

The Neural Mechanism of Number Processing Affecting Time Perception

【作者】 普彬

【导师】 黄希庭;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 基础心理学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 数字加工是一种关于表征编码的组合,涉及如视觉、视空间和言语等因素。而时间知觉是个体对直接作用在感觉器官的客观事件持续性和顺序性的认知。时距知觉是时间知觉的一个重要组成部分,反映了个体对短暂时间内(0-5s)出现的客观事件持续性的知觉。数字、时间和空间与我们的生活息息相关,作为人类的基本认知功能已经引起了研究者的极大兴趣。特别是数字和时间之间的关系,从1890年开始起,就得到了研究者的关注,近年来越来越多的研究证明了在不同的认知系统中存在着数字和时间的交互作用。Oliveri等人发现,用数字为载体呈现的时距,会使被试的主观相等点发生偏移。表现为小数字呈现的时距主观相等点向右偏移,而大数字呈现的时距主观相等点向左偏移。这种小数字引起低估,而大数字引起高估的现象得到了很多研究者的证明。研究发现,改变数字的大小范围或者是语种等材料类别;秒下或者是1-5秒的时间进程;或者是给数字赋予背景信息,这种效应都稳定存在。Xuan等人运用ERP手段对这一现象的影响阶段和神经机制进行了探讨。结果发现在CNV成分上,小数字比大数字的波幅大。这一结果和对随后发生事件的期望有关。但是这一研究存在缺陷,1.从ERP结果来看,大小数字在早期N1成分和晚期的CNV成分上均存在差异,也就是说,数字影响时间判断任务可能贯穿于从知觉到决策的整个认知过程,而研究者认为这一影响阶段位于知觉加工的较早阶段。2.研究者认为CNV反映了对未发生事件的期望水平。相比大数字,小数字的期望水平更高。但是该实验范式是数字和时间同时出现,同时存在,同时消失(如数字4呈现800ms)。因此,这种对未发生事件的期望是否存在值得怀疑。3.人类在时间任务中可以同时加工数字和时间信息。并且表现出数字的敏感性比时间要高,自动化加工的程度更高。根据这一结论,尽管是实验中告知被试数字与当前任务无关,只是作为注意线索存在,但是这一过程存在数字加工。Oliveri发现了在时间知觉中数量信息的自动激活,而研究者将N1的差异解释为数字的知觉辨认,这或许正是数字加工的明证。因此,现有研究可能混杂了数字加工和时间信息加工,使得结果并不能精确反映知觉数字对时间判断任务的影响。时间认知分段综合模型强调人类对时间的认知具有分段性,无论对哪一种时距的认知均受多种因素的影响;而Walsh的数量理论认为,数字、时间、空间三者是一个普遍性数量系统的组成部分,具有共同的神经加工机制。根据这两个模型,本研究拟在分离数字加工和时间加工的条件下,探讨数字加工影响时间知觉的神经机制。研究一考察方块(小概率)的时间判断是否会受到数字(大概率)的时间判断任务的影响,采用二分任务,被试判断时距接近于标准短时间还是标准长时间。结果发现,在数字刺激中,被试会低估小数字呈现的时距,而高估大数字呈现的时距。而在数字背景下的方块刺激中,被试仍然会低估小数字背景下的方块时距,而高估大数字背景下的方块时距。数字的背景因素会干扰被试的时距判断。研究二在研究一的基础上,分离数字加工和时间加工两个因素探讨数字加工影响时间加工的神经机制。采用双选择oddball范式,被试的任务为判断标准刺激(数字条件)和偏差刺激(方块条件)呈现的时间长短。结果发现,在数字组中,大小数字的N1、P2和CNV三成分差异均显著,而在方块组中只有CNV成分差异显著。该结果说明早期成分的差异由数字加工引起,而晚期CNV成分的差异则说明在排除数字加工的条件下,数字对时间的影响在决策判断水平。本研究认为,数字加工影响时间知觉的阶段位于决策加工水平,而不是知觉加工水平。在时间分段综合模型的指导下,应该综合考虑刺激的物理特征、认知因素和人格特征等因素对时间知觉的影响。

【Abstract】 Number encoding is a combination of characterization coding, Involving such as visual, depending on the space and words, and other factors. Temporal order perception is the successive perception of sensory events, which is an important part of temporal perception, including simultaneity, unsimultaneity and sequence. Duration perception is an important part of time perception. It is range of 0-5s. Number, time and space are related to our life, as the basic human cognitive function has caused the researchers of great interest. Especially the relationship between digital and time, from the beginning of 1890, got the attention of researchers, in recent years, more and more research has shown in different cognitive system exist in digital and time interaction.Oliveri found that participants performed more accurately when shorter durations were defined by lower numeric value number and longer durations were defined by higher value number. The phenomenon of digital cause subject time perception got a lot of researchers proof. They found that this effect is stable exist regardless whatever the attributes of stimulate physical, time course, or the background of it. Xuan used ERP to explore the influence stage and neural mechanisms. They found that CNV were enhanced compared small number to big number. One explanation of it is that subsequent expectation may be involved in this modulation. But this research has deficiencies.1. Small number and big number has significant difference in both Nl and CNV, range from early perceptual processing to late decision making, but they reported that the effect is only focus on early stage. 2. They found that compared to big digits, small number has a higher subsequent expectation, but in the current paradigm, number 4 present 800ms, time and number factor appeared and disappear meanwhile, its authenticity is questionable.3. Humans can process task digital and time information meanwhile in time task. The sensitivity and show that digital automation higher than time higher levels of processing. According to this, although is experiments with current digital subjects were told nothing, just as attention task clues, but the process existing digital processing. Oliveri discovered automatically activated in time the amount of information consciousness, but they explain it as perception identify. So, the existing research may hybrid digital processing and time information processing.Range-synthetic Model of Temporal Cognition agreed that man with piecewise for time, regardless of cognition for which a timescales cognitive are influenced by many factors. And Walsh’s ATOM argued that time, space and number are parts of a comprehensive system, shared same neural mechanism. According to this, this research aim to separate time processing and number processing to explore the Neural Mechanism of Number Processing Affecting Time perception.Study one investigated whether the Small probability’s time perception is affected by big probability. It use bisection task, subjects judge current time were close to standard short time or standard long time. The result is that Small probability’s time perception is affected by big probability. Whatever the stimulation is, subject is prone to underestimate the small number’s time and overestimate the big number’s time.Study two separates time processing and number processing to explore the Neural Mechanism of Number Processing Affecting Time perception. It used two-choice oddball paradigm, subjects’ task is judging the time course. The result is that in square stimulation, small number and big number have a significant in CNV, and in number stimulation, mall number and big number have a significant both in N1, P2 and CNV.The present study explores that number processing affect the decision making level, not the perceptual level. It is ought to integrate time perception with other factors, such as the physical features of stimuli, cognitive factors and personality traits.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 09期