

Multi-scale Data Organization and Visualization of Lithospheric Plates Based on SDOG

【作者】 訾国杰

【导师】 郭增长; 吴立新;

【作者基本信息】 河南理工大学 , 测绘科学与技术, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 地球表层岩石圈不仅是人类生活和生产活动的最主要场所,也是给人类带来主要灾难的活动领域,加强对岩石圈尤其是浅层岩石圈的三维结构研究具有重要意义。本文结合当前岩石圈三维结构的研究现状,如平面模式的平面和剖面图形式难以直观的表现原本复杂的三维岩石圈结构;三棱柱、广义三棱柱等欧式真三维地质建模和数据组织方法在表达大范围的岩石圈结构时存在变形、数据裂缝和度量不准确的问题;基于直接球面流形空间球面格网表达方式又存在维度不足的问题,而基于阴阳格网的三维球体表达模型也存在球面格网非正交,增加数值计算复杂度的问题。在充分了解已有岩石圈板块数据和球体退化八叉树格网(SDOG)多层次、多分辨率和动态扩展编码等特点的基础上,进行如下研究工作:1.岩石圈板块细节层次模型表设计与数据收集。结合当前已公开的岩石圈数据和SDOG格网可视化速度,设计多层次岩石圈模型表,并结合模型表收集数据。2.岩石圈板块数据预处理。基于SDOG格网剖分退化的特点,针对多源异构的岩石圈数据进行预处理,生成统一的经纬网格式。3.岩石圈板块预处理数据组织。设计预处理数据目录表,对生成的经纬网格式岩石圈数据进行组织,并存入关系型数据库。4.岩石圈板块建模及数据组织。预处理经纬网数据首先转换为设计的离散中间坐标系-NsSDOG数据,然后转换为SDOG格网码数据。基于SDOG格网实现岩石圈板块建模,并设计岩石圈实体表和码属关联表,方便实现任意板块的可视化。本文的创新之处:基于一种新的三维空间格网基础框架-SDOG格网,设计了岩石圈板块建模前和建模后的数据结构表,并在可视化效果中验证,按照作者设计的数据结构管理数据具有一定可行性,并且数据结构表具有可扩展性,只需在数据结构表中增加相应的属性字段即可。

【Abstract】 Earth’s surface lithosphere is not only the most important place of human life for production activities, but also is activity areas which bring a major disaster to human, and some natural disasters occur in the depth of 20km range of the shallow lithosphere, such as earthquakes, landslides, mudslides, tsunamis, typhoons, floods, volcanic eruptions. Human can only have a correct understanding of it, rational development and protect it to ultimately protect the man himself.In this paper, the current three-dimensional structure of the lithosphere research Status, such as plane and profile the performance of the original form is difficult to visually complex three-dimensional lithospheric structure; prism, triangular prism and other generalized three-dimensional and so on of European space true three-dimensional geological modeling and data organization method for expressing a wide range of rock deformation ring structure exists the data do not accurately measure cracks and problems; Manifold space based on the direct sphere of expression and the existence of space dimensions of the problem of inadequate, Yin and Yang grid-based representation model three-dimensional sphere there are also non-orthogonal spherical grid to increase the numerical complexity of the problem。The following research work carried out bases on in full knowledge of existing data of the sphere of lithospheric plate, multi-level, multi-resolution and dynamic expansion and other characteristics of Sphere degradation octree grid (SDOG).1. The lithosphere plate details hierarchical model table design and data collection. According to the current of lithosphere data of already publicly and SDOG grid visualization, design multi-level lithosphere model table, and collect data.2. Preprocessing of lithosphere plate data. Preprocessing of multi-source heterogeneous lithosphere data based on SDOG, and convert to longitude-latitude geographical format.3. Organization of pretreatment data. Design struction of data content, organization of longitude-latitude geographical data, and deposited in the relational database. 4. The lithosphere plate modeling and data organization. Longitude-latitude geographical data convert to SDOG format and model lithosphere plate. Design entity content, coding-attribution content.Innovation points of this paper:Design the lithosphere plate data structure of before and after of modeling based on SDOG grid, have certain feasibility, and verified in visualization experiment, also have expansibility to add field.
