

Statistical Evaluation and Analysis of Berth Assignment System in Container Terminal

【作者】 刘溪涓

【导师】 计明军;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 物流工程与管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着现代物流的不断发展,码头管理者越来越意识到提高码头作业系统的运作效率是增强码头竞争力的关键因素,集装箱码头作业系统已成为研究的热点之一泊位作业系统是集装箱码头作业系统的一个重要的组成部分,是货物在水陆间转运的核心环节,提高泊位系统的作业效率能极大的提高码头的服务质量和作业效率。泊位作业系统主要包括以下实体:泊位、到港船舶和负责装卸的岸桥,货物转运的过程就是在这几方面实体的互动过程中完成的。选择合适的作业方式会极大的缩短船舶在港时间,提高泊位、岸桥的利用率,进而提高码头的作业效率,提高码头自身的竞争力,因此对泊位作业系统进行研究具有重要的现实意义。本文考虑了离散型与连续型两种泊位作业系统,对这两种泊位系统进行模拟仿真并进行统计分析与评价,进而对两种泊位系统进行对比分析。主要考虑泊位指派方式、为到港船舶服务方式以及岸桥分配方式三个因素对泊位系统的影响,建立了指标体系评价泊位系统的作业效率。评价指标体系主要包括泊位利用率、岸桥利用率、船舶作业率以及船舶平均等待时间四个指标。然后用蒙特卡罗法对泊位作业系统进行模拟仿真,对得到的数据进行统计分析,得出在不同的作业条件下各指标值的差异。根据各因素单独变化以及同时变化时指标值的差异得出各因素对泊位系统的影响程度及各种方式的优劣,从而选出在码头规模一定的情况下,泊位指派、到港船舶服务方式及作业岸桥数量相互配合的最优的作业方式,能够对港航企业的运作起到一定的辅助指导与决策支持作用。

【Abstract】 With the development of modern logistics, port managers are increasingly aware of the importance of improving terminal operation efficiency of logistics. Container terminal operation system has become the hotspot to research. Berth assignment system is an important part of container terminal. Improving the efficiency of berth assignment system can greatly improve the service quality and the operation efficiency of port. The designated ways of berth, the service strategies for vessels, and the allocation ways of quay crane are the important factors to improve the operation efficiency of port and the operation efficiency of vessel. So researching the berth assignment system has important practical significance.The thesis considers two kinds of berth circumstances which are the discrete berth and the continuous berth. The berth system is simulated and statistically analyzed and evaluated. Firstly establish the evaluation index system to describe the designated ways of berth, the service strategies for vessels and the allocation ways of quay crane. The evaluation index system mainly includes four indices which are berth utilization rate, quay crane utilization rate, the vessel average waiting time and the vessel operation rate. Then use Monte-Carlo method to simulate the different operation ways and gain the simulation data of the index values. And analyze the data by using the variance analysis and sensitivity analysis. Lastly present the optimal operation way of berth assignment system according to the differences of index values. The optimal operation way will help the operators of the port to make a correct decision.

  • 【分类号】F550;F224
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】125