

Study on America’s National Science Teachers’ Professional Standard

【作者】 张志艳

【导师】 兰英;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 比较教育学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 理解科学,国脉所系,科学教育承担着传授科学、数学和技术,推动社会发展的重大责任,而关乎科学教育质量的决定性因素无疑是科学教师的素质水平。目前,世界各国纷纷致力于科学教师专业标准的研发与制定,以此保障科学教师的高质量培养与持续专业发展,认为以专业化的标准要求拓展科学教师的专业内涵,进一步明确科学教师专业素质结构,有助于提升其专业水平。当前,科学师资问题始终是制约我国科学课程改革、科学教育发展的瓶颈,科学教师专业标准研发尚未提上日程,美国的国家科学教师专业标准在制定和实施方面有许多宝贵经验值得我们学习和借鉴。本文共分为六个部分:第一部分导论,主要阐释了本文的选题缘由,基于对国内外研究现状的综述和分析,提出了本文的研究设计,并对相关概念进行了界定。第二部分简要概述了美国的国家科学教师专业标准发展的历程。主要包括标准的酝酿诞生和修订完善两个阶段。第三部分呈现了美国的国家科学教师专业标准的具体内容,在专业知识、专业技能、专业态度的基础上进一步细化为十个维度。分别是学科内容、科学的本质、探究式教学、科学议题、教学的一般技能、科学课程、社区中的科学、有效的评价、安全与健康以及教师专业发展。第四部分在明确美国的国家科学教师专业标准的理论基础和分析着力点的基础上,对其文本内容进行分析,主要涉及标准的价值取向、结构特点和内容特征。第五部分是美国的国家科学教师专业标准的实效性分析。该标准在运用过程中对科学教师培养质量的把关、对承接科学教师职前和职后的专业发展意义显著,但在实施中不可避免的也存在一些问题。第六部分为启示与借鉴,阐述美国的国家科学教师专业标准对我国科学教师专业标准建设工作的启示,我国应在借鉴国际经验的基础上加快制定符合我国国情的科学教师专业标准。

【Abstract】 Knowing science is closely related with the development of one country. Science education undertakes the key responsibilities of imparting science, mathematics and technology as well as promoting the development of society. While, the decisive factor of education quality is undoubtedly the science teachers’ quality. At present, many countries have dedicated to researching and formulating professional standards for science teachers to ensure science teachers’high quality and continuing development. They believe, expanding science teachers’professional connotation under specialized standards and further clarifying their professional quality structure can help to enhance their professional skills. However, in China, the quality of science teachers is still regarded as the bottleneck restricting the scientific curriculum reform and education development. In the case of the study on science teachers’professional standard not taken into the agenda, a lot of valuable experience is worth learning in the formulation and implementation from America’s national science teachers’ professional standards.The study is divided into six sections:Section one is mainly to introduce the reasons of the study. Based on the review and analysis of research situations in home and abroad, the study design is put forward and the related concepts are defined.Section two briefly outlines the development process of America’s national science teachers’ professional standards consisting of two phases, birth and a revision.Section three presents the details of America’s national science teachers’professio-nal standards. In the basis of professional knowledge, professional skills, professional attitude, the standards are subdivided into content, nature of science, inquiry, issue, general skills of teaching, curriculum, science in the community, assessment, safety and welfare, professional growth.Section four analyzes the content of this text based on the theoretical foundation and analytical points of America’s national science teachers’ professional standards, three aspects of value orientation, structure features and content characteristics are involved in.Section five is the effective analysis of America’s national science teachers’ pro-fessional standards. Although the significance is remarkable in training science teachers, linking the professional development of pre-service teachers and in-service teachers, some problems exist inevitably during the process of implementationSections six is for enlightenment and reference, explaining the inspiration of America’s national science teachers’professional standards on ours. By learning the international experiences, our country should accelerate the research of professional standard for science teachers, which is suitable for Chinese teacher and Chinese society.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期
  • 【分类号】G451.1
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】433