

Architecture and Urban Design Research in High-density Residential by the Factor of Sunshine

【作者】 林晨

【导师】 张险峰;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 改革开放以来,我国经济高速发展,城市建设日新月异。伴随着城市化进程的不断加速,高楼大厦拔地而起,诸如用地紧张、能耗过高、环境恶化等问题也开始大量出现,特别是关系到人们身心健康的阳光也变得稀缺起来,阳光对于人的重要性是不言而喻的,因此,不论从保障公民基本权利,满足人们对高品质生活的要求的角度出发,还是从提高土地利用率,实现城市可持续发展的角度出发,都要求我们在进行城市居住区开发和建设的时候,想方设法在建筑容积率和环境舒适度之间寻求一个最理想的平衡点。在这种情况下,能否通过合理的建筑与规划设计方法优化日照环境,成为当前高密度住区设计中亟待解决的一个关键性问题。随着可持续发展、科学发展的思想逐渐成为社会主流,在当今大规模的住区建设中,四节—环保(节地、节能、节水、节材和环境保护)的住宅设计已经成为住宅产业化发展的趋势,而对于日照问题的研究就直接涉及到其中最为重要的前两项。阳光作为一种可再生资源,是一个地区自然特征中最显著的一个方面,特别是数量众多的居住类建筑对于日照这一地域性特征的表达更为突出。日照不仅提供了取之不尽、用之不竭的清洁能源,为住宅的节能设计提供了契机,而且鉴于其对于居住者身心健康和居住环境的巨大影响,我们不得不在当今节能省地型住区的设计中越来越强调日照因素的影响,通过适当的设计方法去解决“省地”与“阳光”这一对矛盾。研究以建筑设计及其理论学科领域为主,综合城市规划与设计、建筑技术科学、环境心理学等多学科、多领域的相关知识,属多学科交叉的研究领域,目的是通过系统研究提供对城市高密度居住区中日照的全面客观的认识,为节能省地型高密度住区的设计提供理论依据、相关策略和有价值的内容并作为后续研究的参考。本文内容以居住区规划布局及建筑设计为出发点,综合运用居住区规划、住宅建筑设计、建筑物理、地理、气象等相关知识,借助计算机软件的分析计算,在调研人们的日照心理和行为特征的基础上,通过案例分析,结合国家和地方规范中日照标准的执行问题和可行性研究,总结归纳出影响住宅日照的各种因素,提出日照环境设计应遵循的各项原则,并综合考虑地理、气候、通风以及经济、美观、实用等因素,因时、因地制宜,提出合理化的住区设计方法。

【Abstract】 Since the reform and opening up,China’s economic developed rapidly,urban construction developed rapidly,too.With the accelerated urbanization process,many high-rise buildings grow up,a great number of problems appear,such as Shortage of land, high energy consumption and environmental degradation. Especially sunshine which is Related to people’s physical and mental health has become scarce. The sun is very important for the people,therefore,in order to protect the basic rights of citizens,meet the requirements of the high quality of life,improve land use and achieve the sustainable development of cities,we should try to find the ideal balance between building floor area ratio and environmental comfort.In this case,whether to improve the environment by reasonable method of architecture and planning has become a key question of high-density Residential design.As the idea of sustainable development and scientific development has gradually become the mainstream of society,in today’s large-scale residential construction,the residential design which can save land, energy, water, materials and protect environment will be the trend in future.Research of sunshine is directly related to the first two of which the most important.Sunshine as a renewable resource,is one aspect of the most significant natural features,Especially a large number of residential type of construction.Sunshine provides an inexhaustible.clean energy,and provides an opportunity for energy saving residential design. We must more and more emphasize the influence of sunshine in energy and land saving residential design because of its Significant impact to people’s physical and mental health,and try to solve the contradiction of "province" and "Sunshine".The research is based on architectural design,combines Urban planning and design, building technology science,environmental psychology and so on,which is belong to interdisciplinary research area,in order to provide comprehensive and objective understanding of sunshine in high-density residential,and supply theoretical basis,the relevant strategies and valuable content in high- density residential design,and supply reference for follow-up study.This article takes the community plan layout and the architectural design as the starting point,comprehensive apply some related knowledge such as the community plan.the residential building design.construction physics,the geography,the meteorology and so on,with the aid of the computer analysis and computation,on the basis of investigate and study people’s Mental sunshine and behavior characteristic,through the example analysis.and unite the feasibility study of National and local related laws and regulations,then summarize various factors of affecting the Residential sunshine,and propose the sunshine environment design which should follow principles of integrity,efficient, sustainable development,and considering geography,climate,well ventilated as well as economical,artistic, practical and so on factors.acts as circumstances permit, propose that the rationalization of Settlements design method.

【关键词】 城市住区日照地域性设计方法
【Key words】 Urban settlementsSunshineRegionalDesign Methods
  • 【分类号】TU113;TU984.12
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】547
  • 攻读期成果