

The Effect of Greenhouse Whitefly on Secondary Metabolism of Glabrous Cucumber

【作者】 王涛

【导师】 曹辰兴;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 蔬菜学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 温室白粉虱是危害黄瓜(Cucumis sativus L)的世界性害虫,随着现代设施农业的迅速发展,创造了更有利于温室白粉虱繁殖的条件,其危害在我国北方普遍存在,局部地区尤为严重。目前关于黄瓜抗白粉虱及其机理的研究尚属空白,无毛黄瓜为普通普通有毛黄瓜的突变体,田间栽培发现其有抗白粉虱特性。本文以少有的抗性材料无毛黄瓜为试材研究了温室白粉虱为害对无毛黄瓜和普通有毛黄瓜次生代谢产物及其相关代谢酶的影响,为探讨温室白粉虱取食后诱导的黄瓜抗虫性防御反应和抗虫机制研究提供依据。主要研究结果如下:1无毛黄瓜可抑制温室白粉虱的生育繁殖,较普通有毛黄瓜具有抗白粉虱的特性,对白粉虱抗性明显,为稀有的抗虫新材料。2.遭受温室白粉虱危害后,抗性材料无毛黄瓜无论幼苗期还是成株期均迅速提高次生代谢途径中的次生代谢关键酶活性,使次生代谢物质的合成、运输等相互协作以积极防御白粉虱的侵害。无毛黄瓜POD活性及增长量显著高于普通有毛黄瓜,PAL和PPO活性具有不同程度的升高,增长量均高于普通有毛黄瓜,且三种酶活性达到峰值的时间均提前于普通有毛黄瓜。由此可见PAL、PPO和POD活性变化与无毛黄瓜的抗白粉虱能力紧密相关,均可作为黄瓜抗温室白粉虱的生理指标。3.无毛黄瓜幼苗及成株遭受温室白粉虱侵害后,叶片内木质素、单宁、总酚和类黄酮含量均不同程度的增加。两类型黄瓜幼苗遭受温室白粉虱侵害后四种物质含量变化均为先升高后降低,成株则为双峰曲线,接种一天后四种物质含量均有所降低,但又迅速的升高,增长量均明显高于普通有毛黄瓜,四种物质含量再次升高是若虫出现和侵害的结果。由此可见,木质素、单宁、总酚和类黄酮含量变化与抗白粉虱能力密切相关。4.三种酶活性的增强有利于无毛黄瓜次生代谢产物的合成及对温室白粉虱的抗性表达,同时三种酶高活性在不同叶片中高效表达。POD在幼苗第一叶和成株下部叶片中活性最高,PAL、PPO在幼苗第三叶和成株上部叶片中活性最高,单宁、木质素含量在老叶中含量较高,总酚和类黄酮含量在新叶中含量较高。这表明了酶与酶、叶与叶间有互作关系,植株叶与叶之间有信号响应的传递与互作,这是植株自我保护的一种系统的复杂的响应机制。不同部位的叶片次生代谢的差异性与无毛黄瓜抗白粉虱能力有密切关系。5.温室白粉虱侵害叶片后,直接受害叶片与未受害叶片的PAL、PPO、POD活性和单宁、木质素、总酚和类黄酮含量变化基本一致,但不同部位的增长和减少量明显不同,这是植物整体抗性的表现,同时提供了科学取样的依据。

【Abstract】 Greenhouse whitefly(Trialeurodes vapotariorum) is a serious pest to cucumber in the world. With the rapid development of modern facility agriculture, more favorable conditions for reproduction of greenhouse whitefly was created, the damage appeared generally in northern China and was very seirous in some areas. There are rare researches on the resistance to whitefly and its resistance mechanism is unknown until now. The glabrous cucumber is a mutants of normal cucumber, it has the characteristic of ability of whitefly-resistance by field observation in field experiment. In this paper, with the rare mutant of cucumber, effects of secondary metabolites and related metabolic enzymes in glabrous cucumber and normal cucumber after greenhouse whitefly damaged was studied, the basis for the study on the defense response of cucumber after grennhouse whitefly fed and the insect-resistant mechanisms was provided. The main results were as follows:1 Glabrous cucumber could inhibit the growth of greenhouse whitefly, it had more strongly resistance to greenhouse whitefly reproduction than normal cucumber. Glabrous cucumber had the resistance to whitefly obviously and was the rare new materials for resistance to the insect.2 After greenhouse whitefly damage, the secondary metabolism enzyme activities and content of secondary metabolites in glabrous cucumber rapadly increased and transported, they actively cooperated to resist whitefly. The POD activity and its increment in glabrous cucumber were significantly higher than those of normal cucumber, PAL and PPO activity increased differently, but increments were higher than normal cucumber and the peaks of three types of enzyme activity in glabrous cucumber were ahead of normal cucumber. Thus the changes of PAL, PPO and POD activity in glabrous cucumber were closely related to ability of the anti-whitefly, and PAL, PPO and POD can be used as physiological indicators.3 The contents of lignin, tannins, total phenol and flavonoids in leaves of two types of cucumber increased to varying degrees,after greenhouse whitefly infestated. The contents of four substances in cucumber seedlings were increased firstly and then decreased, but they showed the bimodal curve in adult period, the contents of four substances decreased after inoculation for one day, then increased rapidly, the increments of glabrous cucumber were significantly higher than those of normal cucumber, the contents of four substances increased again, because nymph appeared and inoculated.Therefore, the changes of lignin, tannins, total phenol and flavonoids contents were closely associated with the resistance to whitefly. 4 The increases of three enzyme activity were in favor of the synthesis of secondary metabolites and the expression of resistance to greenhouse whitefly in glabrous cucumber, while the activities of three enzymes highly expressed in different leaves. POD activity in the first leaves of cucumber seedlings and in the down leaves of adult period was the highest, PAL、PPO activity in the third leaves of cucumber seedling and in up down leaves of adult period was the highest, content of tannin and lignin was higher in old leaves, content of total phenol and flavonoids was higher in the new leaves. It illustrated interaction relationships in the enzymes and the leaves. It also confirmed that plant leaves had signal response、transmission and interaction,which is a self-protection complex response system mechanism. The differences of secondary metabolites in glabrous cucumber leaves were a closely relationship with the resistance to whitefly.5 After greenhouse whitefly infestating the leaves, the changes of PAL, PPO, POD activity and the contents of tannin, lignin, total phenol and flavonoids in injured leaves and uninjured leaves were consistent, but the increments and the reductions in different leaves were significantly different. It was the performance of the overall resistance of the plant, which provided a scientific basis for sampling.
