

Economic Analysis of Peanut Production in Hebei Province

【作者】 刘张勇

【导师】 周洪文;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 农业经济管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 花生是我国两大油料作物之一,种植面积仅次于油菜,但其产量位居油料产量的第一位。作为重要的日常食用油来源和工业原料,花生成为了我国重要的农产品,同时也是我国大宗出口的农产品。随着加工的精深化和花生科研纵深化,具有多功能、多用途的花生,其需求量必将稳步上升,其在农业中乃至整个国民经济中的地位必然随之升高。河北省地处我国长江以北花生产区,是我国花生三大主产省之一。近年来,随着农业种植结构调整和粮食种植结构向质量型、效益型转变,河北省花生生产发展迅速,其种植面积、总产仅次于山东和河南,位居全国第三。花生生产的发展大大促进了河北省花生产业的发展,使河北省花生产业发展进入一个前所未有的大好时期。作为我国重要的花生产区,河北省花生生产经济效益与其他花生生产大省和全国平均水平相比如何?花生作为省内重要的油料作物与河北省其他大宗农作物相比是否存在比较优势?河北省近年来花生生产的成本及经济效益有什么样的变动规律?哪几种因素对花生生产的经济效益产生影响及其影响程度是?通过对这些问题进行系统的研究,对于控制河北省花生生产成本、调整河北省农作物种植结构、提高花生生产经济效益和农户收入均具有重要的意义。本文采用定性与定量、规范分析与实证研究相结合的方式来研究河北省花生生产的经济效益。通过对农产品经济效益相关概念界定来确定花生生产的成本构成和效益表示。然后通过对河北省花生生产区位优势、与其他省份花生生产效益比较分析、与省内主要夏播农作物比较优势分析三个方面来论述河北省花生生产的比较效益及优势。通过查阅《全国农产品成本收益资料汇编》相关数据从生产成本的构成及变动,各种效益变动来分析河北省花生生产的实际经济效益,并就河北省花生生产效益影响因素通过选取变量、构建模型进行实证分析,根据结论提出相关政策建议。

【Abstract】 Peanuts are one of our two big oil-bearing crops, planting area next to rape, but its yield was the first oil production. As an important source of daily cooking oil, peanut and industrial raw materials in the important agricultural became, but also exported agricultural products in bulk. With the deepening and fine processing of depth of research, has multiple functions,multiple uses of peanuts, the demand will steadily increase, as well as in agriculture,the status of the national economy with an increasing necessity. Hebei Province is located in the flower production area in China north of the Yangtze is China’s three major peanut producing provinces. In recent years, with the adjustment of agricultural planting structure and to the quality and type of food crop mix, and economic returns, the rapid development of peanut production in Hebei Province, the cultivation area, total production after the Shandongand Henan, ranking third in the country. The development of peanut production contributed greatly to the development of the peanut industry in Hebei Province, the peanut industry development in Hebei Provincehas entered a period of unprecedented good.As China’s important peanuts districts, Hebei peanut production economic benefit and other peanut production province and the national average level compared to how? Peanuts as a province of Hebei province oil crops and important than other big crops existence comparative advantage? Hebei province in recent years peanut production costs and economic benefits have what kind of changing rules? What kinds of factors on the economic benefits of peanut production effect and influence degree is? Through analyzing the problems in the system the research, to control the Hebei peanuts production costs, adjust crop planting structure, improve in Hebei province peanutroduction economic benefit and farmer income have important significance.In this paper, qualitative and quantitative, normative analysis and empirical research to study the combination of the economic benefits of peanut production in Hebei Province. By defining the concepts of economic efficiency of agricultural products to determine the composition of peanut production costs and benefits.Then based on location advantage, peanut production in Hebei province with other provinces peanut production efficiency with comparative analysis, the main crop comparative advantage province of Hebei province, three aspects to discuss analysis of peanut production comparative benefits and advantages. By consulting the "National Agricultural Costs and Returns Information " data from thecomposition and changes in production costs, a variety of benefits to analyze changes in the actual economic benefits of peanut production in Hebei Province and Hebei Province on peanut production efficiency by choosing the variable factors, buildingmodel Empirical analysis, based on conclusions related to policy recommendations.

【关键词】 河北省花生生产经济收益
【Key words】 Hebei provincePeanut productionEconomic benefits
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期
  • 【分类号】F224;F326.12
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】407
  • 攻读期成果