

Investigation and Analysis of Influencing Factors on Extracurricular Physical Exercise of Teen-agers in Chongqing

【作者】 张同香

【导师】 唐炎;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 研究目的在于通过对重庆市青少年课外体育锻炼行为现状的调查,试图探讨阻碍重庆市青少年参加课外体育锻炼的主要因素,为提高重庆市青少年的体质和健康水平,也为区域青少年体育锻炼习惯的养成做出努力,以期为增强青少年终身体育锻炼意识提出积极性建议。本文运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法、数理统计法等方法,首先对重庆市青少年课外体育锻炼的整体现状进行综合分析。其次,针对不同位置及特色学校、不同性别、不同年级的青少年学生,从课外体育锻炼认识态度和价值取向、时间特征、锻炼方式、空间环境、项目内容、参与两操的态度等六个方面进行了比较分析,发现其差异性并找寻其原因。然后,对阻碍重庆市青少年参与课外体育锻炼的因素进行因子分析,并进行深入阐述与分析。最后对相关问题进行归纳总结,并提出相应建议。研究结果表明:1)重庆市大部分中小学生对参加课外体育锻炼的价值认同较高并持肯定态度,且动机健康积极,其体育锻炼意识和习惯正在逐步形成。但随着年级的升高,学生对课外体育锻炼价值认同受主观认识的影响越加明显,表现为年级越高对体育锻炼的价值认同越低。同时也表现出高年级比低年级,女生比男生更缺少锻炼的现状。2)平时和双休日,空间锻炼环境的选择主要集中于学校体育场馆和就近的免费公共场所,而平时多集中于前者,双休日多集中于后者。同时,多数学生既喜欢不受时间、地点限制、可根据个人兴趣、爱好自由选择的校外体育活动,又喜欢有组织的校内赛事、形式相对灵活又相对比较自由的课外活动形式。在人际环境的选择中,表现为年级越高同伴效应越明显,年级越低对父母或家人的选择比例越高。3)青少年校外锻炼项目丰富多样,但内容缺乏创新,主要青睐与轻器械、球类运动以及休闲类娱乐项目等;性别、年级差异明显,男生及高年级学生主要以竞技类项目为主,女生和低年级学生对轻器械和休闲项目表现出更高的倾向性。4)青少年的性别差异并不影响他(她)们参与两操的态度,但其学校的地理位置及学校特色却对他们参加两操的态度有显著影响。传统特色及中心城区学校更为灵活的两操组织形式是造成其差异的主要原因所在。同时,校内体育锻炼时间也因青少年性别、学校位置、学校特色的不同、年级的高低而表现出显著差异性,表现为男生在校内锻炼时间明显好于女生:传统学校学生校内锻炼时间好于一般学校;小学生参与两操的态度最认真、校内锻炼时间最长,初中生在这两方面表现次之,高中生最差,初中生表现最好的为课间操参与形式的多样化。5)体育锻炼习惯与方法,家庭经济条件,学校体育政策,课业负担与压力,健身环境与指导,体育锻炼兴趣与价值取向是阻碍重庆市青少年课外体育锻炼的六大因子。各因子都不同程度的影响着学生的课外体育锻炼,其中不同特色学校,不同位置学校,不同年级学生在因子得分比较中均存在一定差异性,健身习惯与方法、健身环境与指导对青少年学生参与课外体育锻炼的影响是相对比较广泛的。

【Abstract】 Purpose of this study is to survey extracurricular physical exercise behavior of Chongqing teen-agers, trying to explore the factors that obstacle young people to participate in physical exercises, for improving physical health and developing the habit of Lifelong awareness of regional teen-agers, hoped that proposed the activity recommendations for enhancing the Awareness training.Used of literature, questionnaire, interview, mathematical statistics and other methods, first of all, analyzed the overall status of extracurricular physical activity of young people in Chongqing. Secondly, the location and characteristics of different schools, different genders, different grades of young students from extracurricular physical activity attitudes and values awareness, time characteristics, exercise, space environment, the project content, the attitude of participating in Morning exercises and lesson hold, throng comparative analysis in the six aspects and found that the differences and looked for the cause. Then, described and analyzed in depth the factors that obstacle young people to participate in exercises. Finally, summarize the relevant issues, and made some suggestions.The results were as follows:1) most of the students held high recognition value and the positive attitude in extra-curricular physical activity and motivation for healthy. The active of exercise consciousness and habits are gradually formed. But as the grade of elevator, Students’value recognition of extracurricular physical exercises by glaringly obvious subjective understanding of the impact, the higher performance for the grade of physical exercise, the lower the value recognition. Also expressing the junior, senior than boys than girls more lack of exercise of the status quo.2) Usually and weekends, the choice of the space environment focused on the school sports stadium and the nearest free public places, but usually more concentrated in the former, the weekends are more concentrated in the latter. Also, most students not only like free time and place, according to personal interests, hobbies, sports activities, free choice of school, and organized school events like the form of a relatively flexible and relatively free form of extra-curricular activities. In interpersonal environment selection, the higher the grade performance for the more obvious peer effects, the lower grade to parents or family higher share of choice3) Teen-agers have rich diversity of after-school exercise programs, but the content lack of innovation, the main favor with light equipment, ball games and the leisure class entertainment programs, etc; Gender, grade differences are significant, the boy and the senior and junior students are mainly like project that were given priority to, the girl and junior students for lightweight instrument and leisure projects show higher tendentiousness.4) Gender differences in adolescents does not affect his (her) attitude of the two operations, but the school’s location and characteristics of neglecting their schools to participate in the attitude of the two operations have significant impact. Center City and traditional features school’more flexible forms of organization of two hold is the main reason causing the difference lie. At the same time, Campus sports exercise time is different because of gender, school location, school characteristics, grade level are different. The performance of boys in school exercise time was significantly better than girls; The traditional school student’ campus exercise time is better than average school; Pupils attend lesson hold and Morning Exercises hold the most conscientious attitude, and the longest school exercises; Junior middle school students in these two aspects performance component, High school students is worst.5) Exercise habits and practices, family economic conditions, school physical education policies, academic burden and pressure, fitness environment and guidance, interest and value of physical exercise is the six factors that hampered Chongqing Teen-agers in Physical Exercises. The factors are different levels of the students in extracurricular physical activity, in which the different characteristics of schools, schools in different locations, the different grade students in the comparison of factor scores were certain differences, habits and methods of fitness, health environment and guide for the young students’impact of participation in extracurricular physical activity is relatively extensive.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期
  • 【分类号】G807.0
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1306