

The Study on the Inscription on YINXU BUCI ZONGLEI of Dao Bangnan

【作者】 何英

【导师】 喻遂生;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 岛邦男是日本著名甲骨学家,他的《殷墟卜辞综类》突破了传统以《说文解字》540部编排的体例,从甲骨文自身形体特点出发,首创164部据基本字形编索引的方法,对此后索引类工具书的编排具有开创意义。但是,随着新材料的出现和研究的深入,《殷墟卜辞综类》已不能完全适应当今研究的需要,而且现有工具书都无法做到尽善尽美。因此,文章试图对《殷墟卜辞综类》进行客观评价,并将其与现今使用频率更高的索引工具书《殷墟甲骨刻辞类纂》进行比较研究,吸收现有古文字学工具书的长处,为编纂更完善的甲骨文索引类工具书提出几点意见。本文共分三章。第一章主要介绍选题意义、研究现状及岛邦男的生平及著述。第二章全面研究《殷墟卜辞综类》。第三章将《殷墟卜辞综类》与《殷墟甲骨刻辞类纂》进行比较研究,并为编纂更完善的甲骨文索引类工具书提出几点意见。

【Abstract】 Dao Bangnan, who is a famous Japanese island of bones and scientist. His "comprehensive divination Yin class" broke the tradition of the "Dictionary" 540 style arrangement, starting from Oracle’s own physical characteristics, the first 164 indexed according to the basic shape, to which class of books after the presentation index groundbreaking. However, with the emergence of new materials and of research, "Yin Ruins inscriptions comprehensive class," can not fully meet the needs of today’s study, and the existing tool can not achieve perfection. Therefore, the article attempts to "Yin Ruins inscriptions comprehensive class," the objective evaluation, and a higher frequency of use with the current index reference book "Inscriptions on Tortoise Shells Analects," a comparative study, the absorption of existing books Paleography strengths Oracle, for the compilation of the index class of better books to make a few comments.This article is divided into three chapters. The first chapter introduces the significance of the topic, situation and the island states of the life and writings of men. A comprehensive study of the second chapter, "Yin comprehensive divination class." The third chapter, "comprehensive divination Yin class" and "Inscriptions on Tortoise Shells Analects," a comparative study, and better for the compilation of the index class Oracle books a few points.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 11期
  • 【分类号】K877.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】144