

A Kinematic Analysis of Chinese Elite Golf Players’ Swinging Techniques

【作者】 王德志

【导师】 周兴龙;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 研究目的:本文对我国优秀男子高尔夫球手的挥杆击球动作的运动学参数进行分析与研究,通过运动生物力学基础理论研究技术动作运动学参数的合理性,并做出诊断与评价,为高尔夫的挥杆击球技术的训练提供理论性的参考。研究方法:本文数据来源于2009年8月11日在国家高尔夫球训练基地现场拍摄黄文义等7名国家队队员正式挥杆训练,采用两台MV-GE200高速摄像机以200Hz频率拍摄获取图像,通过视迅录像解析系统对影像进行处理得到相关数据。研究结果:各运动员重心在下杆过程中在Y轴方向变化最大范围0.036±0.016m,在下杆初始点运动员重心高度为0.925±0.055m,各运动员上杆肩轴在XZ平面中的投影与X轴所成角度与杆头速度不成显著相关;运动员在击球瞬间肩轴与X轴在XZ平面内的夹角以及在理想状态下这个夹角的大小呈非常显著相关;各个运动员在下杆起始点时,肩轴反拉角度,髋轴反拉角度,髋轴在水平面上的投影与X轴成角度不成明显显著相关;左髋点在挥杆过程轴在X轴与在Y轴的最大移动范围及其平均数不成明显显著相关;下杆过程中第一挥杆部分与第二挥杆部分所用时间之比为1.12±0.25,与泰格伍兹的1.28不存在显著性差异。研究结论:在挥杆下杆过程中应提早发力,通过发展上肢肌肉的力量来更好的超越器械。张新军的下杆后期过于舒缓,严重影响了击球杆头速度。运动员在击球瞬间肩轴与X轴在XZ平面内的夹角有唯一理想值,当夹紧双肩伸直双臂杆尾靠近身体时可以将实际值向理想值靠拢,提升击球效果。左臂在下杆过程中始终保持伸直,而右臂伸直成型越早对击球速度越有宜。髋轴,肩轴的反拉角度要尽量大,但与此同时,肩轴相对于髋轴的角度也应尽量增大,从而增大转动能量储备。为保证下杆的节奏感,下杆后期比下杆前期加速更快,时间更少,两者的时间比推荐在0.78左右。

【Abstract】 Objectives:It analyses and studies the kinematical parameters on the action of swinging and hitting the ball of Chinese excellent golf players. Based on the theories of Sports biomechanics, it researches the rationality of the kinematical parameters on skills and actions, and makes diagnosis and evaluations, thus provides the theoretical references for the training of skills on golf swinging and hitting.Methods:Data in this thesis come from The National Golf Training Base, where seven national athletes (such as Huang Wenyi) were receiving the training of formal swinging on August 11,2009. It employs two MV-GE200 High-speed cameras to get images at the frequency of 200Hz,. Through the Shi-xun video, it interprets the related data processed by the system to the images.Results:The maximum changing range of athletes’centers of gravity is 0.036±0.016m during the process of the club down on the Y axis; the height of athletes’centers of gravity is 0.925±0.055m on the starting point of the club down.The projection formed by the shoulder axis of the club up on XZ plane is not obviously related to the angle formed by X axis and the speed of club head。The angle formed by shoulder axis and X axis in the XZ plane at the moment of hitting is remarkably related to the size of the angle under ideal state; When every athlete is on the starting point of the club down, the pull-axis of the shoulder, pull-axis angle of the hip, the projection of hip axis on the level are not obviously related to the angle formed by the X axis; the maximum moving range of the left hip point between the X axis and Y axis in the process of swinging is not clearly related to the average; the rate of the time between the first swinging part and the second during the process of the club down is 1.12±0.25, which is not obviously related to Tiger Woods 1.28.Conclusion:People should send force as early as possible in the process of swinging and the club down and better transcend the apparatus by strengthening the upper limb muscle. The late period of Zhang Xinjun’s the club down is too ease, which greatly influenced the speed of the club head。There is only one ideal value of the angle formed by shoulder axis and X axis in XZ plane at the moment of hitting. The practical value can approach closely to the ideal value when the shoulders are clamping, the arms are straightening, and the club back is drawing near to the body, promoting the effect of hitting. The left arm should keeping straightening in the process of the club down, and the earlier the right arm straighten, the better it is to the speed of hitting. The pull axis angle of hip and shoulder should be as bid as possible, but at the same time, the shoulder axis angle to the hip axis angle should also enlarge as much as possible, thus increases the rotational energy reserves.In order to guarantee the rhythm of the club down, the speed of the late period in the club down should be faster than the early period, the time should be shorter, and the rate of the time should be recommended as about 0.78.
