

【作者】 欧阳波

【导师】 张莉;

【作者基本信息】 北京中医药大学 , 针灸推拿学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 1目的从蕴涵丰富藏蒙医学知识的医学文献入手,以藏族和蒙古族的针灸治疗的方式及方法为例,对藏族、蒙古族医学文献资料中有关的针灸治疗内容进行录入,建立数据库,应用数据挖掘技术对这些针灸相关信息进行处理。从而得出它们理论的相似和借鉴之处;穴位的取法、治疗病种的异同;针刺疗法、放血疗法、艾灸疗法的临床应用的范围。进一步完善民族医学理论体系,寻求最佳治疗方式和方案,为临床治疗提供指导。2方法本研究以现有藏族和蒙古族针灸著作及现代杂志为基础。共检索到国内现存的藏蒙针灸专书及丛书中有关针灸内容的古今医籍约20部,近30年国内公开发行医药学杂志的发表论文近130篇。先对藏蒙的针灸医学文献资料进行初步的整理,清洗不完全的数据,选择与数据挖掘有关的变量,对变量进行转换,做初步的描述和分析,并录入Microsoft Excel数据库。再采用SPSS11.5对整理后的藏族和蒙古族针灸著作及现代杂志中含有的藏族和蒙古族针灸的穴位定位、穴位主治病种等进行频数统计分析、聚类分析、关联规则挖掘的研究。3结果经上述数据挖掘的研究发现,蒙古族治疗的疾病(证候)多达556种;藏族治疗的疾病(证候)多达489种。在治疗方法上,藏族和蒙古族均是以灸疗法和放血疗法为主。藏族医学和蒙古族医学运用不同穴位治疗的相同的疾病最多的是癫狂、昏厥、气短的疾病,出现的频次达到5次,对于急性发作的神志疾病、呼吸系统疾病、心脑血管疾病能起到非常独特的疗效。藏族与蒙古族选用同一个穴位治疗同一个疾病达到11个,约占用穴总量的9%,两民族在治疗的疾病,不论从取穴还是治疗方法上,都有相似之处,表明藏蒙两个兄弟民族医学相互影响、相互渗透的。藏医和蒙医对背部穴位的应用和治疗的疾病总数都是相当大的。其中藏族取穴达44个,治疗疾病数量达58种。藏蒙医学对于背部穴位的应用,有自己民族的特色,对中医的针灸治疗方法能提供新的思路。4结论从数据频数统计可以看出,藏蒙两个民族医学治疗的疾病(证候)达到数百种,治疗的方法主要以灸疗法和放血疗法为主。从关联分析可以看出,藏族医学和蒙古族医学运用不同穴位治疗的相同的疾病最多的是急性发作的神志疾病、呼吸系统疾病、心脑血管疾病;同时藏传佛教这一宗教信仰的传播在两个民族医学的发展过程中,起着重要的桥梁作用。从聚类分析可以看出,藏蒙两个民族选用的背部穴位与中医的针灸有着不同的内涵。藏蒙医学对于背部穴位的理解和应用,超出了中医对背部太阳膀胱经及督脉腧穴的认识,对中医的针灸治疗方法能提供新的思路。

【Abstract】 1 ObjectiveThis research proceeds with Mongolian and Tibetan medical literature, cites the acupuncture treatments of these two kinds of medicine as examples, records the correlative content, build a database, and process these information with Data Mining Technique. The purpose is to educe their similarities, differences, and lessons on the selecting of acupoints and diseases, the range of clinical application of acupuncture, bloodletting, and moxibustion. It aims to further perfect the national medicine system, seek for the best treatments, and provide guideline for clinical treatment.2 MethodsThis research bases on the Mongolian and Tibetan acupuncture books and modern journals. It retrieves the books and modern journals on acupuncture of Mongolian and Tibetan medicine. The total number of the books is about 20; and the total number of paper which published in resent 30 years is 130. This research makes preliminary study on the Mongolian and Tibetan medicine literature, cleans out the unqualified data, selects useful variables and then transforms them, makes some preliminary description and analysis, and then record into Microsoft Excel database. At last, it uses frequency analysis, cluster analysis, correlation analysis in SPSS 11.5to research the acupuncture books and modern journals which contains selecting and location of acupoints and special acupoints on certain diseases of Mongolian and Tibetan acupuncture medicine.3 ResultsThis Data Mining shows that the number of diseases (syndromes) that can be treated by Mongolian medicine is as large as 566; while the number of diseases (syndromes) that can be treated by Tibetan medicine is as large as 489. And the main treatments are both bloodletting and moxibustion. The most common diseases treated by both medicine are mania, syncope, shortness of breath, and the frequency is as high as 5. They are also very effective to acute mental diseases, respiratory diseases, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. The same acupoints that they chose to treat the same disease are as high as 11, which is 9% of the total used acupoints. Their selection of acupoints and therapeutic methods are both very similar. It indicates that these two kinds of medicine affect each other like brothers. They also choose lots of acupoints which are located on the back of the body to treat many diseases; there into, Tibetan medicine choose 44 acupoints to treat 58 diseases. The application of the acupoints on the back in Mongolian and Tibetan medicine shows their own characteristics and it provides new ideas on the acupuncture therapeutic methods of Chinese Medicine.4 ConclusionsThe frequency analysis shows that the amount of diseases (syndromes) that can be treated by Mongolian and Tibetan medicine is as high as hundreds, and the main therapeutic methods are moxibustion and blood letting. The correlation analysis shows that the most common diseases which can be treated by both Mongolian and Tibetan medicine with different treatments are acute mental diseases, Respiratory system diseases, and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Meanwhile, the Tibetan Buddhism likes a bridge to connect these two kinds of national medicine during their development. The cluster analysis shows that Mongolian and Tibetan medicine has different connotations of choosing the acupoints on the back from acupuncture of Chinese medicine; it exceeds the cognition of Chinese medicine to the gallbladder meridian of foot Taiyang and Du meridian, and it can provide new ideas to the acupuncture treatment of Chinese medicine.
