

A Research on Enhancing the Supervision of the Grain Brokers

【作者】 赵忠学

【导师】 张亲培;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 公共管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 粮食经纪人是指活跃在粮食流通领域,以从事粮食收购、运输、存储、加工和销售活动盈利或以从事粮食居间、代理、信息传递等中介服务活动赚取报酬的公民、法人和其它经纪组织。粮食经纪人是我国粮食流通体制改革的产物,目前已成为国家储备和企业商品粮源的主要提供者。他们的出现刺激了粮食生产和粮食流通,解决了农民卖粮难的问题,促进了粮食加工业的发展,起到了农民和企业之间的桥梁作用,同时也活跃了市场经济,使产区和销区界限不再明显。但是,追求利益的特性使不少粮食经纪人在从事粮食交易活动中存在违规操作的行为,随之而来的与国家争夺粮源、影响流通秩序和粮食安全等问题不可小视。如何加强粮食经纪人的组织、引导和监管已经成为各级政府确保粮食市场流通秩序和粮食安全的重要新课题。本文从公共政策层面出发,以公共管理者的角度对粮食经纪人相关问题进行研究,以期在国际粮食危机和国内粮食紧平衡的大背景下,为政府加强粮食经纪人监管提供对策和建议。本论文的结构如下:第一部分,界定粮食经纪人和粮食经纪人监管的概念;第二部分,对目前粮食经纪人群体的经营现状进行分析,针对存在的问题和负面影响阐述加强其监管的必要性;第三部分,运用调查法、观察法分析目前粮食经纪人监管的现状,归纳主要做法,查找存在的问题及原因;第四部分,根据前面的分析,提出加强粮食经纪人监管的对策和建议。

【Abstract】 It is already 7 years since 2004’s complete opening up in the grain marketing. During this period, China formed the new structure, which contains the multi-agent grain purchasing, the multi-channel grain circulation, more ingredient grain enterprises, more grain management forms and the new pattern of the grain circulation. With the process of the reform, the grain broker systems and the grain brokers emerged and they have become the new systems and the new subjects. The grain brokers promote the prosperities and the process of the grain marketing. The grain brokers make a great contribution to the peasant increased revenue and the enterprise increased benefit. However, the scale of the 100 million employees, the transactions of the half-market grain, and the weaknesses of the grain circulation bring some hidden troubles that are the policy of the country fulfillment and the macro-control and the security of the country grain. The status and the function of the grain brokers are gradually approved by society. The exposed problems are studied by the experts and emphasized by China. Up to now, it has been a new task in the grain circulation field. The authors of the paper think it is necessary to study this subject both under the background of that international food crisis and the domestic food security and from an angle of a pubic manager.According to both the situation of the local and the overseas and the analysis of the grain circulation body and the supervisory measures in the developed countries, the author think the grain broker policy is immature and lack of systematization, specialization and proper legislation. Despite the establishment of the grain broker associations they try to have the management in self-discipline. It is slow to move on and it doesn’t have a very good effect. Therefore, this paper starts with the specific definitions between the grain brokers and the grain broker supervision. The author introduces the development of the domestic and foreign grain brokers, the classification of the grain brokers, and the present situation of the Chinese grain brokers and the Chinese supervision. The author also search the problems, analyze the causes, and put forward China should emphasize both the grain broker associations and the supervision of the legislation. The government specification departments which should have their own responsibilities and make full use of the administration, the law and the economy need to do the supervision work well from the following five aspects: (1) Improve the relevant legislation and construct the legal supervision atmosphere of the grain brokers. (2) Set up the rules and improve the system and mechanism on criterion. (3) Strengthen the service and ensure the correct direction of the grain broker supervision. (4) Strengthen the policy support and promote the effective implementation of the grain broker supervision; (5) Explore new ways and generate new ideas to make the supervision in the principle of scientific and sustainable development.

【关键词】 粮食经纪人监管问题对策中国
【Key words】 Grain brokersupervisionproblemscountermeasuresChina
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 09期
  • 【分类号】F323.7
  • 【下载频次】84