

Research on Social Security System of Urban Residents’ Dwelling Right

【作者】 边爽

【导师】 王利民;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 民商法学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 居住权制度起源于罗马法,隶属于罗马法中的人役权制度。大陆法系国家在制定民法典时,大都确立并规定了居住权制度;英美法系国家的判例中也有涉及居住权的条文。我国《物权法》草案中曾经规定居住权,但最终将其删除。目前我国商品房的价格逐渐飙升,大多数城市居民无力购买,导致住房状况十分紧张。然而由于我国未规定居住权制度,所以城市居民无法通过居住权来维护自己的居住权益。另外,我国的住房保障体系也不完善,加剧了城市居民住房情况的恶化。本文围绕居住权制度展开论述,最后拟通过完善我国住房保障体系和建立居住权制度,共同构成我国城市居民居住权社会保障制度来解决城市居民的居住问题。本文内容包括引言和四个章节。本文引言主要介绍了我国当今社会城市居民的居住现状,并对产生这种的现状的原因进行了分析,从而引出本文后续的论述。本文第一章对居住权制度进行了概述。首先介绍了居住权的基础理论即居住权的起源、概念及分类,其次对居住权的功能进行了分析,最后分析了居住权的价值。本文第二章对两大法系国家规定的居住权制度进行了比较研究。首先介绍了主要大陆法系国家对居住权制度的立法规定,其次介绍了主要英美法系国家涉及居住权的立法规定,最后分析了两大法系国家对居住权制度的联系和区别。本文第三章阐述了我国创设城市居民居住权社会保障制度的必要性与可行性。首先分析了我国《物权法》未规定居住权制度的原因,然后具体阐述了我国设立城市居民居住权社会保障制度的必要性和可行性。本文第四章提出了建立城市居民居住权社会保障制度的构想。首先,对我国住房保障体系存在的问题予以分析并提出了相应的完善对策;其次,论述我国应设立居住权并说明了其立法目标与立法体例;二者共同构成城市居民居住权社会保障的主要内容,最终达到解决城市居民居住问题的目的。

【Abstract】 The system of Dwelling right stems from the Roman law, and it is attached to legal system of servitudes personaum in the Roman law. When the civil law countries formulate the code civil, most of them have established and formulated the system of Dwelling right, and there is also lots of clause which are involved with Dwelling right in the legal precedent of the common law countries. The Dwelling right had been formulated in the draft of Real Right Law in our country, but finally it was deleted. Now the price of commercial houses price rises gradually and dramatically, and the majority of urban residents cann’t afford to commercial houses, so the housing conditions are very intense. The urban residents couldn’t protect their fundamental human rights by Dwelling right, because the Dwelling right isn’t formulated in our country. Moreover, the housing security system is deficient which aggravates urban residents’housing conditions. The article treatises around the system of Dwelling right and conceives the content of the social security system of urban residents’Dwelling right in our country, which cloud solve urban residents’housing problem.There are one foreword and four chapters in the article.In the foreword the article mainly introduces urban residents’housing conditions at present in our country, then it analyizes the reason of this phenomenon, which could lead to the following discussion.In the first chapter the article summarizes the system of Dwelling right. Fistly it introduces the basic theory of Dwelling right, including the origin, the concept and the classification. Secondly it analyzes the function of Dwelling right. At last it analyzes the value of Dwelling right.In the second chapter the article compares the system of Dwelling right in the civil law countries with the common law countries. Fistly it introduces the legislation of the Dwelling right in the civil law countries, then it introduces the legislation of the Dwelling right in the common law countries, finally it anaylzes the the relation and difference between them.In the third chapter the article expounds the necessity and feasibility of setting social security system of urban residents’Dwelling right in our country. At first it anaylzes the reason that Real Right Law didn’t set Dwelling right, then it expounds the necessity and feasibility of setting social security system of urban residents’Dwelling right Specificly.In the fourth chapter the article puts forward to the conceives of setting social security system of urban residents’Dwelling right. Fisrt it analyzes the problem of the housing security system in our country and puts forward the corresponding countermeasure. Secondl it discusses that Dwelling right shoud be setted in our country and explicates the legislative goal and legislation model of Dwelling right y. Then the housing security system consists of social security system of urban residents’Dwelling right with the Dwelling right, which could proctect urban residents’Dwelling right.

  • 【分类号】D923.2;D632
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】160