

Online Ordering System Design and Implementation

【作者】 刘铁梅

【导师】 黄岚; 杨滨;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 计算机软件工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 从中国餐饮业的发展现状看,中国餐饮业当今的特点之一就是在线点餐服务发展迅速,随着互联网普及率的提高,以及互联网应用的深入,网上点餐这个课题已经提出,在线点餐服务已经陆续在北京、上海以及经济发达的一级城市开展,并受到餐饮消费者的欢迎。为了方便人们生活,提高人们的生活效率,本系统根据现实点餐的方式虚拟于网络之上,使人们通过网络就可以完成生活中必要的事情(饮食)。系统的完成不仅可以基本实现客户点餐的功能,还能在此基础上提供更多的,更贴心的服务。信息技术的发展将更快的推动互联网的发展,点餐系统的重要性也将越显其强大的作用。中国在线点餐服务平台有很大发展潜力,如果以2007年餐饮业零售额12352亿元的1%的在线点餐佣金计算,在线点餐服务的佣金市场就将近123亿元,再加上广告费等各类其他形式的收入,在线点餐服务平台的潜在市场将至少达到150亿元,这也使得这种商业模式受到风险投资的青睐,并得以迅速发展。网络点餐可通过色彩、图片、说明、设置动画加强了产品的宣传,大大提高了餐饮业的“色型”要求。实现产品管理方便,起到立竿见影的效果,不用因为更改菜色而重新印刷。只要在后台鼠标轻轻一点,全线马上更新。采用B/S模式,点餐者无须安装第三方软件,能上网就能点餐,甚至可以利用手机上网点餐,使操作更加简便,点餐信息更加准确。避免口头传递信息的错误,优化服务。网络不会跟电话一样占线,在高峰期对点餐的处理更是游刃有余,只看着屏幕点打印即可,就可下厨房配菜配送。地址永远不会丢失,是一个永远存在的电子菜单,甚至还可以通过我们的推广而让更多的客人认识,不用派人派宣传单,省去一笔宣传和人工费用。点餐途径有了更好的改善,网络点餐成为电话点餐又一有力补充,扩大客流,从而整体提高业务量。倡导了一种时尚,餐店的定位更是网络化,时尚化,具备更为勃勃的生机。缓解了食堂拥挤的困境,为食堂提供更为轻松的环境。有时间的提前性,方便统筹安排,集中处理。采用会员制度,设立积分换赠送,营销手段更是利用得淋漓尽致。可以设立团体会员制,利用赠品或优惠,扩大市场份额。利用网页技术,展示各餐饮企业的精品,增强吸引力。详细介绍每一个产品,展现餐饮企业周到、细微的服务。容易形成品牌和连锁经营,即使没有合适的店面,主要配送队伍健全,一个店面,就可以做全市生意。点餐者省电话费,实现双盈。提供了交流的平台,实现消费者可贵信息的反馈和交流。方便统计和查询,分析经营来得更直接。企业创新,跟得上市场的需要。利用计算机系统来管理店内的所有业务,不仅速度快、效率高,而且大大提高了数据的准确率。即排除了人为因素的干扰,又使各方面的数据得到严格控制,降低了经营成本,增加了企业效益,大大提高了餐饮业务办公的自动化程度。无形中就提高了工作效率和企业的管理水平,使企业赢得了时间,赢得了客户,赢得了效益。这才符合现代化企业管理的要求。使企业全面提升了一个档次。本文主要介绍区域性在线点餐系统的开发过程以及在开发过程中运用到的原理、技术等,详细地描述了餐厅导航系统制作原理以及该系统在线点餐、结算、派送、检索等功能的实现过程。在对中国当前餐饮业发展的背景了解后,结合了当前对电子商务系统的大众的需求,再经过对系统的具体分析,形成了前期的功能需求,并对系统做出了概要设计和详细设计,画出系统框架和程序流程图,为系统的顺利开发提供了方向和有力工具。同时,基于对JSP及B/S结构的了解、以及对如何使用JavaBean对数据库进行操作和学习,并利用tomcat服务器和sqlserver2008以及dream weaver和fireworks开发工具实现了注册、登陆、浏览、预定、订单管理、结算、检索等功能。其主要功能与特点是:用户基本功能:及时查看展出食品,能随时发送订单,发送对餐厅的评价。并提供多种搜索查看方式,全面自动化管理,信息灵活查询,方便快捷,准确。管理员功能强大:能够方便管理食品,留言板,公告等基本信息,查看销售业绩。采用先进流行的技术构架,具有可移植性,可扩展性,更易于以后维护。人性化设计,程序设计充分考虑使用方便,界面友好。动态发布、更新信息,由于食品信息的及时更新性很强,要求所有物品可以做到随时被更新、添加或删除。全面构建市场信息采集平台,整合企业在渠道商和最终消费者之间的业务和信息,最终形成统一的基础信息管理平台,为企业决策提供基础数据支持。提供用户留言板,增强网站的互动性。本系统可满足大多数中小型的餐饮商务网站要求。系统实现了一个完整的网上交易过程,系统结构简单但功能齐全,系统中绝大多数ASP页都可直接访问WEB服务器的文件系统或数据库服务器的数据库系统,快餐添加功能中的图片上传采用组件访问WEB服务器。

【Abstract】 Along with the constant development of Chinese catering, net-ordering meal has become one of the most important features in catering. With the spread of Internet among the people, Online Meal Ordering has been put forward to Beijing, Shanghai and the other city. In order to improve the efficiency of life, this system could help people to complete the real necessity through the virtual network, just like dieting. The accomplishment of this system not only achieves the functions of the customers’ordering basically, but also provides more convenient services. With the fast development of Internet, the importance of Online Meal Ordering System will become more and more powerful.The online meal ordering service platform has great potential for development in China. For example, the retail price of catering is RMB 1.2351 trillion in 2007. If the commission on ordering was 1%, the brokerage market would reach RMB 1.23 billion. Taking account of the fees in advertisement and the other commercial forms, the potential market would be close to RMB 150 billion at least, which was favored by many risk investors.The net-ordering meal can meet the "color type" requirement through colors, images, descriptions and animation. This function gets instant results in product management, and it does not need to change dishes for re-printing. The customers should press the mouse lightly in the background, the dishes will be changed at once. By using B/S mode, the customers who do not need to install third-party software will be able to order food by Internet or mobile phones. Easy operate, easy order. Optimize the services, avoid oral transmission errors.Network will not be engaged. During the peak of meal ordering, the customers need to see the screen and print the order, then the kitchen will be delivered the food to the specified location. Address that is always the electronic menu will never be lost, and even through our promotion, the website can take up the attention of other people, save the publicity expenses and labor costs.The method of ordering has improved greatly. The online meal ordering can expand the volume of travelers and improve the overall business cases. Using the Internet, the restaurants lead to fashion, relieve the noisy dining environment, and focus on orders conveniently. Membership system can be introduced to the management of the restaurants. Gifts or discounts can expand market share.The web technologies show high-quality goods which appeal to the diners. This method introduces every product in detail, and show the fine service of catering enterprises. Through the Internet, the restaurants are easy to form the brands and chain operations; even without the right storefront, a small one that owns an integral distribution team can handle all the business in the city. Provided a communication platform, the customers not only save the telephone fees, but also give their feedback to the managers of the restaurants. Sales statistics and inquiries could be calculated to analysis more directly.The computer systems can manage all the business, not only fast, but also accurate. The data of all aspects is strictly controlled, which reduces operating costs and increases business efficiency. Office automation enabled the catering enterprises to improve management, win the customers and gain the benefits.This paper analyzed the development process, the principle and technologies of the Online Meal Ordering System. It described the principles of the restaurant navigation systems, including ordering online, payment, delivery, retrieval functions and so on. With the development of e-commerce, the Online Meal Ordering System has formed pre-functional requirements, which made a summary of the system design, detailed design, system framework and flow chart of the procedures for the smooth development. Based on JSP and B/S structure, the author used the JavaBean, the database, tomcat server, sqlsever2008, dreamvever and fireworks development tool to create some new functions, just like registration, login, browse, book, order management, payment, search and other functions. The main functions and features are:User basic functions:View display of dishes in time; send orders anytime, give evaluations to the restaurant. And provide multiple search mode, automated management, flexible inquiry.Powerful administrator functions:convenient management of food, message boards, bulletin and other basic information; view the sales performance. This system used the popular advanced technology which easier to maintain later.User-friendly design:convenient programming, friendly interface, News releases/updates. Due to update the information of food, it requires that all items can be dealt at any time. Market information collection platform will be built for merging the business between the enterprise and end-consumers, which provide the basic data support. The system provides a user message board, and enhances the site interaction.This system can meet most requirements of small and medium food business website. System integration achieved a complete online transaction process, system structure is simple and functional, most ASP pages can access to WEB server file system or database server database system, and the image-uploaded function of adding features can access to WEB server in group.

【关键词】 在线点餐系统JavaBeanJSP
【Key words】 the Online Meal Ordering SystemJavaBeanJSP
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 09期
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【下载频次】959