

Research on Several Questions in Construction Control of Continuous Beam Bridge in Shanghai-Hangzhou High-speed Railway

【作者】 周雄

【导师】 冯仲仁;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 桥梁与隧道工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 桥梁在设计过程中,对于施工现场的现实环境和相关参数取值不可能做到准确把握。为了使施工过程中各个工况的现实状态最大程度的符合设计要求,并确保施工过程中的各关键控制截面满足理论应力状态和结构的整体稳定安全,我们有必要对桥梁的施工过程进行全程的施工控制。本文结合沪杭客专跨沪杭高速公路特大桥跨秀州塘连续梁施工控制实例,首先介绍了目前我国高速铁路的发展概况,连续梁桥施工控制对于高速铁路施工的必要性以及施工控制的原理和方法。运用Midas建立仿真计算模型并得出计算结果,对具体施工控制过程中的实际问题进行研究,其中包括连续梁墩顶42m零号块施工中的挠度控制和温度裂缝以及应力监测、零号块施工中遇到的问题、各悬浇和合拢段的施工控制等,最终得出了全桥施工的温度、应力和线形控制结果。在施工控制过程中,我们必须根据现场实测数据和现场试验参数对模型计算结果进行了反复修正,使桥梁结构实际状态不断的趋近于理想状态,圆满的完成施工控制工作。在零号块大体积混凝土施工过程中,应该对零号块施工阶段的温度裂缝控制给予高度重视,提高监测频次,认真分析监测数据结果,防止混凝土温度裂缝的产生。同时在零号块养护过程中,应该特别注意在环境温度变化较大的情况下,做好梁面混凝土的保温措施,防止混凝土因内外温差过大而产生开裂现象。悬臂浇筑施工过程中的最关键的工程设备就是施工挂篮。在施工过程中,由于工期和现场环境的限制,施工挂篮的压载时间有时并未达到规定的时长,导致挂篮的非弹性变形并未完全消除,同时也造成了挂篮弹性变形的计算结果的不精确,导致悬浇段预拱度的计算产生偏差。在挂篮预压时,必须严格按照试验方案进行预压,完全消除其非弹性变形,才能更加精确的控制桥梁的整体线形。最后,在总结本文工作的基础上,提出了本研究方向仍需进一步深入发掘的若干研究课题。

【Abstract】 The bridge design process, in theory, the reality of the construction site for the environment and the values of relevant parameters can not be done accurately. To make the construction process of the real state of the various conditions the maximum extent consistent with theoretical design and construction process to ensure that all critical control sections to meet the theoretical structure of stress state and stability of the overall security, we need to bridge the entire process of construction process Construction Control.In this paper, cross-Hangzhou Expressway, Shanghai-Hangzhou-off special show bridge span continuous beam construction control state Tong instance, first introduced the current overview of the development of high-speed railway, construction control for continuous bridge the need for high-speed railway construction and construction control principles and methods of controlling the results of the relevant factors and error adjustment method.Build simulation models using Midas and the results obtained, the construction control of specific practical problems in the study, including the 42m pier continuous beam construction in the block zero degree of control and temperature around the crack and stress monitoring, zero blocks problems encountered in the construction, the cantilever section of the construction and close control, and ultimately obtained full-bridge construction of the temperature, stress, and linear control results. Control in the construction process, we must field data and field test results on the model parameters repeated correction, on-site construction control survey work is the basis of the actual construction site to obtain the key parameter is the model, only in a serious and responsible attitude, ground measurements, ground calculation, diligence analysis, ground thinking to manipulation in the construction of the bridge structure, close to the actual state of constant theoretical ideal, the successful completion of construction control.Zero block in the large volume construction process, it should block the construction phase of the zero temperature crack control given high priority to improve the monitoring frequency, a careful analysis of the results of the monitoring data to prevent the concrete temperature cracks. Zero blocks while curing process, we should pay special attention to the larger temperature changes in the environment situation, do a good job of concrete girder insulation measures to prevent excessive temperature difference between inside and outside of concrete due to cracking phenomenon caused. Cantilever construction process is the most critical engineering equipment construction Cradle. During the construction process, because the duration and site constraints, the construction of ballast hanging basket did not meet the requirements of time and sometimes the length of time, resulting in Basket does not completely eliminate the non-elastic deformation, but also elastic deformation caused by the Cradle The results of the imprecise, resulting in cantilever section of the calculation of camber bias. Preload in the Cradle, the pilot program must be strictly in accordance with the pre-pressure, complete elimination of the non-elastic deformation of the bridge to more precise control of the whole line.Finally, in a programmatic summary of this work, the proposed direction of this research still needs some further research to explore.
