

Development of Dynamic Motion Simulator with 6-DOF and Its Control System

【作者】 侯凯翔

【导师】 张雷;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 “动感电影”,又叫“模拟电影系统”,原名为"Dynamic Motion Simulator"(简称为DMS)。动感电影最初原型为美国军方的飞行员培训航空模拟器,在上世纪九十年代被引入娱乐场所,其奥妙在于观众座位会随剧情变化而做相应动作,能够带给观众刺激、惊险、逼真的感觉。作为参与型娱乐项目的代表与潮流,动感电影近年来被越来越多的国内观众所认识与接受,也逐渐引起了许多研究机构的兴趣。六自由度并联机构由于在许多领域都有巨大的应用潜力和价值,引起了诸多学者和研究机构的广泛兴趣。从上世纪八十年代开始,欧美发达国家相继在这一领域开展了研究,并取得许多成果。我国在六自由度并联机构研究方面起步较晚,无论在设计制造方面还是在运动控制方面都落后于发达国家。尤其在动感电影设备研究方面,国内相关技术尚不够成熟,与国外同类产品还有很大差距。因此,对六自由度并联机构及其控制进行深入研究,开发出性能优良的六自由度运动模拟设备,具有很大价值。本课题依托吉林省科技发展计划重大项目“特种电影关键技术与设备研究”的子项目“动感电影体验技术和设备研究”(项目编号:20076010),对六自由度动感体验设备结构及其控制进行了研究,开发出了基于6-SPS并联机构的样机设备和控制系统。对六自由度并联机构的运动学理论进行了研究,运用矩阵分析方法建立了六自由度动感体验设备运动学模型,推导出了运动平台位姿、速度、加速度和时间之间的关系。在综合考虑六自由度运动模拟器特性和项目技术指标的基础上,对六自由度动感体验平台进行了机械结构开发,包括驱动方式选择、样机结构形式选取、总体参数确定和各零部件设计等;并对所开发样机结构进行了ADAMS运动学仿真,证明了运动学理论的正确性和结构设计的合理性;最后进行了平台整机装配工作。采用开放式控制系统,使用“工控机+运动控制卡”的结构模式对六自由度动感体验设备控制系统进行了开发。工控机负责人机交互界面管理、运动轨迹规划、控制指令发送、系统状态显示等工作。运动控制卡则完成脉冲和方向信号输出、自动升降速处理、原点和限位信号检测等运动控制的细节。选用全数字伺服驱动单元作为执行机构,具有精度高、稳定性强、能够快速响应的优点。自行开发了控制系统外围接口板,将控制卡与伺服驱动系统、限位开关之间的通讯线路以及控制系统开关电源模块全部集中在接口板上,极大方便了硬件电路连接;开发了控制柜等外围设备,完成了运动平台硬件控制系统搭建。对六自由度动感体验设备控制软件设计要求、控制流程、功能模块实现和运动轨迹数据处理进行了研究。综合考虑Visual C++6.0和Matlab优缺点,采用了两者相结合,实时控制和运动学计算相分离的方式进行了软件开发。控制系统软件总体框架以Windows xp系统为平台,以面向对象的编程语言VC++6.0为工具,采用模块化设计思想进行了开发。控制系统软件分为上位机软件和下位机软件两部分。上位机软件采用Visual C++6.0开发,主要负责系统管理、状态显示以及数据处理等实时性比较弱的任务;下位机软件则采用ADT-856运动控制卡自带编程语言开发,利用控制卡强大的运算能力来完成运动控制、限位信号检测以及安全监控等实时性比较强的任务。PC机与ADT856控制卡之间通过调用动态链接库(DLL)相联系,从而共同完成运动控制过程。本文控制软件主要分为初始化(包括运动控制卡初始化、平台各电动缸初始化功能)、运动控制(包括伺服使能、六轴联动、回零运动、手动调试、运动停止功能)、数据处理、状态检测(包括速度位移值反馈、限位信号检测、伺服电机运行状态检测和控制卡工作状态监测功能)、辅助功能模块(包括参数设置和IO开关量信号测试功能)。控制系统采用开放式结构、功能模块化设计,提高了软件的可维护性和重用性。

【Abstract】 "Dynamic movie", also called "simulation film system", formerly known as "Dynamic Motion Simulator". Dynamic movie, which came from the Flight Simulator for the U.S. military pilot training, was introduced in the 1990s. The mystery of dynamic movie is that the audience seats will make synchronous activity following the evolution of the plot on the screen, so it brings the audience a more adventure and realistic immersive feel. As a representative of the participating entertainment project, dynamic movie was known and accepted by more and more domestic audience in recent years. At present, the domestic dynamic movie technology is not enough for mature, and also has a big disparity with the same products abroad. Therefore, the development of Dynamic Motion Simulator with .6-DOF and Its Control System has important significance。Due to having a great application potential and value,6-dof parallel mechanism attracts many scholars and research institutions. From the 1980s, western developed countries began to conduct research in this field, and has obtained many achievements. Because of starting late in the research of 6-dof parallel mechanism, no matter in design and manufacture or in motion control aspects, our county has a great gap compared with the developed countries. Accordingly, study of 6-dof parallel mechanism and development of a fine performance equipment mean great value.According to "the key technology and equipment research of dynamic movie" which is branch of an important project of science and technology development program of Jilin Province, this paper mainly studied six-dof motion experience equipment which is based on 6-SPS parallel mechanism, and developed prototype equipment and control system.As a kind of entertainment simulation platform, Dynamic Motion Simulator with 6-DOF has some differences compared with parallel robot and parallel machine etc. It has higher control precision requirements on the movement speed and sudden accelerated speed, but do not require high on position precision. And request control system can respond rapidly, mechanical structure has certain carrying capacity. In addition, the requirements for workspace of the sports simulator are relatively high. Based on comprehensive consideration of the characteristics of 6-dof motion simulator and the technical indexes of this project, this paper developed the structure of dynamic motion simulator with 6-dof, including the selection of mechanical structure, the general parameters determination and parts design, etc. And through the Kinematic simulation,the prototype structure showed a reasonable structure design. Finally, the machine assembly work was done. Based on the structure of "IPC+motion control card" which is the master-slave control structure, this paper developed a control system. IPC is responsible for human-computer interface management, trajectory planning, control commands sent, the system status display, etc. And the control card is responsible for the motion control details of the pulse and direction signal output, the processing of speed automatic lifting, origin and limit signal detection, etc. Digital servo drive unit was selected as implementing agencies, it has the advantages of accuracy, stability, and fast response. To facilitate the connection of hardware circuit, the peripheral interface board, which including the communication lines between the control card and servo drive systems or limit switches and the power supply module,is developed in this paper. Subsequently, the control system control cabinet and other peripheral equipment is developed. Finally, The hardware control system is build.This paper studies the design requirement of control system of dynamic motion simulator with 6-dof, mainly focuses on control flow, functional modules and trajectory data processing. Considering the advantages and disadvantages, the software is developed in a way which combine both of Visual C++6.0 and Matlab. Based on Windows xp system and modular design, the overall framework of control system software is developed with VC++6.0 which is object-oriented programming language. The control system software is divided into upper and lower machine software. The upper software, which is developed using Visual C++6.0, is responsible for system management, status display and data processing tasks, etc. And the lower software is developed using the programming language of ADT-856 motion contorl card, it’s using the powerful computing power of the control card to complete the motion control, limit signal detection and safety monitoring, etc. By calling the dynamic link library (DLL),PC and ADT856 control card complete the task of motion control together. This control software consists of initialization (including the initialization of motion control card and electric cylinder), motion control (including functions of servo enabled, manual testing, movement stopping, etc), data processing, condition monitoring (including the speed feedback, limit signal detection, the status monitoring of servo motor and control card operation,etc) and auxiliary function modules (including parameter settings and IO signal testing function). Using open architecture and modular design, the maintainability and reusability of the software is improved.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 09期
  • 【分类号】TP273;TP242
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】415