

The Impact of Empowerment on the Job Satisfaction and the Perceived Customer Satisfaction

【作者】 徐喆

【导师】 张秋惠;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 企业管理, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 随着经济全球化进程的加速,服务企业之间的竞争愈演愈烈,顾客选择商品或服务的范围得到极大扩展。顾客在购买产品或接受服务时,更重视与一线员工服务接触过程中的体验和感受。基于服务利润链理论,要想获得顾客满意,就要提高外部服务质量;要想获得员工满意,就要提升内部服务质量,企业内部员工需要通过与外部顾客接触来完成一个完整的服务过程。顾客在光顾饭店时,首先与一线员工面对面接触,一线员工自发主动的行为以及对顾客需求的反应速度,决定了其与顾客现场互动与接触的质量的高低,并构成顾客感知服务质量的重要时刻,如何对饭店一线员工授权,以把握好这些服务的关键时刻,对管理者来说至关重要。现有文献大多是分别对员工满意度和顾客满意度进行研究与探讨,对于授权的概念的理解也存在差异。本文则将授权策略与员工满意度和感知顾客满意度整合到一起进行讨论与分析。在进行调查问卷的编写之前参考了国外比较成熟的测量量表。对于授权概念的测量采用的是Spreitier(1995,1996)及Arnold(2000)开发的量表,将其划分为心理授权、自决授权和关系授权三个维度共33个题项;对员工满意度的测量采用的是明尼苏达短式量表,将其划分为内部满意度和外部满意度两个维度共20个题项;对感知顾客满意度的测量,采用的是Cronin、Brady和Hult(2000)开发并由Fock,Kwong-yin Henry(2004)改编而成的3个题项量表。本研究的调查对象为饭店一线员工,因此选择长春市三家星级饭店,采用便利抽样的方式发放问卷300份,其中有效问卷288份,有效率为96%。对各量表的信度和效度检验结果表明本研究所采用的3个量表适宜进行后续的分析。本研究运用描述性统计分析、信度效度分析、相关分析和回归分析等实证分析的方法对所收集的样本进行检测,得到如下结论:心理授权与一线员工满意度成正相关关系,自决授权与一线员工满意度成正相关关系,关系授权与一线员工满意度成正相关关系;心理授权与一线员工感知顾客满意度成正相关关系,自决授权与一线员工感知顾客满意度成正相关关系,关系授权与一线员工感知顾客满意度成正相关关系。在实践中,运用授权策略不仅可以增加顾客满意度,而且也有利益提升内部员工满意度,是一举两得的好方法。首先可以实现企业、员工、顾客三赢的局面,使企业了解到每种授权策略对于内部顾客(即员工)和外部顾客的影响大小,平衡二者关系,实现两种满意感受的良性循环;其次,有利于稳定企业的经营环境,提高团队管理效率,通过促进内部环境和外部环境协调发展,赢得持续的竞争优势;第三,找出最合理的一线员工授权组合方式,适度授权,既提高员工工作的自主性,又保证了日常工作的有序进行,为服务企业管理者在人力资源管理方面提供相应的现实参考依据。

【Abstract】 With the acceleration of the process of economic globalization, the competition among enterprises is increasing, the scope of which customers choose products is greatly expanding. When customers buy products or receive services, they pay more attention to experience and perception in the process of service contact with the front-line employees in enterprises. Based on the Service profit chain. If you want to succeed in making consumers satisfying, you must to improve the external quality of service; If you want to succeed in making employee satisfying, you must to improve the internal quality of service. When customers come to enterprises, they will face-to-face contact with the front-line employees. Their behavior and response to the need of consumers determine the quality of Interaction and contact with the consumers at the scene, composition the critical moment of the service quality of customer aesthesia. How to give empowerment to the front-line employees and to let them grasp the moment of truth is critical to the management.The existing documents analyze and discuss employee’s satisfaction and customer’s satisfaction respectively, There are also obvious difference in the concepts of empowerment. We bring the empowerment, employee’s satisfaction and customer’s satisfaction together to analysis and discuss. Before writing the questionnaire, I refer to many scales in foreign countries. In order to measure the“Empowerment”,we use the scale which is developed by Spreitier(1995,1996)and Arnold(2000).33 items are broken down into 3 dimensions; In order to measure the“Employee’s satisfaction”, we use the scale of“Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire“. 20 items are broken down into two dimensions of“the external quality of service”and“the internal quality of service”; In order to measure“the perceived customer satisfaction”, we use the scale which is developed by Cronin、Brady and Hult(2000)and Fock,Kwong-yin Henry(2004)adapte the 3 items for the practical situation. We take front-line employees of hotels as examples, choosing three star-rated hotels in Changchun. 300 questionnaires were sent out by means of convenience sampling. And the valid questionnaires about 288 are taken back. The ratio of callback is 96% and 3 scales are agreed to analyze.In this study, we use positive analysis like statistical analysis, reliability analysis, factor analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis to test the samples we collect. The conclusions are obtained as follows: Psychological Empowerment, Discretion empowerment , Relational empowerment are positively associated with the job satisfaction of the front line employees and the perceived customer satisfaction.In practice, using empowerment can not only add up customer satisfaction, but also improve the job satisfaction of the front line employees. It can first realize to establish a“all—win”system including enterprise, employee and customer, which can help the enterprise to understand each kind of empowerments on which kind of degree to influence the internal customer ( employees ) and the external customer, balance the relation between them, bringing virtuous circle of two kinds of satisfaction; Second, it is beneficial to stabilizing business environment, improving management efficiency. By achieving balanced development among internal and external environment, create sustainable competitive advantages; Third, finding out the most suitable combination modes of empowerment, giving moderate empowerment. It is both raising working efficiency of the front line employees and making the daily work in order. The manager of the service industry can discover the reality basis for the Human Resource Management.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期
  • 【分类号】F272.92
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】576