

Stability Prediction of Roadway at Shaft Bottom Based on Geomechanical Characterization and Interpretation, With Special Reference to Daliu Colliery

【作者】 赵磊

【导师】 陆庭侃;

【作者基本信息】 河南理工大学 , 采矿工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 井底车场运输大巷是保证矿井能够安全生产的关键部分,也是运输系统正常工作的可靠保证,到目前为止,井底车场主运输巷道的支护工程多是根据现有支护理论和工程经验进行的。本文旨在根据巷道围岩的地质特征,运用地质力学分类评价、理论分析、数值模拟等方法,研究大柳矿井底车场主运输巷道的围岩稳定性。通过对井底车场运输大巷围岩钻孔所取岩芯的分析研究,并运用岩体力学及地质力学分类的方法确定出岩体的RMR值,并据此对运输大巷的围岩稳定性进行分类评价,发现巷道围岩属于不稳定围岩,自稳能力弱,裂隙发育、贯通。因此,通过运用ANSYS、FLAC3D等有限元模拟软件,研究了节理裂隙密度(裂隙间距)、岩层倾角等因素对巷道围岩稳定性的影响,发现随着岩体节理裂隙密度的减小(裂隙间距增大),巷道围岩的水平应力、位移均逐渐减小,但当裂隙密度减小到一定程度以后,其对巷道围岩的稳定性不再产生明显的影响;随着巷道围岩的岩层倾角从0°增加到45°,巷道围岩的应力,位移逐渐出现不对称分布,且岩层倾角越大,应力,位移不对称分布现象也越严重,巷道也更加趋于不稳定。因此,对大柳矿井底车场主运输巷道目前的支护结构进行了优化,以不对称的支护结构来平衡应力、位移分布的不对称,从而使巷道趋于稳定。通过运用FLAC3D软件的Cpower蠕变模型,还研究了巷道围岩的长期稳定性规律,发现巷道围岩,无论是顶板、巷帮、底板的变形都会经历加速蠕变期、减速蠕变期及稳定蠕变期。但是顶板、巷帮、底板的各个蠕变周期的长度并不一致,而且在运输大巷的使用年限内巷道围岩的蠕变均不会停止,因此需要持续且及时的对巷道进行维护。

【Abstract】 Roadway at shaft bottom is one of the key parts in mine system, particularly for mine transportation, ventilation etc. The thesis is mainly conducted geological and geomechanical investigation on the roadway at shaft bottom by using rock mechanicals and geomechanics theories to determine the RMR of rock masses, and educe RF of rock mass strength parameters so as to calculate the strength characteristics of rock mass. Also the effect of fracture density (fracture spacing)、strata dip and time on the stability of roadway at shaft bottom has been studied uing numerical modeling. The results indicated that the horizontal stress and horizontal displacement of surrounding rock reduced gradually with the fracture density decreasing (fracture spacing increasing),The rate of decrease of horizontal stress and horizontal displacement decreased with fracture density reducing (fracture spacing increasing),. The horizontal stress and horizontal displacement of rock have no significant changes,When the fracture spacing increased from 4m to 5m, and the fracture spacing has no effect on the stability of surrounding rock when the fracture spacing increased to 5m above. When strata dip increasing from 0°to 45°,the distribution of surrounding stress and displacement asymmetry appears. The stress and displacement of the left roof were significantly higher than the right roof, the stress and displacement of the right floor were significantly higher than the left floor. And the asymmetric distribution of stress and displacement are even more significant phenomenon, the roadway has become more unstable with the strata dip increasing, Therefore, the roadway support structure needs to be optimized and balance this asymmetric distribution of the stress and displacement through asymmetric support structure, to make the roadway stabilize. The deformation of roof、floor and rib will experience accelerated creep, creep slow and steady creep of the period. but this three creep cycles of the roof、floor and rib are not consistent, creep will not stop during the Roadway’s useful life, so it requires continuous maintenance.
