

An Optimization Model for the Ro-Ro Ship Loading

【作者】 金燕燕

【导师】 靳志宏;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 物流工程与管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济正常有序的成长,航运业也得到了蓬勃的发展,散货船、集装箱船、滚装船在货物运输、进出口贸易中发挥着各自非常重要的作用,尤其是滚装船舶,以其自身独有的特点,越来越受到我国航运业的重视和青睐。近几年来,无论是国内还是国外,滚装船舶都获得了很迅速的发展,这种情形大有代替中短途客船的趋势。滚装船舶市场发展潜力大,需求较旺盛,在这种情况下,船公司常常遇到供不应求的局面,面对这样一个潜力巨大的市场,如何保证在船舶安全航行的前提下,通过优化配载,利用有限的舱容来提高航次收入,是许多船东需要迫切解决的问题。这也是本文主要探究的一个问题。国内外对滚装船配载优化的研究虽然不少,但是大都从定性方面来论述滚装船舶的安全问题,如车辆绑扎、系固,或者是从船舶自身的构造出发,进行设计。本文从船公司的角度出发,较深入地分析了滚装船舶配载的特点与意义,并针对不同情形,建立了单一装货港、单一卸货港的数学模型和多类型成品车的多装货港、多卸货港滚装船舶的数学模型,滚装船配载问题属于NP难问题,本文根据此问题的特点,将其归类成背包问题,并根据问题的特点,进行算法设计,通过大量的仿真实验以及与现实的调度规则的对比来验证算法的有效性和实用性,并且能够保证在合理的计算时间内就可找到高质量的近似解。

【Abstract】 With the normal and orderly growing of the economy of our country, the shipping business undergoes flourishing development. The bulk carrier, the container ship and the roll-on roll-off ship are playing important part respectively in the shipment and the import and export trade, especially the roll-on roll-off ship. It receives more and more attention and favors.In recent years, both in home and abroad, the roll-on roll-off ship has developed fast, which has the trend of taking place of the short and medium passenger ship. The market of the roll-on roll-off ship has great potentials in tremendous demand. The demand of the shipping company often exceeds supply. Faced with such a market, how to ensure that the revenue of voyage is increased with the limited capacity by optimized stowage under the premise of safe navigation. This is the research question being answered in this paper.The overseas and domestic researches of optimized stowage of the roll-on roll-off ship are rare, most of which dwell on the safety issues of the roll-on roll-off ship in qualitative aspects. This paper deeply analyses the characteristics and significance of the stowage of the roll-on roll-off ship, and sets up the related mathematical model. In the issue of the stowage of the roll-on roll-off ship, it is an NP issue. This paper classifies this issue as the knapsack problem according to its characteristics and designs algorithm, and verifies the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm through examples, finding a high-quality approximate solution in reasonable time.

【关键词】 滚装船配载背包问题
【Key words】 the roll-on roll-off shipstowagethe knapsack problem