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 行政管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 加强党内监督,“最重要的是要有专门的机构进行铁面无私的监督检查”。纪检监察机关作为党内监督和行政监察的专门机关,在党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争中发挥着主力军的作用。派驻机构是纪检监察机关的重要组成部分。对派驻机构接受纪检监察机关和驻在部门双重领导的体制进行改革,由纪检监察机关对派驻机构实行统一管理、直接领导,以更好地发挥派驻机构的作用,是纪检监察机关监督关口前移的一个重要标志,也是党中央改革和完善党的纪律检查体制、加强党内监督的一项重大举措。2004年以来,这一改革由中央到地方自上而下展开,取得了重大进展和明显成效,但也存在一些矛盾和问题。研究并探索解决这些矛盾和问题,对于更好地发挥派驻机构的作用,进一步加强党风廉政建设和反腐败工作以及改革和创新党的监督体制,意义重大。目前,中央和省级纪检监察派驻机构统一管理工作已经全部完成,市级统管也已全面进行,而县(区)一级基层纪检监察派驻机构统一管理的改革各地则普遍还是处于试点或是逐步铺开的阶段。本文试图在理论与实践相结合的平台上探究如何进一步推进县(区)一级基层纪检监察派驻机构统一管理的问题。首先在政治学和行政管理相关理论研究基础上,明晰纪检监察派驻机构统一管理的相关界定,论证实行纪检监察派驻机构统一管理的必要性;接着,介绍了深圳市宝安区推行基层纪检监察派驻机构统一管理的案例,包括改革的背景、主要做法及所取得的成效;然后,结合宝安的实践对基层纪检监察派驻机构统一管理中存在的问题及原因进行剖析,并有针对性地提出推进基层纪检监察派驻机构统一管理的政策建议。本文综合运用了文献研究、实例研究和比较研究相结合的方法。通过文献研究,为实例研究进行理论铺垫。在实例研究中,通过案例剖析,实事求是地分析存在问题,并探索提出相应的政策建议。在案例介绍和剖析的过程中,还通过纵向比较,对纪检监察派驻机构统一管理前后的工作状况进行对比,从中找出相应的变化,并实事求是地作出研判、分析。本文的研究证明县(区)级基层纪检监察派驻机构统一管理是加强基层党风廉政建设和反腐败工作的有力抓手,并就如何进一步推进县(区)级纪检监察派驻机构统一管理,更好地发挥基层派驻机构的作用提出了政策建议。本文区别于其它相关文献资料,可能的创新之处在于,是从县(区)级纪检监察派驻机构着眼,从人、财、物完全独立于驻在部门的彻底的统管条件出发,运用政治学和行政管理学科的相关理论,通过相关案例的介绍剖析,系统阐释和梳理分析派驻机构统一管理的相关实践、存在问题及政策建议。

【Abstract】 The focus of inner party supervision enhancement is to have a specialized organ to perform just and fair supervision and inspection. Discipline inspection organ, as specialized organ for inner-party supervision and administrative supervision, plays a major role in construction of the party conduct and incorrupt government and anti-corruption campaign. Dispatched offices are important components of discipline inspection organ. Carrying out reforms on the dual-leadership from discipline inspection organs and the dispatched organs over dispatched offices into unified management and direct leadership from discipline inspection organs over dispatched offices is an important symbol for lower threshold of supervision by discipline inspection organs and an critical measure for the communist party central committee to reform and improve the party discipline inspection mechanism and enhance inner-party supervision. This reform has been carried out from the central government to the local government in a up to down manner since 2004, achieving great improvement and obvious effect, with some existing conflicts and problems. It is important to study and tackle these conflicts and issues so as to achieve better performance for the dispatched offices, enhance the construction of the party conduct and incorrupt government and anti-corruption campaign, reform and innovate the party supervision system.The unified management over dispatched offices at the central and provincial discipl ine inspection organs have already been done currently. And the work at the municipality level is being carried out in an all-around manner while the reform work at the county (district) level is still at the phase of pilot or rolling out. This article is trying to explore the issues related to carrying forward the unified management over the dispatched offices by the basic discipline inspection organs at the county (district) level. Firstly, on the foundation of theory study including politics and administrative management, it will specify the definition of the unified management of office dispatched by discipline inspection organs and prove the essentiality of obtaining unified management over office dispatched by discipline inspection organs. Then, it will introduce some cases about carrying out unified management over offices dispatched by basic discipline inspection organs in Bao’an, Shenzhen, including the reform background, major measures and results achieved. Later, it will analyze the problems and reasons of the unified management over offices dispatched by basic discipline inspection organs by combining the practice in Bao’an. Finally, it will provide some policy advice on pushing forward the unified management over offices dispatched by basic discipline inspection organs specifically.This article combines document research, case research and comparison research. The document research lays a foundation for case research. In case research, existing problems are analyzed in a truly manner and it explores relative policy advice via case analysis. During case introduction and analysis, the working performances in dispatched offices before and after unified management are compared and changes are found to make judgment and analysis in a practical way.The research in this article proves that the unified management over offices dispatched by basic discipline inspection organs at the county (district) level is a effective way to enhance basic construction of party conduct and clean government and anti-corruption campaign. And it also provides policy advice on how to carry forward the unified management over offices dispatched by discipline inspection organs at the county (district) level for the sake of better effects. The difference between this essay and other related documents and files is that it proceeds from the independence of unified management conditions, including human resource, finance and materials from the stationed organs at the dispatched offices at the county (district) level, elaborates and analyzes the related practice, existing problems and policy advice via the introduction and anatomy of related cases by using the relevant theories from politics and administrative management.[Keywords] discipline inspection; dispatched offices; unified management; stationed organ; grass-root.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期
  • 【分类号】D262.6
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】527