

Study on the Strata Behavior Regularity of Drilling Fully-mechanized Working Face with Large Mining Height in Zhaozhuang NO.2 Mine

【作者】 赵辉

【导师】 熊祖强;

【作者基本信息】 河南理工大学 , 采矿工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 大采高钻式综采具有节能高效、工艺简单的特点,既能适应于10m以上的常规壁式工作面开采,又可用于资源枯竭型矿井回收小块段资源和煤柱;比普通大型综采更能适应工作面地质及开采条件的变化,是中小型矿井实现安全高效开采的有效途径。研究大采高钻式综采工作面矿压显现规律、覆岩结构形态及围岩应力分布特征,对于大采高钻式综采工艺的推广应用具有重要的现实意义。本文采用现场实测、理论分析、相似模拟和数值模拟等方法,对大采高钻式综采工作面矿压规律进行了研究。运用关键层理论对覆岩移动规律进行了研究,并进行了理论计算。通过现场监测数据分析工作面矿压显现特征,探讨了支架合理工作阻力。利用相似模拟手段对覆岩活动规律及垮落特征进行了分析。采用数值模拟方法分析了工作面走向、倾向,不同采高及不同工作面长度条件下的支承压力分布规律。研究表明,大采高钻式综采工作面矿压显现明显,基本顶为II级来压明显顶板,基本顶初次来压期间支架载荷及动载系数小于周期来压期间支架载荷及动载系数;与普通长度大采高综采工作面比较,其顶板来压步距增大,动载系数减小,支承压力峰值、位置及影响范围降低;支架载荷约为普通长度大采高综采工作面的76%,且以静载为主,合理支架工作阻力约为采高4.3倍的岩柱重量。覆岩垮落高度为2.5-3倍的采高,垮落带及裂隙带高度大于传统经验公式计算出的最大值,故基本顶在较高层为形成“砌体梁”结构,该结构关键块的运动对厚煤层直接顶产生附加力,其周期失稳引起周期来压。采高增加,支承压力影响范围、峰值位置按非线性关系递增,而应力集中系数随之减少。工作面变短后,支承压力影响范围、峰值大小及位置减小,“压力拱”高度降低,覆岩变形、垮落区域减小,故钻式综采大采高工作面矿压显现程度较普通大采高工作面弱。

【Abstract】 The large mining height drilling fully-mechanized has the characteristics of energy efficient and technology simply, which suits to conventional working face length more than ten meters, but also used for the recovery of small section resources and coal pillar. It can adapt to the changes in geological and mining conditions easily compared with general large scale mechanized mining, which is an effective way to realize safety and high efficiency mining for small and medium sized mine. Through strata behavior regularity of large mining height drilling fully-mechanized face is studied, structural form of overburden rock and law of stress distribution can be learned, which has a great significance for application of the technology of large mining height drilling fully-mechanized.In this paper, the strata behavior regularity of large mining height drilling fully-mechanized in shorter mining face is studied by the means of field measurement, theoretical analysis, similar simulation and numerical simulation. The overburden movement is studied and calculated theoretically by "key strata theory". With the field monitoring, ground pressure behavior is analyzed, the suitable support working resistance is investigated. The law of overburden movement and collapse features is analyzed by similar simulation. Distribution law of rock stress is analyzed with FLAC3D numerical simulation method, and the relationship between mining speed and rock stress is studied.The study shows that, the strata behavior regularity of shorter working face is remarkable, main roof pressure is gradeⅡ, and the support load and coefficient of dynamic load are smaller during the first weighting than during the periodic ground pressure. Comparing to general length working face, periodic weighting increases, coefficient of dynamic load decreases, abutment pressure peak and effect range increases too. Roof pressure is more concentrated, support load is 76% of the general length working face, support load is static load, and the suitable working resistance range is 4.3 times mining height of pillar weight. Height of caving zone is 2.5 to 3 times mining height; "voussoir beam" structure is formed in the higher level, which can generate an additional force to immediate roof through movement, and its periodic instability causes periodic ground pressure. Working face decreases, pressure arch height decreases, overburden deformation and caving region decreases too. So, strata behavior of shorter working face weaker than the general length working faces. Mining height increases, the effect range of abutment pressure gradually and the position of peak point are nonlinearly increases, and the center coefficient of stress reduces.
