

Design and Development of Power Grid GIC Evaluation Software

【作者】 邹明

【导师】 刘连光;

【作者基本信息】 华北电力大学(北京) , 电力系统及其自动化, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着电网规模的增大,我国广东、江苏等地发现了大量灾害磁暴侵害电网的事件。这些地区电网的地磁感应电流(GIC)实测数据表明,电网GIC水平与磁暴强度、大地电性构造和电网结构等很多因素有关,如何计算评估电网的GIC水平和开发电网GIC分析、计算工具是需要研究、解决的课题。本文针对这一课题,主要完成了以下四个方面的研究工作。论述、分析了电网GIC的产生机理和影响因素,比较了不同原理感应地电场模型及算法的优缺点,选择了能满足我国(中低纬地区)工程实际应用的感应地电场计算模型,建立了均匀大地电阻率模型、分层大地电阻率模型和电网GIC等效模型,给出了开发评估软件采用的系列模型和计算方法。根据电网GIC的空间物理、地球物理过程,分析了评估电网GIC和开发评估软件的应用需求,设计了评估软件感应地电场计算和电网GIC计算两大功能模块,给出了评估软件管理、感应地电场计算和电网GIC计算等功能模块的流程,阐述了Microsoft C#.NET和MATLAB混合编程的软件开发技术。研究了评估软件用户管理、感应地电场计算和电网GIC计算等功能模块的实现方法,推导感应地电场的离散化公式和电网GIC计算的矩阵方程。在此基础上,完成了电网GIC水平评估软件的开发,为电网GIC评估提供了分析、计算工具。最后,建立了阳淮输电系统大地电阻率模型和电网GIC模型,用本文开发的评估软件分析、计算了阳淮输电系统的GIC水平,将分析计算结果与上河变电站GIC实测数据进行了对比分析,验证了评估方法和评估软件的有效性。

【Abstract】 With the expanding of the power grid, many grids, such as Guangdong power grid, Shandong power grid, suffered magnetic storm disasters. The measured data in these grids showed that, the level of GIC is severely affected by the magnetic storm intensity, the earth electrical structure, the network configuration and many other factors. The questions that how to evaluate power grid GIC level and how to develop a tool for GIC analysis and calculation need to be studied and solved. In order to solve these problems, the following research about GIC is finished.The generation mechanism and influence factors of GIC are illustrated and analyzed. Through comparing the advantages and disadvantages of the earth induced geoelectric field model, the model that can meet the need of practical engineering application is proposed. Then the relationships between electric and magnetic fields in uniform earth model and layered earth model are established respectively, the power grid GIC model is set up, and the formulas are deduced for the development of power grid GIC evaluation software.According to the mechanism of GIC generation, the need and the function of power grid GIC evaluation software is analyzed, the function modules, including the user manage module, the induced geoelectric field calculation module and the power grid GIC calculation module are designed, and the technology of mixed programming between Microsoft C#.NET and MATLAB is introduced.The computer realization methods of all of the functional modules are studied, the digital models of induced geoelectric field calculation and the matrix equation of GIC calculation is derived. Based on the above work, the software of power grid GIC evaluation is developed, which can calculate the power grid GIC for GIC monitoring points selection, equipment selection of planning power grid and so on.Finally, the earth model and power grid GIC model for YangHuai power transmission system are set up and the GIC level is calculated with the software of power grid GIC evaluation. The result compared with the measured data indicates that the GIC evaluation method and the software are effective.
