

The Gas-geology Law and Gas Forecasting in the Xing-an Coal Mine

【作者】 刘柏松

【导师】 崔洪庆; 张子敏;

【作者基本信息】 河南理工大学 , 安全工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 瓦斯是威胁煤矿安全生产的最大灾害源。瓦斯地质研究瓦斯的形成、运移、赋存和瓦斯灾害发生的地质控制作用,是瓦斯防治最重要的基础。运用瓦斯赋存构造逐级控制理论,研究了兴安矿地质构造对瓦斯赋存的控制,将兴安矿大量瓦斯资料及实测瓦斯基础参数与矿井地质构造特征相结合,研究矿井瓦斯赋存规律,在此基础上对矿井瓦斯含量、瓦斯涌出量及煤与瓦斯区域突出危险性进行预测。鹤岗矿区含煤盆地经过燕山后期、喜山期构造运动形成复杂的断裂构造,现今NNW-NW向构造为挤压性质,控制着煤层高瓦斯赋存并有利于瓦斯突出的发生;近SW向和NE、NNE向构造的拉张、裂陷活动有利于瓦斯的大量释放。矿区地层中广泛发育的火山碎屑岩、火山岩及南岭砾岩对煤层瓦斯起封盖作用。岩浆在矿区北部活动强烈,使该区煤变质程度的提高,瓦斯含量增大。分别分析了地质构造、煤层围岩岩性、岩浆岩分布、煤层埋深及煤厚对瓦斯赋存的影响,通过定性分析和定量的线性回归,得出兴安矿瓦斯地质规律为:整个井田范围内瓦斯含量随埋深的增加而增大,在井田南北边界断裂区瓦斯含量减小,影响其分布的主控因素为煤层埋深和断裂构造。将煤层埋深与相应瓦斯含量进行线性回归,建立瓦斯含量预测模型,对一定范围深度煤层瓦斯含量进行预测;采用分源预测法对回采工作面瓦斯涌出量预测。在分析影响兴安矿煤与瓦斯突出因素的基础上,对煤与瓦斯区域突出危险性进行预测。

【Abstract】 Gas is the biggest hazard source to the safety production in a coalmine. Gas geology is the most important foundation for prevention and treatment of gas. It studys the formation, transport, storage of gas and geology’s control to gas disaster.Using tectonic gradual control theory to study Geological structure’s control to gas occurrence. In order to stuy the law of gas occurrence, we need Combine a lot of gas information and measured gas parameters with geological chaaracteris.On the basis to predict gas content,gas emission and coal and gas outburst in mine.After experiencing Tectonic movement of Yanshan and Himalayan period,Complex faults are formed in Hegang basin. Today the nature of NNW-NW tectonic is compressional It control gas occurrence and facilitate the gas outburst occurs. Near SW,NE and NNE direction structures are extensional.They conductive to release a lot of gas. Pyroclastic rocks, volcanic rocks and Nanling conglomerate are Extensively developped in mining formation. They cover the seam coal. The magma activities Intensly in the northern part ofmining, so that gas content increases with the increase of coal rank.Analysis the impact of the structure,coal rock lithology,magmatic rock distribution and thickness of coal seam depth on the gas deposit.Through qualitative analysis and quantitative linear regression obtained the gas and geological laws in Xing-an mine:The gas content increase with depth throughout the whole mine. The gas content in North and South boundary fault is lower. The seam depth and structure are controlling factors affecting the distribution of gas. By linear regression the gas content with the depth of the seam,we can establish the predictive model of gas content and predict the gas content within a certain range of depth. Utilizing Sub-source prediction method to predict the Gas Emission in the coal face. On the basis of analysis of coal and gas outburst factors, this paper forecasts the coal and gas outburst dangerous area.
