

Research on Ecological Landscape of Contemporary Cemetery

【作者】 邓小妹

【导师】 胡沈健;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 美术学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 殡葬活动是人类更新换代,繁衍生息的社会现象和风俗产物,是反映人民群众精神文明建设的一面镜子。墓园的产生和发展伴随着城市文明的进步,能在一定程度上反映我国传统文化的深厚沉淀,它是中国传统文化的传承载体,也是城市环境建设的重要组成部分。在当今社会,公墓是人们寄托哀思的场所和国家推行殡葬改革的载体,公墓已经告别过去仅是用来墓葬的单一功能的场所,它已经发展成为集园林观赏、休闲娱乐、文化宣传、旅游观光于一身的多样化风景园林——墓园。由于墓园使用功能的特殊性,我国对于墓园的研究多停留在陵墓建筑、考古学、历史学说以及丧葬礼俗等领域的研究,对于墓园景观环境的关注力度欠缺,研究成果还很匮乏。我国人口众多,人口结构老龄化现象严重,因此墓园成为市场上的“紧俏商品”,供不应求。一方面是我国土地资源有限,各种基础设施占据大量土地,既有的墓园环境质量和服务质量差,待建的墓园又没有可以利用的土地;一方面老龄化是社会的沉重问题,自古以来的殡葬方式不科学环保,造成了对城市环境的污染。面对这样的社会现实,笔者提出了建设生态墓园景观的意见,为墓园的未来发展寻找出路。从我国殡葬文化溯源分析,提出当代应该弘扬和谐、生态的殡葬文化;以生态殡葬文化为根基,继而通过分析研究中西方园林理论,套用景观生态学、生态园林理论以及生态美学理论,并且借鉴国内外城市优秀生态墓园案例及当前国内外优秀生态园林环境设计的优点和经验,最后整合出一套建设生态墓园景观的方法对策:摒弃传统的丧葬方式,采用绿色环保的丧葬方式;论文从当前殡葬行业的紧迫形势出发,提出怎样优化墓园的生态景观格局和恢复墓园的生境系统:并创造性地利用自然过程的力量,引导自然过程为墓园做功;在墓园土地紧缺状态下,提出利用城市废弃地,建设生态回归林的办法,营造风景墓园,保护墓园的人文景观,继而开发生态旅游。对于后续展望,为缓解当前墓地价格高涨,墓地紧缺的矛盾,笔者提出了建立网上墓园的构想,既环保又时尚。最后,对于国家殡葬改革提出了几点意见,为墓园向生态墓园的转型提供更多的可能性和有利价值。论文采取理论研究—技术性研究—实证性研究的研究方法和路线,对现代墓园建设进行系统研究,旨在为我国构建和谐社会下的园林景观建设提供更多的理论依据和实践指导,进而将城市绿地景观的研究进一步深入,促进人与自然的和谐发展。

【Abstract】 Funeral activities are produced by the renew of generations and traditional custom, it reflects the spiritual civilization. To some extent, as the urban civilization, the emergence and development of cemetery can reflect the accumulation of domestic traditional culture. It bears the inheritance of Chinese traditional culture, and it’s also an important part in the construction of urban environment.In contemporary society, the public cemeteries are the place for mourning and also bear the national funeral reformation. The public cemetery is no longer the single function place, it has become the landscape cemetery integrating many functions such as entertainment, culture publicity, tourism and so on. As the special function of cemetery, domestic research on cemetery is mainly focus on history, archaeology, funeral tradition and other aspects. The attention on the landscape cemetery is not enough. As high population and serious aging phenomenon, the cemetery is in high demand. One of the reasons are the limitation of land resources. As the environment of already built cemetery takes a poor quality, The infrastructure takes a lot of land which leaves limited space to cemetery. Another reason is the aging phenomenon. The unsustainable traditional funeral leads to the pollution to urban environment.Concerning such a social reality, the author proposes ideas on ecological cemetery landscape for the development of cemetery in future. By the analysis of traditional funeral culture, the thesis insists to promote harmonious and ecological funeral culture. Based on ecological culture, the thesis analyzes domestic and foreign theory on landscape, including the landscape ecology, ecological garden and ecological esthetic theory. Meanwhile, the thesis also refers to a lot of excellent cases and design experience, so as to integrates a strategy on cemetery landscape:Abandon traditional funeral manners and adopt ecological funeral way. Focuses on the urgent situation of contemporary funeral field, the thesis proposes means to optimize the ecological landscape layout and recover the ecological environment, so as to utilize the force of natural process in a creative way and lead the nature to impact on cemetery. For the land shortage phenomenon, the thesis claims to utilize the abandoned land, develop return to nature forest, create landscape cemetery, preserve cultural landscape and develop ecological tourism. As the preview for future, the author proposes a scheme to build web cemetery which is sustainable and new, so as to solve the searing price and land lack problems of cemetery. At last, the thesis gives some ideas on the domestic funeral reformation to provide more possibilities and beneficial values for the transformation to ecological cemetery. In order to provide more theory back up and guidance for domestic landscape construction, the thesis does a systematized research on contemporary cemetery in a way as theory research---technical research---empirical research. As the research on landscape deepens, it will promote the harmonious development between human and nature.
