

The Research on the Risk of Human Resources Management Outsourcing Services Quality and Avoidance

【作者】 安文斌

【导师】 欧文福;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 企业管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着知识转变为资本,成为重要的生产要素,参与利润分配,人力资源管理进入“人力资本”时代。企业的生存环境更加多变,员工变得更加自主,人力资源管理外包已经成为企业立足知识经济时代,获取竞争优势、推动变革的重要战略手段。人力资源管理外包是人力资源外包的一种表现形式,指企业为了专注于核心竞争力、降低成本、获取专业的人力资源管理服务等目的,将人力资源管理的部分或者全部职能外包给第三方专业机构的过程,不同于人力资源派遣。人力资源管理外包给企业带来竞争优势的同时也伴随着风险。大多数研究者以人力资源职能外包为研究对象,分析外包过程中可能存在的风险因素,并提出规避措施,而现有文献对于人力资源管理外包风险的分析缺乏系统性,对风险种类的分析非常的全面,导致风险因素纷繁复杂,使得企业在规避风险时缺乏重点,效率低下。企业要运用好人力资源管理外包这种全新的管理模式必须要对外包过程中存在的风险有清晰的认识,抓住关键性的风险因素,才能保障人力资源管理外包成功实施。人力资源管理外包的实质是一种交易行为,企业按照一定的价格从服务商那里购买产品,这种产品就是服务商提供的人力资源管理职能服务,这种服务具有商品的属性:使用价值。服务商对代理职能职责的承担能力决定外包服务质量水平。企业可以通过人力资源管理外包专注于核心竞争力、降低成本、获取专业服务等,但无论企业进行人力资源外包的目的是什么,外包服务质量都是企业获取服务的基础构成要素。根据中国人力资源外包现状调查报告显示,50%以上的企业认为服务质量是外包过程中的主要风险,由此可见,服务质量风险是人力资源管理外包过程中的关键性风险。服务质量风险的形成原因是复杂的,主要表现在三个方面:(1)外包服务商选择不当。研究表明,外包服务商缺乏关键的专业技能和以企业为中心的服务意识是导致人力资源管理外包失败的主要原因,能否选择到适合企业的服务商直接关系到外包的服务质量甚至成败。但在实际选择外包服务商的过程中,由于信息不对称、服务商水平参差不齐以及服务商评价方法选择不当等原因导致企业无法准确判断服务商的专业资质和服务水平。(2)企业角色缺失。企业没有认识清楚自己在外包合作关系中应该扮演的角色,只是把自己当做是一个旁观者,没有持续性、主动的参与到外包的整个过程中。(3)企业难以控制服务商。由于委托-代理关系、契约的不完全性、服务商的机会主义行为导致企业很难控制外包过程中服务商的行为。针对成因,企业可以采取相应的措施规避风险。首先,在选择服务商上,引入二级指标体系和层次分析法。二级指标体系是通过科学归纳和大量实证调研,经过严密的分析得出的结论,层次分析法是一种系统性的分析方法、简洁实用的决策方法,需要的定量信息比较少,适合于决策结果难以直接准确计量的情况。利用层次分析法深入分析二级指标体系中影响服务商服务质量的各种评价因素,构建层次机构模型对服务商进行评价,提高评价的合理性和准确性。其次,企业在实施人力资源管理外包过程中,应当明确自身的职责和定位,持续性参与到外包过程中,扮演好自身的角色,承担起对服务商的服务、管理、监督等职责。通过签订外包合同明确服务商的责任和义务,获取法律保护和约束,加强对服务商的控制和约束。利用激励、沟通和监督机制等心理契约的约束力来弥补契约的不完全性。

【Abstract】 As the knowledge has become the essential factor of production and been involved in the profit distribution through the transference to capita, the human resources management has started an era in which human resources capital has been emphasized strongly. Because of the various environments of enterprises and the more and more independent employees, the outsourcing of human resources management has been acknowledged as the important strategic method for enterprises to exist in the era of knowledge economy, hold the competitive advantages and boost the reforms. The outsourcing of human resources management is one form of the outsourcing of human resources, which means the enterprises outsource the entire or part of the responsibilities of human resources management to the external professional institutes, so that the enterprises are able to focus on the core competitiveness, save the costs and attain the professional services of human resources management. Unlike the usual human resources dispatch, this outsourcing provides the competitive advantages for the enterprises accompanied by the risks. Majority of the researchers took the outsourcing of human resources responsibilities, analysed the possible factors of risks and brought forth the methods for avoidance. But due to the lack of systematic analyses on the risks of outsourcing of human resources management and the specific analyses on the categories of risks, the factors of risks are extremely complicated and make the managers in enterprises confused to catch the crucial points efficiently. It is necessary for enterprises to clarify the risks in the new-born managerial mechanism of outsourcing of human resources management, holding the key factors of risks in order to guarantee the successful performance of outsourcing of human resources management. The essence of this operation is one kind of transactions, which means the enterprises purchase the merchandise (professional services of human resources management provided by the service providers) with a specific price on the base of the use value, which is recognised as the feature of commodities. The quality of the outsourcing is decided by the service providers’capacity to burden the responsibilities of human resources management, and the quality is the fundamental factor for enterprises to attain the services, no matter what the targets to perform the outsourcing are. According to the survey on the outsourcing of human resources management in China, more than 50% of the enterprises considered the quality of services is the main risk in outsourcing, therefore, this risk is crucial in the outsourcing of human resources management. The reasons why the risk of service quality occurs are complicated, which have been shown in three aspects. The first one is the incorrect choice on service providers. The research proved that the main reason of failure is the providers’inadequacy of key professional skills and the enterprise-oriented spirit of service, so that whether an enterprise could find a suitable service provider is directly related to the quality of the outsourcing services. But in reality, the enterprises are difficult to identify the providers’qualifications of professions and quality of services because of the asymmetric information between service providers and enterprises, the variety of providers’ quality of service and the incorrect methods chosen to assess the providers. The second reason lies on the inadequacy of enterprises’ roles. The enterprises hold a vague recognition on the roles they have to play in the relationship of the outsourcing and cooperation, only defining themselves as the witnesses and keeping outside of the whole process of outsourcing. The last reason comes from the difficulties in controlling the providers, because of the principal-agent relationship, incompleteness of deals and the services providers’ opportunism.Based on the analysis about the reasons, the enterprises are able to take the correspond measures to avoid the risks. On one hand, the three-rank-index system and Analysis Hieratical Process (AHP) could be applied to choose service providers. The three-rank-index system is concluded by accurate analysis on the scientific deduction and a large amount of empirical investigation, and AHP is a systematic method for analysis, which needs less quantitative information than the others, especially when the results of decision-making process cannot be computed easily or directly. The application of the index system and AHP is able to clarify the different factors for assessment on the providers’ services quality, and improve the reasonability and reliability. On the other hand, enterprises are required to make clear their own responsibilities to serve for the providers, manage and inspect the providers, and participate in the outsourcing process persistently. They need to define the providers’responsibilities by signing the agreements of outsourcing, protected and constrained by laws, making up the incompleteness of contracts by the psychological contract, including encouragement, communication and inspecting mechanisms.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 11期