

The Research on Developing Cultural Curriculum Resource of Beichuan Qiang Ethnic Minority

【作者】 刘梅

【导师】 刘茜;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 教育学原理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 毋庸置疑,在新课程实施之前,少数民族文化在中小学课程中是处于相对“失语”状态的,新课程倡导课程管理权力的下放和课程的多元性,这为民族文化在课程中的回归提供了广阔的空间。羌族文化具有其独特的历史内涵和教育意蕴,在新课程背景下,如何开发羌族文化课程资源,挖掘羌族优秀教育传统,建设羌族文化课程,充分发挥羌族文化资源在民族教育中的重要作用,以及如何发挥教育在民族文化传承中的作用?本研究正是基于这样一些缘由,以北川作为研究点,对羌族文化课程资源开发问题进行了研究。本研究的思路和主要观点如下:第一部分为“文化解读:北川羌族文化内涵及其教育价值诠释”。描绘了古朴、瑰丽的羌族文化,并对羌族文化的历史文化内涵、族群文化内涵和道德规范内涵作出阐释;第二部分为“问题聚焦—走进北川中小学教育现场”。以深入羌族聚居地-北川的实地调研数据及访谈结论论证了羌族文化课程资源开发存在的主要问题。我们认为,观念层面上存在的主要问题有:师生对多元文化高度认同,但自身民族意识日渐淡薄;民族文化传承主体缺位问题明显;教师对文化课程资源的认识尚不足;人们对课程资源开发的认识与实践存在矛盾。在实践层面上存在的主要问题则表现为:民族文化传承场域的文化性式微;现行教材无法满足学生需要;考试评价制度制约文化课程资源开发;开发主体不明确,专业人才短缺;民族文化资源的开发条件缺乏;可利用的民族文化课程资源流失严重等。第三部分是“对策研究—让羌族文化课程资源随新课程重生”。我们认为,开发羌族文化课程资源,首先应该厘清其价值取向,即应以培养公民多元文化素养与促进羌族文化发展作为羌族文化课程资源开发的价值取向;其次,要开发民族化、精品化的地方课程和综合实践活动课程,作为羌族文化课程资源开发的直接载体;其三,建立政府、学校、社区对文化课程资源的共建共享机制;其四,建立羌族文化课程资源开发的支持系统,为羌族文化课程资源开发提供行政支持、专业支撑、师资保障和社会支持;其五,改革考试评价制度,为羌族文化课程资源开发提供根本性制度保障。

【Abstract】 Undoubtedly, Minority culture in the school curriculum was a relatively "Aphasia" state before the implementation of the New Curriculum, The New Curriculum advocate curriculum management power of western and course for diversity, provided vast space for national culture in the course of regression. Qiang ethnic minority culture has its unique historical connotation and education implication, under the background of the New Curriculum, how to develop Qiang ethnic minority cultural curriculum resources, mining the excellent education tradition and construct the cultural courses of Qiang ethnic minority, give full play the the important role of Qiang ethnic minority culture resourses in national education, and how to play the role of the education in national culture inheritance? This study was based on such a few reasons as beichuan Qiang ethnic minority for the research point, to study the exploitation of Qiang ethnic minority cultural curriculum in depth. The ideas and main points as follows:The first part is "Cultural interpretation:the annotation for nationality cultural connotation and education value of Qiang ethnic minority at Beichuan". Described the primitive and magnificent of Qiang ethnic minority culture and make the explanation for historical culture connotation, group race culture connotation and ethical connotations;The second part is "problems focus:step into the schools of Beichuan". Based on the research data and interview conclusion, demonstrated the main existing problems of Qiang ethnic minority cultural curriculum resources exploitation. We believed that the main problems of the level of idea are:a high multicultural identity of teachers and students, but more weak aware of their nation; the inheritance of culture absence was obviously; the teachers awareness of cultural curriculum resources is still insufficient; there’re contradictions between knowledge and practice in the development of cultural curriculum. The main problems existing at the practical level showed:the inheritance field of national culture performances a weak characteristic; current materials can’t satisfy students need; the evaluation system restriction the exploitation of culture curriculum resources; the subject of developing were not clear and the shortage of professional; lack of the conditions of developing; the the s erosion of available culture curriculum resources etc.The third part is "the countermeasures study:let the cultural courses of Qiang ethnic minority reborn with the new curriculum resources". We believe that the development of curriculum resources should first clarify the values, which should be to foster multicultural literacy and promotion the development of Qiang ethnic minority culture; Second, need to develop the nationalization and quality of the local curriculum and integrated practice curriculum as the direct carrier; Thirdly, establish a conjunct mechanism of government, schools, and community for sharing of cultural curriculum resources; Fourth, establish the support system of the development of Qiang ethnic minority cultural curriculum resource for providing the administrative support professional support, the teachers security and social support; Lastly, reforming the examination evaluation system, which providing the fundamental system security for cultural curriculum resources exploitation of qiang.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 09期