

The Analysis of Implement of Women’s Flexible Retirement System in China

【作者】 梁馨月

【导师】 张力;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 社会保障, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国人口老龄化加剧,曾经一度被搁置的是否应该改革退休制度的话题又一次被提到了日程,国务院新闻办公室2010年10日发布的《中国的人力资源状况》白皮书称,2035年,我国2名纳税人将供养1名养老金领取者。去年国务院新闻办公室发布的《国家人权行动计划(2009-2010年)》指出,2009-2010年预计我国新增1800万城镇就业人口,转移1800万农业劳动人口,城镇登记失业率控制在5%以内,重点解决高校毕业生和农民工就业问题。我国复杂的国情造成了我国退休制度改革的复杂性,单纯的推迟退休年龄并非最有效的缓解养老金资金支付紧张、就业压力大等社会问题,因此,是否延长退休年龄以及中国需要实行什么样的退休制度需要综合考虑人口结构和就业情况。目前,我国实行统一的按法定年龄退休的制度:男职工年满60周岁,女干部年满55周岁,女工人年满50周岁。传统的退休制度已不能与经济和社会发展相适应,尤其与人口预期寿命提高、人力资本周期延长、地区老龄化差异老龄以及劳动人口增加、加大等现象矛盾突出,等等。针对这种情况,本文分六章分析并阐述了我国女性实行弹性退休制度的可行性分析。文章的引言和文献综述部分对全文论述的主要内容进行基本概括,主要阐述了国内外学者对退休年龄以及退休制度的理论观点和实践研究,并为后文的写作做了理论铺垫;第三部分是对退休制度的简要概述,主要介绍了国内的退休制度和国外一些国家的退休制度,从而的得出了对我国实行退休制度改革的启示;第四部分就我国女性实行弹性退休制度的可行性进行了两方面分析,并从微观和宏观的角度对我国女性实行弹性退休制度的条件和环境进行了分析;从而得出了第五部分,即在我国女性实行弹性退休制度既存在着积极的一面,又存在着不足,这需要在今后改革的进程中逐步加以完善和改进;并且对我国女性实行弹性退休制度做出了年龄上和退休金设计上的制度设计建议;第六部分为全文的总结段。总的来说,本文旨在对国内国外学者对于退休年龄和退休制度改革的观点加以总结和借鉴,分析其与当前社会现象和经济现象之间的矛盾,并以我国女性的退休制度为例,重点分析我国女性的退休制度及现状,提出实行弹性退休制度的想法,并分析其环境因素及可行性从而提出笔者的见解。

【Abstract】 The substance of this thesis is on the basis of an enigmatic analysis and discussion to the retirement system implementing in China. Recent years, China has moved into aging society, meanwhile, the new increasing employed population has been up to 18,000,000 by the end of 2010. Facing such a huge pressure, the Chinese government and the various sections of society begin to thinking about the reform of Chinese retirement system.On the basis of draw lesson of retirement system reform from both home and abroad, the thesis concludes 6 parts. The first and second parts are mainly the introduction and the literature review, which conclude the mainstream of experts and scholars in the field of social society and labor economy. The third part mainly analyzes the experience of retirement policy both in and abroad. The forth part is the feasibility analysis of women’s flexible retirement system in microcosmic and macrocosmic. The fifth part is the designation of women’s flexible retirement system on terms of retirement ages and retirement pension, in which presents that all system should be obedience of objective realities of the country. The sixth part is the conclusion paragraph of the thesis.In general, the thesis is to propose some suggestions to the recent issue of retirement system. The author hopes that it could be help to the whole system of social security.
