

The Study on the Strategy of Gushi County Tourism Development Based on the SWOT Analysis

【作者】 王素霞

【导师】 杨前进;

【作者基本信息】 重庆师范大学 , 旅游管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 固始县的旅游优势在于根亲文化带来的客源优势、旅游投资优势。固始旅游的目标在于寻根祭祖、领略文化遗产之余,也能欣赏南部山区的自然风光,并实现旅游产品的多元化。并提出建立大别山北麓旅游合作共同体的设想,以增强旅游品牌营销力。结合固始县自身的资源情况、县域经济发展状况等,对特有的根亲旅游、生态旅游资源特色的充分认识基础上,选择适合县一级旅游产业的发展模式与道路,促进县域经济的全面发展。本文主要研究内容包括:1.对相关概念和理论进行了阐述。2.对国内外县域旅游经济或区域旅游开发相关研究文献进行综述的基础上,对固始县旅游发展进程中的对应旅游发展趋势作了相关分析。3.对固始县县情与旅游发展现状进行介绍与分析,着重从游客市场和旅游发展空间布局进行分析或规划。4.运用SWOT分析方法对固始县旅游开发存在的的优势、劣势、机遇和威胁做了全面分析,认为固始县在旅游开发上,生态旅游资源、根亲文化、客源市场和区域可进入性等方面优势突出,在基础设施、从业人员和知名度方面还处于劣势,在旅游市场发展趋势和国家政策方面面临良好的机遇,在保护资源、环境与“生态游”“根亲游”市场竞争方面存在威胁。在此基础上,从形象宣传、提高区域知名度、旅游产品多样化、生态旅游环境保护以及区域旅游合作等方面为固始县旅游开发提供了对策。

【Abstract】 The tavel advantage of Gushi County depends on the tourists and investment from root pro-Tour.Gushi tourism that includes memorial, appreciatment of the cultural heritage and enjoyment of the natural beauty of the southern mountains achieves the diversification of tourism products. In order to enhance the power of brand marketing tourism, Gushi tourism proposes to establish the cooperation Community tourism with Dabie Mountains.Gushi County,which analyzes its own resources, the county economic development status, and the understanding of the characteristics of the unique root of pro-tourism, eco-tourism resources, selects the appropriate county-level tourism development model and the road to promote the overall county economy development.This paper includes:1. The describment of relevant concepts and theories.2. The anaiysis of the trends of the corresponding correlation of Gushi County tourism development on the basis of the literature review of the county or region of tourism.3. The introduction of Gushi county and the current situation of tourism development and the analysis of tourism development from the tourist market and spatial layout.4. The conclusion of the comprehensive SWOT analysis of tourism development on the existence of Gushi County, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats is that Gushi County in tourism development, the eco-tourism resources, the root pro-culture, and the regional tourism market can own outstanding advantages.Accessibility, infrastructure, employees and popularity still are unfavorable. The tourism market trends and national policies face a good opportunity. The protection of resources, environment and "eco-tourism" and "root pro-Tour" market exist competition. The author provides Strategies from the image of the publicity to raise regional awareness, tourism, product diversification, eco-tourism and regional tourism cooperation in environmental protection and other aspects of Gushi County Tourism Development.Ⅲ

【关键词】 旅游规划固始大别山SWOT分析
【Key words】 Tourism planningGushiDabie MtSWOT analysis
  • 【分类号】F592.7
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】734