

Effects of Exogenous Nitric Oxide on Seedlings of Malus Hupehensis Rehd. under Continuous Cropping

【作者】 高安妮

【导师】 毛志泉;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 果树学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究于2009年~2011年在山东农业大学园艺科学与工程学院果树根系实验室与作物生物学国家重点实验室进行,试验以苹果常用砧木—平邑甜茶幼苗为试材,盆栽条件下研究了外源NO对连作平邑甜茶幼苗生物量、根系构型、叶片保护酶活性、氧化损伤及土壤环境等指标的影响,主要结果如下:1.与连作土清水处理相比,SNP处理平邑甜茶幼苗株高、鲜重、叶绿素总量和叶面积均显著增加;不同浓度SNP处理对连作条件下平邑甜茶幼苗生长存在差异,其中SNP 200μmol·L-1处理株高、鲜重、叶绿素总量和叶面积均为最高,分别比清水处理增加了59.69%、74.25%、45.70%和116.58%;随SNP处理浓度的增加,株高、鲜重、叶绿素总量和叶面积均表现降低。2. SNP处理使平邑甜茶幼苗根系总体积显著大于清水处理;不同浓度SNP处理平邑甜茶幼苗根系平均直径、总体积、总表面积和根尖数不同,其中以SNP 200μmol·L-1处理根系平均直径、总体积、总表面积和根尖数皆为最高,随SNP处理浓度的增加,根系平均直径、总体积、总表面积和根尖数均表现降低,其中SNP 1000μmol·L-1浓度下根系总体积和总表面积分别比SNP 200μmol·L-1处理降低了59.1%和64.7%。3.各浓度的SNP处理与清水处理相比,连作土壤中细菌、真菌和放线菌数量差异不显著; SNP处理降低了植食性线虫密度和土壤pH,但不同浓度SNP处理植食性线虫密度和土壤pH有差异,随SNP处理浓度的增加,植食性线虫密度逐渐变小;不同浓度SNP处理相比较,焦性没食子酸、根皮素、对羟基苯甲酸、阿魏酸和咖啡酸含量存在一定差异,但酚酸总量差异不显著。4. SNP处理影响了平邑甜茶幼苗叶片SOD、POD、CAT和APX的活性,不同浓度SNP处理表明外源NO对平邑甜茶幼苗叶片SOD、POD、CAT和APX 4种酶活性的影响具有剂量效应,即低浓度提高酶活性,高浓度抑制酶活性。

【Abstract】 This study was performed in the fruit roots laboratory of college of horticultural science and engineering, shandong agricultural university and state key laboratory of crop biology from 2009 to 2011. In this study, a commonly apple rootstock M. hupehensis seedlings were used as materials. Effects of exogenous nitric oxide on the biomass, root architecture, activities of protective enzymes, oxidative damage and soil environment of seedlings of Malus hupehensis Rehd. under continuous cropping were investigated. The main results were as follows:1. Comparing with clear water treatment, the plant height, fresh weight, chlorophyll content and leaves area were significant increased in continuous cropping soil with. SNP treatment. The growth of seedlings had some differences in different concentrations of SNP under continuous cropping. At 200μmol·L-1 concentration, the plant height, fresh weight, chlorophyll content and leaves area were significantly increased, comparing with clear water treatment, increased 59.69%, 74.25%, 45.70% and 116.58% respectively; with the SNP concentration increasing, plant height, fresh weight, chlorophyll content and leaves area were decreased.2. Comparing with SNP treatment, the total root volume were significant decreased in continuous cropping soil with clear water. The average diameter, total root volume, total root surface and number of tips had some differences in different concentrations of SNP under continuous cropping. At 200μmol·L-1 concentration, the average diameter, total root volume, total root surface and number of tips were the highest, with the SNP concentration increasing, root average diameter, total volume, total root surface area and number of tips were significantly decreased. Comparing with SNP 200μmol·L-1 treatment, the total volume and total root surface area decreased 59.1% and 64.7% than SNP 1000μmol·L-1 treatment.3. Comparing with SNP treatments, the number of bacteria, fungi and actinomyces had not significantly differences, SNP treatment reduced the density of herbivorous nematodes and soil pH, but different concentrations of SNP treatment herbivorous nematode density and soil pH had some differences, with the SNP concentration increasing, the density of nematode herbivores became smaller. Gallic acid, phloretin, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, ferulic acid and caffeic acid had some differences during with different concentrations of SNP treatment, but total phenolic acids.had not significant differences.4. The activities of SOD, POD, CAT and APX were affected by different concentrations of SNP treatment. Different concentrations of SNP treatment showed that, exogenous NO had dose effect with SOD, POD, CAT and APX, That was low concentrations increased enzyme activity, but tall concentrations decreased enzyme activity.
