

【作者】 颜廷平

【导师】 袁景华;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 中共党史, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 社会整合能力是党的执政能力的重要组成部分。所谓社会整合能力,是指整合主体运用一系列方法和手段,调整不同社会组成部分、因素之间的矛盾与利益,使它们不断成为和谐、均衡体系的本领。社会整合主体主要有政党、政府和社会组织等,作为执政党的中国共产党更应当具备强大的社会整合能力。党的社会整合能力建设是巩固党的执政地位、提高党的执政水平的锐利武器,它包括党协调利益关系的能力、化解矛盾冲突的能力和组织凝聚能力等的提高与改善。当前,我国正处于社会主义改革的关键时期,也是社会剧烈转型期和矛盾凸显期。随着改革的不断深入,我国社会正由传统转向现代,社会结构、价值观念、利益结构等发生了激烈的变革,由此产生了许多社会矛盾和不稳定因素。这就要求必须加强党的社会整合能力建设,提高党对社会的控制能力和驾驭能力,从而实现社会和谐、全面发展。本文正是以此为着眼点,通过对社会主义改造与改革时期党的社会整合能力建设实践进行比较研究,总结历史经验启示,以期为在新的历史条件下加强党的社会整合能力建设提供理论支撑。本文包括前言、正文和结束语三个部分:前言部分阐述了加强党的社会整合能力建设的理论意义和实践意义,扼要评述了国内外对这一课题的研究现状,并介绍了论文的研究思路、结构安排和主要研究方法。正文部分是本文的核心部分:首先,对社会整合、社会整合能力等核心概念进行学术界定,解析了与之相关的重要理论问题;其次,探讨研究社会主义改造与改革时期党的社会整合能力建设的伟大实践;最后,深刻总结党的社会整合能力建设的历史经验启示。结束语部分阐明在新的历史时期,党要推进中国特色社会主义建设和实现中华民族伟大复兴的神圣使命,仍然面临着许多困难与挑战。这就要求我们必须积极探索党的社会整合能力建设规律,努力加强党的社会整合能力建设,提高党的执政水平和能力。

【Abstract】 The social integration capacity is the important constitutive fraction of the party’ruling capacity.So-called social integration capacity means that the integrating master makes use of a series of ways and means to adjust contradiction and interest among different society constitutive fractions and agents,which making them continuously become a harmonious and balanced system.The social integrating masters mainly include parties,state and social organizations etc.Communist Party of China as a ruling party should even have strong social integration capacity.Construction of the party’s social integration capacity is a sharp weapon to consolidate the party’s ruling stance and improve the party’s ruling level.It includes improvment of the party’s cooperativeness interest relation capacity,dissolving contradiction conflict capacity and coagulating capacity etc.At present,our country is in the key time of socialist reform.It’s also a violent society transformation and contradiction highlighting period.Along with continuous advancing of reform,our society is just becoming modern from tradition.Social structure,concept of value and avail structure took place vigorous change,and thus generated many social contradictions and unsteady agents.This need strengthen construction of the party’s social integration capacity and raise the party’s controling and reining society ability,which carry out social development harmoniously and completely.For this,this paper comparatively studies constuction of the party’s social integration capacity in the socialist transformation and reform period,then generalizes history experience,so that expect to provide theory shoring for construction of the party’s social integration capacity under the new history condition.This paper has three parts including introduction,formal part and epilogue.The introduction elaborates the theoretical and practical significance of this issue.Then briefly appraises research status of this topic.Finally,introduces study way of thinking,structure arrangement and main study methods.The formal part is the core fraction.At first,it makes the definition for the core concepts on the academic,such as social integration,social integration capacity and so on.It also analyzes related important problems.Secondly.it studies constuction of the party’s social integration capacity in the socialist transformation and reform period.At last.profoundly generalizes constuction of the party’s social integration capacity history experience.The epilogue states that there are many troubles and challenges for the CPC to facilitate Chinese unique feature socialist construction and carry out the sacred mission of Chinese nation great recovery in new history period.It should actively study constuction of the party’s social integration capacity law and diligently strengthen constuction of the party’s social integration capacity.so as to improve the party’s ruling level and capacity.
