

Study on Pedestrian Level of Service at Signalized Intersection Based on Qualitative Reasoning

【作者】 张敏敏

【导师】 钱大琳;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 系统工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 摘要:行人是城市交通系统的重要组成部分,然而长期以来,我国对行人交通没有给予足够的重视。在规划设计研究和组织管理工作中,往往以机动车为主要考虑对象,导致行人出行质量没有保障,服务水平不高。因此需要大力倡导“以人为本”的理念,将行人也作为一种交通方式切实加以考虑。为此,如何科学合理地评价行人服务水平成为需要解决的基本问题。鉴于此,本文以国家自然科学基金项目“信号平交路口行人服务水平若干问题研究”为依托,从定性推理的角度出发,以定性和定量分析相结合的方法对信号交叉口的行人服务水平进行了研究,主要工作如下:(1)提出行人服务水平的评价指标。在分析行人过街行为的基础上,参照以往研究成果,从系统观点提出了反映混合交通特性的交叉口行人服务水平评价指标:行人信号延误,行人干扰延误。这两个指标不仅反映行人作为个体的感受,而且还将行人置于混合交通这个系统中考虑其感受,更为全面。(2)建立了基于定性定量推理的服务水平评价指标计算模型。文中通过定性分析评价指标的定量模型,建立评价指标的因果推理结构,然后采用小波分析处理交通调查和仿真提取的样本数据,划分参数的定量空间,得到指标的定性值和定性区间。在此基础上,统计分析参数间的定性关系,推导评价指标的半定量计算模型。(3)给出了行人服务水平的分级标准。基于类相关连续属性离散化理论,对行人信号延误和干扰延误的定性区间进行分级,确定行人服务水平分级标准。(4)对北京市典型的信号交叉口,验证评价指标半定量计算模型的有效性和可行性,并利用本文方法评价行人服务水平,与HCM2000方法进行对比验证,结果表明本文评价结果更合理。本文研究中的创新点包括:(1)从系统观点提出了行人服务水平评价指标。(2)运用定性定量结合的思路,建立服务水平评价指标的半定量化模型。相对于定量计算方法,该方法更加科学地反映指标影响因素之间的不确定关系。

【Abstract】 ABSTRACT:In the urban traffic, pedestrian is an important part, however, our country did not pay enough attention to pedestrian. In design research and management work, motor vehicles are being taken as the main consideration, so that pedestrian travel is no guarantee and LOS is not high. Therefore we need to advocate the "people-oriented" concept, and consider pedestrian earnestly as transportation. How to scientifically and rationally evaluate the pedestrian Level-of-Service has become a basic problem to be resolved.In view of this, supported by National Natural Science Foundation Project "Study on Several Issues of Pedestrian Level-of-Service at Signalized Intersection", pedestrian LOS was studied by qualitative and quantitative analysis based on qualitative reasoning as following:(1) The evaluation indexes of pedestrian Level-of-Service were proposed. Based on analysis of pedestrian crossing and previous research achievements, the evaluation indexes of pedestrian Level-of-Service which reflected mixed traffic characteristics of intersection were proposed from system view:pedestrian signal delay and pedestrian disturbing delay. The indicators not only reflected the pedestrian individual experience, but also considered the pedestrian’s more comprehensive feelings in mixed traffic system.(2) The evaluation indexes’calculation models of Level-of-Service were built based on qualitative and quantitative reasoning analysis. Through the qualitative analysis of quantitative model of evaluation indexes, qualitative causal structures of evaluation indexes were established. Sample data were processed by wavelet analysis, which were extracted from the traffic survey and simulation, so as to get quantitative space division of parameters and the qualitative value and qualitative extents of indexes. Then according to the statistical analysis, the semi-quantitative calculation models of evaluation indexes which reflected the qualitative relationship between the parameters and evaluation indexes were calculated.(3) The classification standard of the pedestrian service level was put forward. Based on the discretization theory of class-related continuous attributes, the qualitative intervals of pedestrian signal delay and disturbing delay were graded.(4) An actual assessment of typical signalized intersections’pedestrian LOS and semi-quantitative model in Beijing was taken. The results show that the method is more practical than HCM2000.The innovation points include:(1) The evaluation indexes of pedestrian service level were proposed from system view.(2) The evaluation indexes’semi-quantitative models were built based on qualitative reasoning and quantitative analysis. Relative to the quantitative method, this method reflected uncertain relationship between parameters more scientifically.
