

Research on Application Mode and Method of Simulation in Distribution Center Design

【作者】 付玉

【导师】 周晓光; 刘玉坤;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 物流工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 在仿真技术广泛应用于配送中心设计的今天,大量的实践经验和文献研究表明,仿真作为一种“事后验证”仅发生在配送中心设计后期,以至于仿真在发现配送中心设计细节漏洞、提供设计提示等方面的功能被制约,且存在仿真数据可靠性低、仿真建模系统性差等问题。本文主要对配送中心设计中仿真的传统应用模式进行改革,提出一套旨在提前仿真参与时间、扩大仿真参与范围、体现仿真参与主动性、提升仿真参与系统性的仿真参与框架。从仿真在配送中心设计中的全程性参与、主导性参与和系统性参与三个方面研究仿真参与模式和方法问题。在仿真的全程性参与方面,论文结合文献和项目经验整理了配送中心设计的主要步骤和主要流程,在此基础上进行了设计流程阶段和作业模块划分。提出了仿真在配送中心设计的整体设计阶段开始的各个步骤、各个阶段及各作业模块中的应用方案和实例。在仿真的主导性参与方面,论文针对传统设计方法中仿真参与存在弊端提出了仿真主导配送中心设计的理念,并依照离散事件系统仿真的基本特征和思想,提出了基于仿真模型分析的配送中心设计提示方法,并以实例说明了仿真主导的配送中心设计的实施要点。在仿真的系统性参与方面,论文强调配送中心设计中仿真全面性参与同主导性参与的结合,并从仿真模型实施时模型复用性、逼真度管理等方面考虑仿真在配送中心设计中对仿真成本的把握。最后结合上述三方面的研究提出包含七个仿真参与步骤的配送中心设计仿真参与框架,并通过某配送中心设计实例对该框架做出了实施说明和评价。本文从工程实践、项目经验及文献、案例调研出发,针对仿真在配送中心设计中应用的常见问题,提出区别于传统方法的仿真应用体系,并通过大量实例进行理论和方法说明,以期为仿真发现设计漏洞、指导、启发设计等作用的更好发挥,为仿真数据可靠性提高、仿真成本合理控制等方面做出贡献。

【Abstract】 According to extensive industry practice and research literature, simulation application is restricted to late stage of the design course as a post-event verification tool. Consequently, its function as a design flaw detector and a design inspiration supplier are limited, and input data reliability as well as modeling systematicness are compromised. This paper focuses on reforming traditional application mode of simulation in distribution center design. An application framework aimed at earlier, wider, positive and systematic involvement of simulation in distribution center design is proposed. Simulation application mode and method are discussed in three aspects including simulation full participation, simulation-oriented design and simulation systematic participation.As for full participation of simulation, distribution center design steps and procedure are investigated through literature review and project experience. Design phases and operation modules are studied. Simulation proposal and cases on design steps, phases and modules are given as examples.As for simulation-oriented design, procedures led by simulation are developed to solve the problems in traditional application of simulation in distribution center design. Simulation analysis method based on design flow chart is explored and illustrated.As for simulation systematic participation, a combination of simulation full participation and simulation-oriented design is highlighted. Reusability and fidelity management of simulation model are considered for simulation cost control.Integrating the three aspects above, simulation application framework in distribution center design is developed. A mechanic distribution center is employed at last for application introduction.Aimed at solving common problems in traditional mode, this paper presents a set of application methodologies of simulation in distribution center design which is illustrated through specific industrial cases. Under the guidance of this framework, functions of simulation in design flaw detection and design inspiration can be fully used; simulation data reliability and simulation cost management can be effectively improved.

  • 【分类号】TP391.9;F253.9
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】172
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