

The Key Technologies of the Four-rotor Aerial Vehicle in the Transmission Line Inspection

【作者】 王旭

【导师】 李卫国;

【作者基本信息】 华北电力大学(北京) , 高电压与绝缘技术, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本课题研究一种四旋翼飞行器可携带航拍和绝缘子阻值检测设备近距离进行输电线路的巡视和低零绝缘子检测,可以极大减轻人员劳动强度。本文针对四旋翼飞行器在输电线路巡视和检测中的关键技术进行研究。首先介绍四旋翼飞行器整个系统组成,包括飞行控制系统、飞行动力系统、导航定位系统、超声波测距系统等。其次分析飞行器姿态控制方法,介绍了姿态传感器——角速度传感器与加速度姿态传感器之间数据修正融合的方法,并利用电机和旋翼的数学模型进行飞行器高度和角度控制的建模和方针分析,得到的姿态控制模型有良好的可控性。在四旋翼飞行器达到飞行姿态稳定的基础上,将GPS导航信息融合到飞行器的姿态控制环。在此利用卡尔曼滤波技术对GPS数据进行优化,建立了卡尔曼滤波的状态方程和观测方程,并通过仿真显示滤波后的数据有良好的航迹跟踪效果。为了避免飞行器在巡线检测过程中与线路杆塔、绝缘子等发生碰撞,提出一种基于模糊控制的超声波避障方法,建立了模糊规则,实现了模糊算法,并将模糊控制的输出量转化为飞行器电机转速控制的控制信号。最后针对飞行器中三相无刷直流电动机控制器逆变桥的拓扑结构,提出一种无刷直流电机控制器故障智能检测的方法,本方法能够准确识别逆变桥中各个功率管的短路故障和开路故障,实现了功率管故障定位的智能化检测。

【Abstract】 This research based on a four-rotor aerial vehicle which can carry a low-value insulators resistance testing equipment and nearly fly to the transmission line.this new online detecting the low-value insulators can greatly reduce the labor intensity. The key technology of the four-rotor aerial vehicle for transmission line inspection and testing has been introduced in the study.First> This article introduced the four-rotor aerial vehicle components throughout the system,which included Flight control systems, flight dynamics systems, navigation and positioning systems, ultrasonic ranging system.Followed by analysis of four-rotor aerial vehicle attitude control method, it introduced data correction fusion method between angular rate sensor and acceleration sensor, and use the mathematical model of motor and rotor to modeling and policy analysis the height and angle control, the establishment of the attitude control model has a good controllability.When the four-rotor aerial vehicle can achieve a stable flight attitude, the integration of GPS navigation information was added to the aircraft attitude control loop,which used Kalman filtering techniques to optimize the GPS data,established the Kalman filter state equation and observation equation,.The simulation shows the filtered data has a good trace tracking ability.In order to avoid detection collision between the aerial vehicle and the transmission line,an ultrasonic obstacle avoidance fuzzy control method was proposed, which established a fuzzy rule, achieved a fuzzy algorithm, and converted the fuzzy control output to the motor speed control signal.Finally we presented a Self-inspection method which based on the topological structure of the inverter bridge of the Brushless DC Motor Controller. This method can identify the mosfet short circuit characteristic and open-circuit characteristic in the inverter. Thus, it can realize the function of orientated fault diagnosis.
