

Research on Problem of Efficient Paths for Urban Rail Transit

【作者】 郭彦云

【导师】 毛保华; 孙全欣;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着城市轨道交通建设步伐的加快,线网规模的扩大和结构的完善,轨道交通线网耦合度越来越高,不同站换乘将更加频繁,采用“无缝换乘”的运营模式将成为今后轨道交通网络化发展的必然结果。同时由于人们对出行路径的理解费用差异和路径选择的多样性,导致乘客出行路径更难掌握。因此,深入分析乘客路径选择的影响因素,确定乘客出行路径集合将变得尤为重要。只有科学合理的掌握乘客出行路径选择行为,才能准确把握乘客出行规律,确定乘客出行路径,对今后城市轨道交通客流预测、运营组织管理及不同运营商之间的客票清算提供依据和支撑。本文以城市轨道交通乘客出行行为特性为基础,充分考虑了影响乘客路径选择的主要影响因素,拓展了广义费用函数。通过增加换乘次数限制条件重新定义了有效路径,并设计了有效路径求解算法。论文的主要研究内容和结论如下:(1)针对城市轨道交通路网的特殊性,对换乘节点进行特殊处理,构建了轨道交通路网拓扑结构。在该网络拓扑结构基础上,对轨道交通网络基本元素之间的关系进行数学建模,包括车站关系、区段关系、线路关系等,为有效路径的求解及各元素在计算机中的存储提供数学基础。(2)在充分考虑乘客换乘舒适度的基础上,改进乘客出行路径选择的广义费用函数。通过分析影响乘客路径选择的乘车时间、换乘时间等主要因素,为确定乘客出行有效路径范围提供前提。由于出行者对换乘费用比较敏感,通过增加换乘次数限制条件,对有效路径进行重新定义。该定义减少了不符合实际的出行路径。(3)基于有效路径定义,提出了基于BFS的路径搜索算法。由于BFS算法是一种路径枚举算法,效率较低,提出通过关键结点确定有效路径的BFS改进算法,并进行算例验证。算例研究表明,BFS路径搜索算法相对既有算法具有运行效率高、存储空间节省等特点,对于带环网络不会遗漏满足条件的有效路径。(4)针对不同类别乘客对出行费用理解差异,设定不同参数,对比分析了有效路径选择结果。结果表明增加换乘次数限制条件使得有效路径范围更加符合实际情况。通过求解OD点对有效路径,对基于换乘舒适度的广义费用模型进行验证,并对模型中的参数进行灵敏度分析。采用换乘流量结果与调查数据对比分析,表明换乘舒适度是影响路径选择的一个重要因素,且在某些换乘车站,考虑换乘舒适度的换乘流量结果更加贴近实际数据。

【Abstract】 With the accelerating pace in urban rail transit construction, the expanding scale as well as improving structure in line network, the coupling coefficient of rail transit network is getting higher and different transfer between stations is more frequent. Therefore, it is the inevitable result of network development that we adopt the operation mode of seamless transfer. At the same time, due to the diversity of the route choice resulting from the cost of travel people think, it leads that it is difficult to grasp the transit path of passengers. So, it’s particularly important to determine the travel path set by deeply analyzing the influencing factors effect to the path choice of passengers. So only by getting hold of the passengers’behaviors of route choice, we can accurately grasp the rules and paths, which can provide the basis and support for passenger flow forecast in urban rail transit and operation organization management as well as ticket clearing problem between operation business.In this paper, based on the passenger’ behaviors in rail transit, we fully consider the influencing factors effect to the path choice about passengers and expand the general cost function. We redefine the efficient path which transfer time has been considered as a limiting condition and design the algorithm. The contents and conclusion of this paper are summarized as follows:(1) This paper establishes the network topology structure of rail transit based on particularity of rail transit network, which process the transfer nodes according to the particularity of rail transit network. On the account of the network topology above, the relations between the basic elements in rail transit network is presented, including stations, sections, lines and association relations between them, which provide mathematical basis for solving the efficient path and storing every element in computer.(2) Considering the transfer comfort of transit, it improves the general cost function. Analyzing the principal influencial factors of path choice provides premise for confirming the scope of efficient paths. Because the cost function of transfer is sensitive for passengers, transfer time has been considered as a limiting condition and the efficient path is redefined, which reduces the travel routes inconsistent with actual.(3) In view of the redefined efficient paths, we design path algorithm by using BFS. Since BFS is a path enumeration algorithm with inefficiency, the BFS algorithm that using key nodes determine the efficient path on the basis of features of rail transit network is presented. Furthermore, simple analysis of the path searching process proves the feasibility of algorithm and verifies that the modified algorithm does not only improve operating efficiency, but also save storage space.(4) Beacuse of different understanding about cost of different passengers attributes, the paper analyzes the paths based on various parameters, the conclusion demonstrate that transfer times restriction make the efficient paths more consistent with real data. Moreover, by solving the efficient path of OD pair, the generalal cost function considering transfer comfort is verified and the sensitivity analysis of the parameters is carried out. Simultaneously, we compares transfer flow of calculated results with the real date, which shows that transfer comfort will become a major factor that influences the route choice.
