

【作者】 任四海

【导师】 杨挺;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 体育是全面发展的重要组成部分,而体育资源是体育目标达成的基础。重庆市在2008年提出了“健康重庆”的口号,把加强学校体育工作纳入“健康重庆”建设的重要内容,这无疑对重庆市的学校体育工作提出了更高的要求,也对学校体育资源的配置提出了更高的要求。但由于城乡差异的存在,使得城乡体育资源配置呈现出非均衡化状态,农村体育资源匮乏是不争的事实。在此背景下,了解农村中学体育资源配置的状况,分析所存问题并思考相应的解决措施,对于促进农村学校体育工作进而促进农村学校学生的全面发展无疑具有重要意义。本文在阐明体育资源配置概念的基础上,设计了农村初级中学体育资源配置的量化指标,在此基础上通过问卷调查法、专家访谈法、数理统计等对当前重庆市农村初级中学体育资源配置的现状进行了实证调查,分析了所存在的主要问题以及这些问题背后的影响因素,最后提出相应的建议。本文通过研究认为,重庆市B区农村初级中学在体育人力资源、体育经费资源、场地资源以及体育课程资源等方面均存在着问题,己对学校体育工作造成较为严重的影响。为此,应重视农村初级中学体育人力资源开发,促进体育人力资源在质量和数量上不断地提升;拓宽体育经费资源的来源渠道,使经费来源多元化,并在经费的使用上突出重点,合理分配;加快体育场地的建设,提高场地的管理水平和场地的利用效率;同时保障体育课程开课率,努力达到健康教育标准的规定;转变教育观念,把体育学科的发展放到应有的高度;完善相关的法律法规。通过一些措施,以促进各类体育资源在农村初级中学校体育教学中发挥最大效益,以协调资源存在的有限性与对资源需求的无限性之间的矛盾,从而更好地服务于受教育者和社会大众,进而实现我国全面发展的教育目标。

【Abstract】 PE is an important component of integrated development, and sports resources are foundation of completing sports goals. Chongqing put forward a slogan "Health Chongqing" in 2008. Bring the work of strengthening school sports into the important content of developing "Health Chongqing" is undoubtedly raise a higher requirement for the work of school sports and sport resource allocation of school. However, because of the gap between urban and rural, the sport resource allocation presents an unbalanced condition. It is the fact that the sports resources in rural is poor. Under this background, it’s of important significance to understand the rural school’s situation of resource allocation, to analyze the existent problems, and to think about the measures in promoting the work of rural school and balanced development of rural students.On the basis of showing the notion of sport resource allocation, this paper designed quantified indices for the sport resource allocation of rural junior middle schools. On this basis, we investigate the current situation of sport resource allocation in rural junior middle schools and analyze the impact of existent problems though the methods of questionnaire survey, interviewing experts, mathematical statistics, then provide suggestions and advices.Through study, this paper argued that there are many issues in rural junior middle school of B district of Chongqing, such as human resources of sports, spots funds, sports ground resources, physical education resources, which exert serious impact on works of school sports. Therefore, we should emphasize on exploiting the sport human resources of rural junior middle school to raise the quality of sport human resources; expanding sources of sports funds to diversify sources of funding, stress the key point, and to allocate rationally; speeding up the construction of sports facilities to improve the level of management and utility rate; ensuring the rate of course opening to attain the health education standard; changing concepts of education to develop a new height of physical education; perfecting laws and regulations concerned. By taking corresponding countermeasures, we will maximize the benefits of all kinds of sports resources in sports education of rural junior middle schools and harmonize contradiction between the limited resources and unlimited demand, which could provide a better service for educators and social public and achieve the objective of China’s comprehensive development of education.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期
  • 【分类号】G633.96
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】290