

Analysis on the Attention of Human Value in In-depth Reporting

【作者】 兰卉

【导师】 刘坚;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 新闻学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 深度报道既是纸质媒介维系自身生存的一条路径,也是在当今时代对抗大众传媒的过度“娱乐化”、“消费主义”的盛行、“后现代主义”发展而带来的“碎片化”、“解构化”等问题的有力武器,并以此实现对人的价值的关注。如今的大众传媒由于市场经济的导向等原因,使得媒体把赢得受众的关注放到新闻传播的重要位置,从而忽视了对人的价值的关注。一方面大众传媒忽视了人的主体地位,不重视从人的主体角度出发,而是把受众作为其赢得经济利益的手段;另一方面,消费主义等现象在大众传播领域的盛行,以及其所带来的对人的潜移默化的影响,对人的理性思维和价值观等方面的发展也产生不利影响,从而不利于人的社会价值和走我价值的实现。这些都表现为大众传媒对人的价值的疏离。深度报道与其他报道形式的不同,由于它对事件的信息具有较大的承载量,在一篇深度报道里面除了对于一个核心新闻事件进行报道意外,更主要的是对围绕这一新闻事件的其它相关的信息的介绍与分析,因此相对于其他报道形式而言,深度报道具有的信息整合功能;另外深度报道对与一新闻事件的解释分析除了可以为人们解疑释惑之外,还会通过对该事件的深入分析而产生一个独立于该新闻事件之外的意义,因此对意义的诉求也是深度报道区别于其它报道形式一个重要部分。关于深度报道的这些特点在文中都将得到详细的论述。而深度报道也是凭借其自身所具有的特点,使其与现如今大众传媒的对人的价值的疏离现象进行有力的抗衡。笔者只希望通过对深度报道对人的价值的关注的研究,而管窥我国媒介环境的发展,并为之后的研究提供力所能及的一点借鉴与参考。

【Abstract】 In-depth reporting is both a paper-based media, a path to maintain their own survival, but also against the mass media in the modern era over "entertainment" and "consumerism" popular "post-modernism" brought about the development of "fragmentation", "deconstruction "of such issues as a powerful weapon, and thus realize the value of human attention.Today’s mass media as the market-oriented economy and other reasons, making the media to win the audience’s attention to an important position into the news media, which ignored the concerns of human values. On the one hand the mass media ignored the dominant position of people do not attach importance to the subject from the perspective of people, but to win the audience as a means of economic interests; the other hand, consumerism, and so prevalent in the field of mass communication, and their Brings subtle influence on people, human values, rational thinking and development aspects of a negative impact, which is not conducive to people’s social value and the value of walking I realized. These are expressed as the value of the mass media on human alienation.Depth coverage and other reports forms of different, because it has a great information on the events in an article depth, load for a report in addition to reporting on core news events, and more importantly accident of news events around the other relevant information and analysis, so relative to other reports form, is depth reports have information integration function; In addition to a depth reports in the news for people except can explain analysis by besides, still can questions about the incidents produced a deep analysis on the news event independent outside of meaning the significance of the appeal, so different from other reports also depth report forms an important part. These characteristics about depth reports in this paper will be discussed in details. And also relies on its own depth reports, the characteristics of the mass media now to the person’s value from the rival phenomenon powerful.The article want only through in-depth reports to the value of research will have a successful experience——of others to go by.

【关键词】 大众传媒人的价值深度报道
【Key words】 Human valueIn-depth reportingThe mass media
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 09期
  • 【分类号】G212
  • 【下载频次】185